Sunday, September 7, 2008

English to English

I treated myself to the movie Labyrinth because it was on sale at Target for $7.50 and I love that movie. I'm only into the first two minutes but it has subtitles.

A movie in English with English subtitles? Why??

So freaking annoying!!


Unknown said...

i am sure big kid would tell you... dat is for dose peoples who can't hear, mom.

love the movie here too, but it made my daughter afraid that tinkerbell would bite her.

Mitch said...

Its got something to do with the settings on the DVD/DVD Player/ or TV. That happens to me every once and awhile. I throw a fit, E comes in and says that I need to change the settings, I throw another fit because I can't figure out how to fix it. But it pisses me off every time!

Sorry, can't tell you how to fix it because, as usual, I can't remember how.

Anonymous said...

I promise I don't think you're stupid, but, can you turn them off?

Melodie said...

One of my all time favorite movies! I own a copy that I watch every now and then. So cool!

Donna. W said...

You'd go nuts watching TV at my house, then: My husband is hard of hearing, and we have captions turned on for all TV shows and any movies we watch on DVD.

Maddness of Me said...

I checked out Fluffy Windover today, she is due just about any day now :)

and she posted a picture of the almost due belly.

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Oh, man. I was thinking, "what is she-HIGH?!" because I was thinking Pan's Labyrinth which is in Spanish!

Unknown said...

LOL! No you can't turn them off and there wasn't another option on the main menu. Usually you have some sort of option. I just can't not read the words, it makes me nuts.

Pan's Labyrinth was...something else. You didn't even need subtitles really.

Unknown said...

ok, last comment on this one. sometimes it is my dvd PLAYER, not the actual dvd causign the subtitles. i have to go into the dvd player settings menu to kick them off. it does it with one of our veggietales too...

Jeni said...

I love that movie!

Anonymous said...

One of my all-time FAVORITE movies!! Rock on!!

merrick said...

Labryinth is one of my all time favorite movies .. It makes me smile to know that there are other "adults" out there who love it as well .. I also love the neverending story .. anyone?

wait .. did you get to watch it alone? if so, color me green

Emmy said...

Love that movie!!! Mine doesn't have subtitles though, that stinks!

Anonymous said...

I agree with checking your DVD player. Our veggietales turns on the captions too. I have to go into the dvd players menu (not the dvd) and turn it off.

Anonymous said...

Ashley, I have a slight hearing loss, so I have to use CC. Which on DVDs, is English Subtitles.

You should be able to turn it off under languages.

And BTW, Labyrinth is a GREAT movie.

Ami said...

I agree with others - check the dvd player's settings. One of my LK's Sesame Street dvd's used to do that. It drove me nuts!

~Emily~ said...

YES!!! A reason to go to Target. I love that movie!

Unknown said...

They have Annie for $7.50 this week too and it's the old school edition! I got it too!

~Gretchen~ said...

I had another thought. Maybe it was to translate from American to Canadian? Did you notice a lot of random U's in words?

Unknown said...

No extra "U"s and no "Eh?" so I don't think so. Good thought though. Maybe it was Australian? Or The Real English?