Sunday, June 21, 2009

Breaking News

Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper is really good.


jenn said...

Only if you like carbonated Robitussin...sorry, gonna have to disagree with you on this one. :)

~M~ said...

Diet Dr. Pepper rocks! I've been meaning to try the cherry flavor

smarti said...


Unknown said...

So does Wild Cherry diet pepsi!

-Preppy in VT

Tiffany said...

Diet Dr Pepper is my personal crack - not so crazy about the flavored kind but it's not too bad.

Maddness of Me said...

It sounds good, I'm going to have to try it :)

I drink alot of Diet Vernors. I don't know if they have that in your area, it used to be just a Detroit thing. Love it. Ginger Ale, but so much better.