Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oh Lawd

The insult "You're a baby banana head" has just been issued with venom. little kid was pissed about it too. Apparently that stung.

I gave up on the time out, I could tell that was going to be a bigger fight than it was worth. Yeah, I know, I'm a bad mom. Add it to the list. I just screamed at everyone instead and it's working for now.

WAIT...BREAKING NEWS...little kid just walked out of his bedroom and handed Big Kid the flashlight (it's little kid's flashlight, for the record).

Of course now that I've made a big deal out of this peace offering and what a wonderful brother it makes him, Big Kid is now insistent on bestowing the flashlight back to little kid who isn't interested, and it's really pissing Big Kid off that little kid won't take it.


Heather said...

Well you just summed up my day completely! Except mine are fighting over a sword and not a flash light.

Maddness of Me said...

I guess for a boy, if you say your a huge banana head, then it turns into a compliment.

TentCamper said...

finding ones place is such a hard thing. I had 2 little bothers...it was a struggle. My boys do the same thing.

Mitch said...

I love kids insults. Too funny! And I understand the frustrations, all.too.well.

Jen said...

Story of my life. Aghhhhh! Drives me crazy. I'll try to remember tentcamper's perspective that they are positioning to find and learn their place. I'll grasp onto anything to keep my sanity in these moments of insanity.

merrick said...

you think boys are bad .. oh mama .. i have a fiesty 5 year old who should have been a boy .. and a "delicate" (not my word, by my mother's) 4 year old red head and let me tell ya, I feel like "let's get ready to rumble," is my mantra ..they dont call each other names, they just pinch and pull hair .. good times!

The Mrs. said...

I say when someone doesn't accept your generous gift you beat them in the head with it! LOL. Works for me!

Anonymous said...

LOl...how dare he not take the gesture of "give me a pat on the back too mom"...
