Thursday, January 8, 2009


I always thought that people who said even Diet soda could affect your diet were full of crap. That just didn't make sense to me, at all.

Now I'm working with an expert in this stuff for something I'm doing with my job and he says that acidic stuff (like diet soda) affects your body's pH level and ability to lose weight, and that you can even test your pH every day and try to bring it back into balance. Now I really want to find the pH tester thingies just because testing it daily would make me feel all official and sounds fun.

Here's the article about it, for anyone interested.


Anonymous said...

Ashley- I searched Amazon and they came up right away. $5.99!

Karlise said...

Does this apply to just soda or to all sugar substitutes? Hmm

Lyndsay said...

I work with a lady who is an expert on the PH stuff ... le tme know if you have any questions for her.

I've always been a nay-sayer on giving up my diet coke too. One thing i was told is that it keeps your body craving that artifical suger, which means you have that sugar craving. Dunno if it's true, but it makes sense!

Joanne said...

Ashley ...
You'll love this game....

How many times can you hit me!

Anonymous said...

I looked this up and came up with this. Dont know how valid it is.

Former Fat Chick said...

Do you think if I pee in the pool PH tester it will work? *bwa-hahahaha*

Maddness of Me said...

It's funny that you would post this today of all days. Today I decided not to have my Diet Vernors because I'm trying to figure out what the HELL is giving me stomach problems.

It's hard for me. I'm wondering if sparkling water counts (Pelegrino).

Sarahviz said... I sit here sipping on my third diet soda of the day...

Julie H said...

If I have to diet you gotta at least let me have my diet coke! Plus it balances out the big mac..

Multislacking Mama said...

I don't know, how can Diet Dr. Pepper be bad for me? I just don't see how such good things are so bad.

Anywho- can you check out my last blog post and tell me which ring you like? I want to make sure the one I pick is pretty enough so as you will put me on the cool list.


Allyson and Dave said...

Info like this makes me happy that I have never liked diet soda...because if I did I am sure I would be addicted.