is next Saturday.
I'm going to operate under the premise that Mr. Ashley has nothing planned because, well, he never has anything planned and we fight about it every year. I could be wrong, but it would be ONE HELL OF A FIGHT this year, so I won't take the risk.
Catfish will be in town, Em's mom is taking the night off and Girl Crush already said if I was doing anything she was inviting herself. So I have some options.
I could:
1. Go to a comedy club I've been wanting to go to but never get to. (meh)
2. Go to a nightclub I've been wanting to go to but never get to. (This could be fun but I'd want a VIP table and a new outfit, I'd have to watch Mr. Ashley like a hawk about being my designated driver, I suck at dancing, and I'd be going out late. God, I'm old)
3. Treat myself to a spa day and ignore everyone. (always fun)
4. Take the kids to the Miami Zoo, which is free that day (sounds hot and semi-sucky but I love leaving town)
5. I really want to go to Busch Gardens but this would definitely be hot and expensive and Mr. Ashley would not be excited (he will most likely be unexcited about any of the options listed, he's difficult to excite, good thing it's not his birthday)
6. Insist on dinner at one of my favorite restaurants (this is the bare minimum).
I don't know. What are your thoughts?
You should do 2, 3, and 6!! But get the spa day after the dancing!
I think you should celebrate for a week!
I say spa during the day and comedy club at night! Pampered and a good laugh - who wouldn't that for their bday?!
Go to the early show at the comedy club, then hit the nightclub afterwards. Most comedy clubs serve food too, so you get three of your options all in one!
Well, Mr. Ashley better get his ass in gear! The big 3-0 is like the biggest birthday of them all... It signifies the death of your youth and marks the beginning of growing old. You know, all that fun stuff... He better get out all the black balloons and Over the Hill decor he can find and celebrate that happy birthday with his lovely wife! You're getting OLD! Be happy!
Hope you caught my saracasm... Sarcasm coming from the fingers of a 35 year old, at that...
Dinner and comedy club!
It's our anniversary next Sat. too.
I'm pushing my hubby to take me to Bern's Steakhouse in Tampa....if you go to Busch Gardens we could meet there, send the men away and live in heaven in their dessert room ;)
I say Spa Day and Dinner!
All of the above!
('cept maybe Busch Gardens. Although I've never seen the appeal of roller coasters.)
Hope your birthday is great!
My bday is next Saturday too! I'll be 32 though. No fun! My girlfriends are taking me out Friday night then Sat the hubs is taking me to my favorite restaurant and to a movie.
Whatever you do, I'm SURE you'll have fun!! =)
I'm turning 30 this year too. I say quality YOU time is the bare minimum. Spa, dinner and a club sounds like a great day to me.
I always think spa days on birthdays are completly and utterly essential.
Combo day? spa + Miami zoo?
Spa. By yourself, all day long. No kids, no husband, just yourself.
Sounds amazing.
1. 2. 3. or 4. Because I can be part of all of them even 3. because we could go back to the Standard (and I don't HAVE to talk to you)! OOOOH you could combine 3. and 4. !!!
xo Catfish
Any of the mentioned sounds like a winner to me, but since it's your 30th, girl I say got for #2! Um, option 2, yeah- you know what I meant.
Can just you and Mr. Ashley go to Miami for the day without the kids? And do a spa in Miami? An over-nighter? A nice dinner with just you two?
Do it ALL!! You're only 30 once!
I say spa day AND dinner at your favorite restaurant. From there, you could maybe talk Mr. Ashley into the nightclub. It's your 30th! Don't settle for just one of the options...go for a lot of them!
girl, for your 30th I would make it a birthday weekend .. spend friday night with the girls and then have mr ashley take you to a special restaurant .. you are only thirty once, and its all down hill from there .. (speaking as someone who is almost, almost halfway down the hill!!!)
Well, whatever you do, I hope you have a wonderful day and get whatever you want! I cried my ass off on my 30th but that's a whole different story...
Oh I will be turning the big 3-0 in a few weeks also. I am also pretty positive hubs will have nothing planned.
I say relive the wedding weekend ya know the yacht, awesome spa, and that night club with the um bald hooha. I really would love to hear all about it.
I have no thoughts on this. I am supposed to be turning 30 in 3 weeks but I figure if I don't celebrate it doesn't happen right? 25 was super hard on me and I just can't wrap my head around the thought of not being in my twenties.... see I can't even say the "th" word?!
Spa day followed by dinner out.
Not to be THE bitch, but...DO NOT INVOLVE THE KIDS! It's not about them, it's about you and finding the former you (prior to hubby & kids sucking the life outta ya) and having FUN! I throw myself a party every year, I tell my husband where to be and who he needs to pay, OH, he knows better than to speak that day! Look HOT, drink ALOT, laugh your ASS off and dance, don't worry about how you look just shake your ass!
MY 30th was last weekend, and my girlfriends and I had a really nice, long relaxing dinner at the Melting Pot. It did not involve children and did involve alcohol!
We then went to a karaoke bar and partied the rest of the nigh until it closed. It was probably one of the most fun night we all had in awhile.
If you come up to Tampa, you will also have to email me. We have passes and go often!
Do NOT go to the zoo. I avoid places when they have free or discount admission days because they are always WAY overcrowded.
Come to Busch Gardens. I can meet you there and we'll have a blast.
For my 30th, Phil and my BFF arranged a surprise party for me. We had plans to go out to dinner, and while we were at dinner, my friends were decorating my place for the party. I was completely shocked, mostly that he was able to pull it off without me having the slightest clue!
I say DO IT ALL! Make it a birthday week or better yet a month!
If you are old at 30 then I should be picking out my plot and securing a casket by now....
Whatever you end up doing, enjoy it!
I'd go for the comedy club, those are always fun!
I planned my last birthday. It was great! I got tired of being disappointed by the man so just invited him to join me.
I'm with Melodie! Busch Gardens - we have a year long pass that expires in Dec and go at least every 6 weeks. We could finally meet!
I say treat yourself to the spa during the day. Have a nice dinner out with the family(or not), hit the comedy club and then find someplace to dance on the tables. You know you'll want to. And then it is ok to hate yourself the next day. You only turn 30 once:) Hope you have a great day!!
Spa, for sure. My husband gave me a spa day for my last birthday, (33! Woohoo!) and it was awesome. Even though I had to take a shower and wash my hair like five times to get all the oil from my massage out. It was heavenly, though, all day, people catering to ME!! You definitely deserve it. And to complete it, have a maid service whip your house into shape while you are gone. And go out to dinner, so someone else is doing the cooking.
I vote for a spa day (by yourself or with a friend), followed by dinner at your favorite restaurant (with Mr. Ashley) and a trip to the comedy club (with Mr. Ashley and all of your friends).
Happy early birthday!
I think we're married to the same Mr. Ashley a 5 foot 6, semi-balding philipino?? I think I may be on to something here...
Number two hands the spa day for your hangover.
Spa, ignoring and dinner. Sounds like an ideal day to me.
Do them all! Live it up!
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