Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Don't forget that Housewives will be on tonight and Gretchen will be whoring it up.

We must watch.


Lauren said...

DVR set.

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

HAHAHAHA! I JUST wrote a post EXACTLY about this-and YOU! http://pieceococonutcake.blogspot.com/2009/01/how-i-know-im-not-crazy.html

Callie said...

It is set to DVR.. my husband refuses to watch it. I will try to avoid spoilers but I may not be able to resist!

Chicapicante said...

ah! i cant wait.

jenn said...

Say no more!

KatBouska said...

YES! I KNEW there was something I was forgetting to be excited about...I can't wait to watch her cheat on her poor sick husband!

Jeri is said...

Thank you for the reminder! I missed it last week. Something happened with Vicki, and I never found out what it was!


PaperCourt said...

I can't wait!

the mom said...

oh I'll be there.

~Gretchen~ said...

I wish I were whoring it up.

the mom said...

and boy did she ever whore it up!

Carrie said...

To be continued...

blech. I hate that.

After that mess it's not at all surprising that none of the women have blogged about the episode.

Anonymous said...

That was a train wreck but I could. not. stop. staring.
To be continued?! What the hell is that? I was going to watch next week anyways...that shit pisses me off.