little kid and I are in a massive battle about bananas.
Whenever we get bananas, he wants to eat them all the first day. No one else wants him to do this. He just brought me banana #3 and I told him no way.
Two time outs and 40 minutes of hysterical crying later, I wish I had just given him the freaking banana. Now I can't let him have it just on principle and I hid the remaining bananas, futher infuriating him. I tried to negotiate that he could have a banana with lunch just so we could move on, but I think he plans on crying right up until lunch.
I banish him to his room and he inchworms out, crying and screaming about bananas all the way.
This is just insane.
I'm banana crazy too so I know how he feels. When I was little my mom used to hide them from me because I'd eat them all within hours. They're soooo good! I still cant get enough of them :)
I hate it when you say no about something that isn't necessarily a big thing, but then you have a battle royale on your hands and you can't back down on principle. Happens to me more than I'd like to admit.
A few months ago, I told my daughter that she couldn't go outside after her nap if she didn't go to sleep. Well, of course, she didn't. And I was then stuck in the house for the first gorgeous day here in Minnesota. Lesson learned: don't threaten something that punishes you too!
This is so funny because my son is the EXACT same way! We bought a huge bunch of bananas last night and we have 1 left and that is only because I refused to let him eat one else ever gets to eat bananas here and if they do they have to hide and eat crazy is that. So yes I definitely feel your pain!
Bananas are that way at our house too. All gone in the first day. Same with grapes.
My little Bud likes Bananas too. If he sees them on the counter he starts pitching a fit for one, "uh-uh-uh-uh" louder and louder and louder. But then you give it to him and he smashes it all up between his fingers and smears it on his clothes.
Just a thought, frozen bananas take much longer to eat......
Ms Vicki
Maybe you should tell him he will turn into a monkey if he keeps eating so many bananas, maybe that will slow him down.
My little girl is the same way. I have to limit her to 1/2 a banana a day, or else she'd have serious lack-of-poop issues!
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