I do appreciate that you've proven that we may as well just grow old gracefully. Apparently, if you fight it you may morph into The Joker (but worse because the Joker keeps his junk contained).
For the love of God, put some pants on and stop with the injections and implants and all of that. You have sons, woman, sons who shouldn't have to see "that".
No one should have to see that.
Agreed 1000%...it's just gross!
That post needs a warning sign... Seriously. PUKE. Not the image I wanted to start my day with... Now it's burned into my retinas. That's a whole lip hanging out there... PUKE, again. For the love of all that is holy, WHY can't you unsee things?!?!?
Oh my!!
Can you say painful???
OMG My eyes! Where do you find this stuff?
Ok Pammy, your MILF status has officially been revoked. And don't even think of knocking on the door of the Cougar Committee.
AGGGHHHH! My retinas!!!!! ewwwwwww
Gross! How many camels had to die for her to look like that?
ew, ew, ew! that is just so wrong.
Ummm EW. I am now officially disgusted. More so than I was with her before. YUCK!
Oh my....its so tight her that it makes me want to adjust MY underwear....
I actually do want to see that. My whole life I have felt there was something missing...what?? what's missing Kathy?? Well...I've always longed to see Pamela Anderson in a shimmerty silver leotard camel toeing her vagina.
Ms. Ashley you just made my day.
I thank you.
ps Do you think she'll EBAY that piece?? Stunning...
Ahhh! My favorite thing that you do Ashley. Snarky letters to celebrities. Love it!!
I agree. I have never been a fan of Pam's fashion trends, but she is getting worse with age. Ewww!!!
That's just so wrong.
You got it - a warning post. That is NAS-TAY!!! Cover it up, lady (wait, does that term apply here?)...
Kathy, if you do find that piece on EBAY, you must, I repeat, MUST, post a pic of yourself in it pronto. Sides yanked into your suzie and all... PRONTO, sister. Deal?
That is friggin' disgusting...
Okay, okay okay.
Before we all continue Pamela-bashing here, let's remind ourselves that she is 42. Forty-freaking-two.
Ashley, you've made several self-deprecating remarks about your weight, no? She doesn't look half-bad.
While I agree that she's a silicone-laden makeup-caked mess with her vag hanging out just a TAD too much, she's in damn good shape for her age.
Let's be honest - we're all probably jealous of Pam Anderson. Not in this picture, but of the idea of her - all big-breasted, blond-haired, tiny-waisted lifeguarding boyfriend and husband worshipping, Playboy posing 42 years of her. Even if blond hair isn't your thing, etc., etc., is it really necessary for 19 of us to take time out of our day to bash her for living her life?
Man oh man, women are catty.
AJ--her Vajayjay is eating her leotard. Her crotch is literally making her clothing disappear and she doesn't have the decency to even do a quick wedgie pick.
Plus, all of her plastic surgery is turning her into a creature. Her mouth no longer looks human. She was GORGEOUS, the picture of perfection. She's still looking (but clearly not acting) decent, but not her age. I bet she'd be prettier if she wasn't all Botox'd and silicone injected into an evil, plastic looking representation of her former self, and if she'd put some normal clothes on (this was a costume, but she's been seen in equally hideous attire out in public)
So, I'll take my size 6 self that wears pants and doesn't have Hep C and when I'm 42 I hope to God there are no pictures of me all over the world wide web that would mortify my poor kids...
I'm jealous of Angelina. AJ can keep Pammy and her twatwaffle if that's her idea of beauty. Blech!!
I do want to come back and clarify that I would've given both arms to be the Pam Anderson of ten years ago. With a face and body like that, you wouldn't even need arms.
But nowadays she really is a trainwreck, I think that's what makes her so interesting, that someone who had that much beauty can become unappealing through her lack of taste or class.
(and her taste in men...yuck)
Holy leotard eating vagina batman!!!!
Seriously, I'm not jealous. I don't want my lady-parts to eat my clothing, EVER!
She used to be pretty, then she met Tommy Lee and Kid Rock and apparently Michael Jackson.
Size 6? I don't think so.
I'm sure you're gorgeous and you look very healthy, but not a size 6.
I am so confused. And grossed out.
AJ, maybe there are a few here that might be a tad jealous (me thinks not...) I, personally, have always thought she was pretty dang Nasty. Even when she was the picture of perfection... I'm sorry, but skanky women do not make me jealous. But, I'm not the jealous type.
As to your question as to why 19 women would take time out of their day to comment on this... I ask you why would we NOT?!?!? That picture is PRICLESS in the nasty, blog fodder kind of way... I for one love some good banter about exposed suzie parts... You bet your sweet ass I'm going to comment on it!
I guarantee you if it had been someone elderly or of the highest class and grace, or someone hideously ugly, we'd all still be here commenting on the state of their pouty lips. BECAUSE IT'S FUNNY.
Anonymous, that was 13 months ago (and I was an 8, I have the J Crew receipt to prove it). Ever lost ten pounds in a year? I'd let you come check my closet, but you're probably crazy. But thanks.
I've met Ashley! She's a 6. Skinny bitch.
Hi Ash!
LMFAO at Anonymous's "evidence"...um..stalker much???
what a freaking psycho. besides, if I remember correctly, that was a flowy (is that a word?) dress, not a fitted one.
A missed brazilian appointment would have been really unfortunate, whew.
I don't think they even have a name for that sight...what's worse than camel toe??? Whatever it is, that's what Pam's sporting.
Ahahahahah ahahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha...someone actually went to the trouble to dig through your archives to prove to YOU that you're not the size you claim to be!?!
Who. Does. That?
I don't want to say TOO much here, because anony will probably head over to MY blog and find those naked bathtub photos and then announce to the world that I'm really a man, BUT! give me a break.
Ashley I can tell you're a six by reading your blog alone. I need no other proof.
And I like how she gets on here to lash out at women commenting on Pam's va-jay-jay and then she hypocritically jumps all over YOU.
Jealous much anony??
Dear AJ:
Am I the following:
Hatin'--->um, double hell to the naw!
Weary eyed thinking---> Yep, You betcha!
Why'o'whying---> Doing that, and thinking, "Why in the hell don't she sit herself down on somebody's sofa for 45 minutes and evaluate her childhood and cut that damn mess out!"
You can bash her all you want. It is not a shot her sons should see, but it made me happy. This looks great compared to the sight that greeted me when I put on my beautiful, soft, new hi-cut panties. She's 42 and I'm 58 you do the calculations. Pamela, I thank you for showing me I'm not alone. Now go put something on and I promise I won't show mine either.
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