Thursday, June 4, 2009


little kid still can't be trusted with markers:


p jane said...

oh! Hahahahahahhaha....yeah, some kids cannot be trusted w/markers, EVER. Youngest son is now four. Last weekend (before turning the camper into a clubhouse) he wandered into the kitchen and asked how I liked his face. He had very purposefully given himself a green handlebar moustache, green brows and purple glasses ALL the way into his buzzed blonde hairline. I simply said, "Nice! Let's take a picture for dad." Hell, I took him to the grocery store that way and by the time we got home he asked to wash it off.

I do hide the markers, but figure it's not hurting him and (hopefully) no one thinks I did that to him.

THANKS for sharing!

M said...

Oh I've been there and I get so irritated.

But, goodness he is a marker faced doll :)

Heather said...

i only get the washable kind...this type of behavior doesn't change as they get older. my youngest daughter finds her markers to be far superior to any of the "play" make up she has.

little kid is super cute huh?

LuLu said...

He is so stinkin' cute!!! Markers and all:)

Julie H said...


Mama Bee said...

He looks a little Joker from the Dark Knight to me...I'd watch that kid ;)

katie b said...

He is so freaking cute!

Anonymous said...

oh dear...

Rachel said...

I love his "model pose" in the 2nd picture.

The Girl said...

LK is awesome.

caitlin said...

my first thought was totally "why so serious"

too funny

Former Fat Chick said...


Life, Love And Lola said...

Oh Boy! Time to pour yourself a glass of drugs!

the mom said...

but he's so darn cute.

cw2smom said...

He's a cutie! LOVE the curls!! I think he's secure in his manhood, since he can wear color! LOL! Lisa

minivan gal said...

OMG that is hilarious! I swear your little one and mine must be channeling one another, as my 5 yr old just a few weeks ago got a hold of my lipstick and tried drawing eyebrows on himself....check out his self portrait on my blog under the post "Dude, Where's my Eyebrows".

BTW, I was just able to get the last remnants of marker off one of our end tables after like 7 years of our kids drawing on it!

The Harmon's said...

Has he been watching the Dark Knight? Ha Ha


Julie said...

Oh reminds me of my son. Years ago he took a marker and wrote "ASS" all over the neighbor's house. It was the first word that he learned how to spell and he was so proud of himself. Surprisingly the elderly neighbors were fine with it. We made him scrub it all off.
Ah, the good times of parenting.

Anonymous said...

I totally thought the Joker too! So adorable!

Joy said...


Lucky he is too cute

Anonymous said...

Oh my...I hope it isn't permanent...are you ready for school to start back up yet??? :)

Anonymous said...

My first thought was also The Joker! Love him!

Renee said...

Holy cow, he is cute. Could he be any more blonde? Could those cheeks be any chubbier? Could those eyes twinkle any more? Could he be any more sneaky? Lol. Naughty, naughty baby. Give him a hug for me. :)

-The Renee

Shannon said...

and he looks prouder than hell!

Desiree said...

The scary thing is, I think the marker just makes him cuter.

mizryan16 said...

Ah, so many ladies have already said what I thought immediately- "why so serious!" LOL he is just too cute though!

Multislacking Mama said...

He is double precious.

because I said so said...

but how cute is that face???