Monday, September 15, 2008


I'm sitting in Big Kid's school parking lot working on my laptop. I just felt the need to share the joy that comes with a wireless air card.

Internetz anywherez, I lovez it!


Maddness of Me said...

I have a Sprint broadband card too, that work gave me. But mine is more like a tether to work.

ps: I love my new Kindle.

Anonymous said...

This is totally unrelated to this post, but I was looking for an article... and if I remember correctly, I found it through the Closet. It was a nurse telling her story about working at a hospital/abortion clinic where they left the babies in the closet to die. did I find that through here? I'm looking for it for a class I have and any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Fucking hilarious!

Unknown said...

Dore, you didn't read it here but of course I know what you're referring to and have read it. I consider myself the kinder, more lenient librarian of the internet.

You're searching for an article on partial birth abortion. Snopes may have it, but google is your friend. Try "Nurse letter, partial birth abortion" (in the time it took me to type that out I could've just done it for you...)

??? said...

I need to get one of those cards!!!

Melodie said...

My hubby has one for his work computer. I love being able to blog from anywhere when we are traveling. Or like more recently, from the local ER when Katie got into my mother's pills.

Joy said...

You suck! I am so jealous, do you know how much funner it would be to sit there for 30+ minutes in that damn car rider line if I could read my blogs.

Hubs has it on his B.B. pearl but it gives me a headache to read it so small.

Anonymous said...

ASHLEY! Did you know the Duggars are expecting number 18?!?!

I saw a commercial for it last night and the first thing I thought of was your Duggar post about the Vagina not being a Clown Car.

Off topic I know.

Anonymous said...

U R 2 cool for school. Ain't technology great (when it works)?