Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Renee

is in Houston and I'm going to be sick until I hear from her.

If anyone that knows her is reading this and hears from her, please let The Closet know.

edited to add: WHEW! The Renee is fine, no major damage, power went out but otherwise is A-OK. Thanks for letting us know, Marcelle!


Maddness of Me said...

Oh man. I lived in Houston for a year and there was a big hurricane. The storm itself wasn't even the bad part. It was not having electricity or water for 2 weeks that sucked.

I hope she high tailed it for some place more comfortable. Maybe she did and doesn't have a laptop.

I spent time in one of those shelters, ugh don't go there if you can afford it.

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard anything yet, but am guessing one of us will get a text if/when her phone works. You post something, too, if you hear first.

Anonymous said...

I've been worried about her all morning. I keep checking on the storm, and on her blog. I'll be watching your blog to see when she contacts someone. Please post when someone hears from her!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Got a text at 6am pacific time (hadn't checked phone until just now). She's fine, power went out at 1am & there's no major damage. Winds still high, though.


Joy said...

We have family that lives in Houston and they did not leave. I haven't heard anything either

Renee said...

Hey!! We're still without power, but we have our generator up and running, which means we can plug in a few things here and there. We even made coffee this morning, and last night I made a frozen pizza in the toaster oven. :) We can plug in our fridge too, which means we won't lose any food. That's a good thing. And we can cook on the stove since it's gas; we just have to light the burners with a match.

We rigged up a few extension cords to reach into the office so we could plug in the modem and computer and get some updates out to friends and family. Cell phones still aren't working well. They're saying some areas might be without power for up to 4 weeks, but I've also heard that some parts of our community already have power restored. Hopefully we'll be back up and running this week.

There are a ton of branches and pine cones all over the yard, but no major damage. We're in pretty good spirits. :)

I'll check in again later. We're going to shut down the computer now and plug in the TV for a while. :)

-The Renee

Deb said...

Glad to know you're okay, Renee!