Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bloody Mess

Today is one of the days I "work" from home with little kid.

I was finishing up an important email and heard rustling in the bathroom. He's not allowed in there.

I walked in to find him, and everything in that bathroom, COVERED in iodine.

It looked like a scene out of a horror film.

I'm not impressed with his ability to breach baby proofing devices. Not cute, not funny.


jenn said...

Holy crap, little kid! How do you even think this shit up??

Anonymous said...

you must start taking pictures of all of these wrong doings to share with us! they will be fun to show him later in life too!

how did lk make out without his paci for the day?

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, doesn't iodine stain!! ohhh booooyyy

LivingLifeBackwards said...

NO pics =0(

Kristen Howard Photography said...

I know you're mad at little kid but hey this is entertainment...we want pictures!!!!

Anonymous said...

pictures, please

Anonymous said...

hahahaha!!!! OMG 2 funny!! My 5 year old recently figured out how to breach saftey caps to. Lil shit.

Unknown said...

I am so far behind - I haven't gotten here in days. Sounds like you're having your fair share of issues, as well.

The nice thing about iodine is that it will, eventually, wear off of the kid. However, it isn't usually so kind to household stuff. I'm really sorry to hear about this - I know there's a cartian amount of genuine irritation behind the words "not funny, not cute". At the moment, I'm glad I'm not that kid.

TD said...

come on.... you know we need pictures!

clemsongirlandthecoach said...


Seriously? LK is t-r-io-u-b-l-e...and I so appreciate the laughs today.

I needed it. Today's post explains my day...

:) Glad you're kicking some work ass.


Melodie said...

I agree. Photos were definitely in order. Especially if he ever has a child of his own like this. You could make a scrapbook that is solely dedicated to all of the destruction lk has caused in his young life to save for him.

Bombchell said...

lol how horrible. gosh hope u took a pic. well u were prob too mortified & tired to do much.

ha ha ha ps: hilarious header & comment form

Jeni said...

You are braver then I, I wouldn't even attempt to work with either of my kids in the house!

Judy said...

Well, He got his does of iodine for the day! So funny, I just read an article today about transdermal iodine today:
Scroll down to the bottom to read about the iodine.
Also, where are the pictures???

Anonymous said...

i was also going to suggest the scrapbook. it really will be funny when he is older (assuming he grows out of it and doesn't end up in prison, in which case you might not want the character evidence)

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

At this point, we're going to start thinking that you're starting to MAKE THIS STUFF UP so you better start showing us the pictures!