Saturday, January 17, 2009

This American Life

Someone on another site recently recommended "This American Life" radio show to me and I've listened to it almost every single day since.

I don't watch television during the day while I'm working because it is too big of a distraction, but I do get lonely in the quiet so I listen to their radio show online. It's interesting, documentary/non-fiction sort of stuff and I love the host's voice (Ira Glass). I also listen to it a lot as I'm falling asleep at night.

You can listen to it online for free. Start with the ones listed as their "favorites", a lot of those are my favorites too. I've already worked my way through that list and am working through the archives now.


Carrie said...

It's the greatest show on radio- I download it to my ipod every Monday. And, I just discovered that they now have a DVD out as well. We picked it up at the library today, just waiting for our son to go to bed so we can watch it!

Mary Beth said...

I love this show. I always download several to my iPod before going on a trip. It's a nice change from music when you are riding/driving/flying.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, episode #361 "Fear of Sleep" was good, mostly because of the first segment. DH has done some weird stuff in his sleep but nothing like that guy.