Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How Much?!?

The kids in Big Kid's class are under the impression that the Tooth Fairy leaves you TEN DOLLARS.

TEN? DOLLARS?? Two kids have gotten ten dollars for their first three teeth...way to set the bar, other parents.

I get inflation and all, but I was thinking $3-$5. Maybe a note with a smiley.

Not ten dollars, I was most certainly not thinking ten dollars.


A Belle and her Beau said...

I will start yanking my own teeth out for 10 dollars!!!! :)

Kimmguru said...

He better be leaving you a whole mouthful for $10 bucks! Shoot, I've heard of $5 for a FIRST tooth but then it's back to the standard $1 for each consecutive tooth after that.

Melodie said...

I was planning on putting one shiny golden dollar under Sarah's pillow when she lost her first tooth. Then I found out my husband's stupid ex-wife had given their son $5 for his most recent tooth, and I couldn't be outdone. So when the time came, Sarah got five shiny golden dollars from the tooth fairy.
Of course, once Sarah realized how much $5 was, she was anxious to lose more teeth and get more money, so whenever she got a slightly loose tooth, she'd rip that sucker out. Sometimes, there was a LOT of blood from pulling it too early.

Melodie said...

Ooh, here's a thought. Have the tooth fairy leave him a note with his $5 telling him that his friends are all liars and/or their parents are just supplimenting what she leaves them, because she can't afford $10 per tooth in this economy.

Anonymous said...

I think I got quarters! 25 cents, seriously. For mollars I got $5!
Geezzz. How about he get's a book?

Ms. Skywalker said...

That's insane. I suppose the fairy would demand a fifteen minute break after three hours of work and overtime if the window wouldn't budge and she had to fly around to a different one.

Can this job be out-sourced? Maybe her distant cousin, the Gum Gnome? Not as pretty, reeks a bit of Pabst Blue Ribbon, but cheaper.

Anonymous said...

We did $5 the first tooth, then $1 for every tooth after that.

$10?!?! That's $240 for their mouths! (adult teeth not included of course)

This Mom said...

$5 for the first tooth. then my kids get what ever "the tooth fairy" has in his pocket as change for every other tooth. My kids love getting the handful of change. they get to count it and it is always a surprise how much they got. And it is never the same amount. We have a very random tooth fairy that comes to our house.

Tami said...

The tooth fairy gives $2 at our house. And thanks for the reminder, we lost a tooth this morning and I *almost* forgot........I said almost!

Anonymous said...

So funny you posted this. We just realized last week that our son has his first loose tooth. He will be 5 in a couple months. Yikes! So soon. I got to say that $10 is outrageous and I even think $3-$5 is too much. I don't know about your kid but mine has no concept of how much things cost so to him $1 is the same as $100. We'll be doing $1 per tooth.

Stephanie said...

Oh my! There was a special on the radio about this just a few days ago...apparently here in the lovely Atlanta area the average is $25.00 a tooth.

I believe that number is being run up by those bitches on Real Housewives of Atlanta and their kind. My parents gave me a damn quarter...and I was THRILLED.

Anonymous said...

A golden dollar.

Maddness of Me said...

give him an I.O.U for $10

KatBouska said...

I don't want to be one of those people who's all "when I was a kid I only got this, so now all kids should only get this"...

but when I was a kid I got a dollar and I think all kids should only get a dollar.

Anonymous said...

The Tooth Fairy brings our kids gold dollars. My girls think these things are so cool and actually don't try to spend them. Also, I've never been good about remembering to check under the pillow, so I make them leave their tooth in a glass of water by the kitchen sink.

Britt said...

I like the gold dollars idea -- also the big old silver dollars that clink nicely. Maybe in an old Crown Royale bag to start collecting the booty.

Another idea is a $2 bill.

Assorted unusual coins is probably what we'll do for my kiddo. But I still have three years to decide . . .

Hautemama said...

Yikes! We give 2 dollars for a front tooth, and 5 for a molar. I did actually forget one time, but luckily so did my daugther. I snuck it under her pillow when she was brushing her teeth. :)

She lost her first tooth at 5, which was funny because her brother is 2 1/2 years older than her, and was losing his first tooth around the same time.

hicktowndiva said...

No, no, no. The tooth fairy gives TWO dollars, not TEN. He is just a little confused.

Renee said...

Oh my - $10?! With 4 kids...that would cost me a small fortune! We give whatever we feel like giving - a pencil, $2.00, 2 quarters, a few puffy glittery stickers out of my Sticker Album from 6th grade....whatever we have on hand basically. :)

-The Renee

Lipstick said...

Ten dollars?!? That is absolutely insane. I got a quarter when I was little, I think $3-5 is ok, but I think $1 is perfectly acceptable given the state of the economy.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

My oldest got $5 for the first tooth and a dollar each tooth after.

Anonymous said...

So funny you say this. We gave my son $10 for his first ONLY because the "tooth fairy" didn't have change. lmfao!!!!! Get some ones quick!

Denim and Pearls said...

Da-yum. $10? I got a silver dollar for my first tooth, then a quarter for every other one!

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

That's ridiculous. I think that's a great idea of leaving a note that those kids are LIARS about the $10 and leave him a shitload of change, just to make him feel really rich and distract him while he's counting and adding up. Ten dollars, my ass!

Jennifer said...

Maybe you will get lucky and BK will fall in love with his teeth and hide them from the tooth fairy. Tootie has lost three teeth and she has them hidden because she would rather have her teeth than the tooth fairy's money.

We had planned on silver dollars, though. Special tooth fairy currency.

Solei said...

I will come straight out & confess (even though you might hate me, but if that happens then I'll just go buy your love =D , but wait, I'm broke 'cause I lost my job so i can't. Shit, oh well, i'll confess anyways)
I am one of those parents that pays $10 for a frieking tooth! And wouldn't you know, just my luck my Monkey just lost one today & I'm as broke as a mother effer, so I don't know how the tooth fairy will pay for THIS one!

Anyways, sorry the bar is set so high! Believe, I am really, truly sorry 'cause Lord know I don't want to pay that much for a tooth. But the blame for this definitely falls on my hubby. That's what I get for going to Vegas the same weekend the kids lost a tooth! Hubby was left to play toothfairy, which he SUCKED at 'cause he didn't have change and left them a $10... know we're stuck paying that much!!!

Yeah, I hate it too!

Beth Byers said...

Our Tooth Fairy brings 2 gold dollar coins for the first tooth and one gold coin for every one after that! My oldest loves them and the younger one can't wait to have wiggly teeth! We've "stocked up" and have 2 sets of 21 gold coins to dole out! No reason to not have change! :-)

Judy said...

Its a buck here in the sticks. That's what the old TF carries. The only way our TF would hand out $10 a tooth is if the boy was paying for his own braces in about 5 years...see? I have those to look forward to, also - this fairy can't be forking out buckage for measly baby teeth when we have the big guns to cover in metal in a bit!

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Damn I need to stay far away from Florida!

We were just talking about this at dance class tonight. Here the tooth fairy leaves $5 for the FIRST tooth ONLY! Any tooth after that gets .50! The only exception was when M lost a tooth that was actually 2 teeth fused together. She got $1 for that one (still .5o a tooth though).

Kira said...

Explain to him that they said "doll hairs" they each got ten DOLL HAIRS for their teeth.

Or maybe chocolate coins. Ten CHOCOLATE dollars. Yeah.

No way would I be shellin' out that kind of moolah!

pixie4bears said...

10 dollars is wayyy too much in my opinion. I always just got $1 (but in coins to make it seems like more) and on rare occasions a little note from the fairy.

Rebecca said...

$10? WOW! First tooth is always more, but it is $1-$2 after that. When they were younger it was $1 and a little toy.
It may $10 if you are rich like Paris Hilton!

Anonymous said...

That's crazy! I was thinking more like a $1.00, but then again I'm cheap. When my sister and I were little, sometimes we would just get a note that said "Thanks!" My Dad was cheap too!

Unknown said...

I told my kids I shot the Tooth Fairy 'cause I thought she was a burlar.

Anonymous said...

We did the old HALF DOLLARS for their first teeth!! Each tooth after is only ONE buck. Ten is way too much. Heck no.

For those people that don't have the money our secret is that the kids must be SOUND asleep by 8:00pm or the tooth fairy doesn't come. See our tooth fairy has a bit of a scatter brain and doesn't work after 8:30pm. My kids know that if its past then they have to wait until the next night (no they don't get upset about it either!) plus that gives me extra time to make sure the tooth fairy has the correct amount of money in her wallet.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I got one or two quarters for my teeth...And one time i got a whole dollar for loosing both my front teeth at the same time :) I do remember some of my friends got a little more, but they sure didn't get $10..That's insane.

I also left the toothfairy a note one time to find out her name with an "X" and a line for her to sign :) Her name was "Alowisha" and I have no idea how she spelled it :)

Maddness of Me said...

Anyone who gives their kid 10 bucks for a tooth has more money than brains.

Coins are more appropriate than paper money too (IMO).

Joy said...

It is funny you post this I too just had a post about this not to long ago because my tooth fairy left $5 for the first tooth which IMO was a bit much but s(he) thought that sounded fair, well now four teeth later and 2 in a little over a week the tooth fairy is rethinking it.

Maddness of Me said...

I've noticed that some people here think you leave money for every tooth in their mouth.

Uh, by the time those last teeth come out, they are pretty old (and it becomes ridiculous to think they believe in the tooth fairy).

For example, my daughter is 10 and she just lost a tooth. She is already upfront that she doesn't believe in the tooth fairy anymore so that game has ended :(

I think some kids are still losing teeth in their early teen's.

Renee said...

Me - So once your kids stop believing in Santa, they stop getting presents from Santa?! Bummer! We got presents from Santa LONG after we stopped believing in him. Same thing with the Tooth Fairy, it was fun to still get a little something under our pillow, even though we knew it was coming from mom and dad. I don't agree with your logic here, I must admit.

We don't give much for the lost teeth (and we don't always give $$ even), but we'll give a little something for every tooth, just for fun. Why not?

-The Renee

Wifer said...

Funny Story
My cousin was discussing the Tooth Fairy situation at work and her co-worker shared that the Tooth Fairy that comes to her house left her daughter 50.00. Apparently the Tooth Fairy did not get the money out before going into the completely dark bedroom.

Maddnessofme said...
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Maddness of Me said...

I don't think we equate the tooth fairy with Santa. All I know is that she made fun of us the last time we left her money from the tooth fairy, so we stopped.

Anonymous said...

last tooth was a stack of 10 dimes and he thought it was awesome

Anonymous said...

My son got $20 for his first tooth. It fell out in a traumatic incident, involving me brushing his teeth before school and accidentally knocking it out in an arc of blood and screaming. I gave him $10 out of guilt, and my DH, who thought I forgot, went in and gave him $10. So he got $20. We told him it was only for first teeth, and after that its a dollar. ROFL.

Sorry, it was accidental !!

Anonymous said...

We give $2.00 bills as they are not the usual thing you can get them at the bank

Melodie said...

Renee - That's the rule at my house. Only those children who believe in Santa gets gifts from Santa. I told my girls a very elaborate story to go along with this that also explains why some other children claim that Santa isn't real. I did such a good job with this story, that when I tried to tell my middle daughter that there really wasn't a Santa Claus last year, and that I'd been lying to her all along, she didn't believe me and thought I was lying about having lied in the first place! I don't know how I'll ever convince her.

Hair Girl said...

We did a combo that equalled $5 for the first tooth- $2 bill, gold dollar, 4 quarters, 5 dimes, 8 nickels and 10 pennies. After that we do either a $2 bill or a gold dollar. Its what ever we have or I can get at the bank that day.

~Gretchen~ said...

one of my friends does a dollar bill that she puts shimmery body glitter on so that it is the magic tooth fairy money.