Big Kid won his Yo Gabba Gabba costume contest!
About an hour after I had originally told him about the contest, and posted about it here, he ran up to me and said, "I'm dest panickin' about dat contest."
"...panicking? Did you just say you're panicking?" I asked, always disbelieving his level of oddness.
"Yes, I am panicking. My whole head is like, dest crackin' up or somefing. Don't laugh, I'm not jokin'."
"Well, we've done what we can, you just have to wait and see if you win."
"I'm terrified."
"Terrified?? You're terrified? You need a different word, terrified doesn't even make sense. Excited would work, I'm sure you're excited."
"No, not excited, it has to be something better than that. A better word than excited."
So, he was totally psyched to find out that he won and he's anxiously (terrifyingly?) awaiting the arrival of his Muno toy. Thank you to those that voted for him!
I'm so glad he won. It was an awsome costume and it got my vote. I love homemade costumes!
Wow! Congrats to you and Big Kid! You are a kick-ass mom! :) I voted for him.
-The Renee
What a funny kid--he must keep you laughing all the time
Not THAT Anonymous...
This is wonderful!!! I am proud to say I voted for Big Kid, several times. Great work Ashley.
go here and win this one too! i read that blog but i don't know the answers! saw them and thought of you and big kid. good luck! :)
Congratulations, Big Kid! Never doubt the power of The Closet!!
Congratulations BigKid and YAY you and your costuming ablities!!!
(Does he watch PinkyDinkyDoo and absorb her word-of-the-day to use endlessly too? Cracked me up to hear my 4yo fuss about the "cacaphony" his brothers were making...)
Awesome!! YAY Big Kid! I have been a comment slacker (sorry!) but this had me excited!! Will you get a pic of him with his toy when it comes? I voted, too!
He's too freakin' cute!
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