You know how I have issues with libraries?
I've got a librarian freaking out on me today. It has nothing to do with me personally but I have to deal with her, and I'm thinking she pulled my library history before calling because she is TICKED. Her level of animosity doesn't sync up with the situation.
I wish I could upload her message somehow for you all. It is hysterical and terrifying all at once.
Wish me luck, I don't do well with confrontations or librarians.
There HAS to be a way to post it! Ask BK, he can probably figure it out...
I am a librarian-in-training and I think you are cool so at least you have one librarian (to be) in your corner. Give 'em hell, Ashley!
can you call my library, so that I can be super nice and pleasant and helpful to you, and then you can write a post called "library love" or "not all librarians are ashley-hating psychopaths"? I'll email you the number. :)
How bout a transcript of her tirade? There is not much I love more than a good tirade!
Oh come on, at least transcribe it for us!!
usually librarians are not the confrontational type so perhaps her angst is misguided...? I think you need to give us a little more info on what stirred up her sh*t.
transcript!!! pweeese!!! can you play it on speaker and record it as an MP3 file??
I thought I was the only one afraid of librarians. I have so many overdue fines in my maiden name I'm sure there is a warrant out for my arrest.
Did it turn out well?
You aren't the only one to have a run-in with the library! I was informed this week that I damaged a book that I returned over two months ago! And by informed, I mean I got a letter from a collection agency. It was lots of fun! I have pretty much been on the phone with the branch manager everyday trying to dispute this claim! Guess I won't be checking out anymore books anytime soon! Hope your situation goes better!
We need an update on this situation! How did it go?
Ashley, your librarian stories are the best! Please keep us posted.
And, FTR, I think that being cooped up and quiet all day gives them a tendency to go postal once in a while.
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