Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer Kick Off

This morning I noticed that Big Kid was silently weeping over breakfast, so I suggested that he quickly make his teacher a card.

He chose purple construction paper (her favorite) and worked intently. When he was done he had drawn a Stop sign growing like a flower on the outside, and on the inside he wrote "I will never forget you and all the days with you. Love your friend, Big Kid."

It made me so 'motional that I had to leave the room. She will definitely cry when she gets it.

I'm getting my work done in preparation for the Summer of Fun 2009 Kick Off Party. little kid and I are going to the store to get balloons and stuff to make cupcakes.

Right now little kid is lying in front of the television naked with a frozen waffle covering up his junk. What's even grosser is that he'll eat that waffle, with no hesitation.


Anonymous said...

"Right now little kid is lying in front of the television naked with a frozen waffle covering up his junk."


Life, Love And Lola said...

LMAO about the waffle...Fuckin hilarious!

Awwwwww!! BK is the sweetest

LuLu said...

BBAAAHHHHAAAAHHHHAAAA!!! Can't stop laughing at the frozen waffle:) Hope Big Kid's last day isn't too 'motional for him!!

Anonymous said...

lmfao! You and your children make my day.

I agree, BK's teacher is definitely going to need a tissue. I hope every end of the school year won't be so difficult for him.

katie b said...

My eyes were watering after reading about Big Kid's card to his teacher, and now they are fully flowing after reading about the waffle because I'm laughing so hard! You seriously are going to have to write about book and call it "Adventures with Little Kid!"

Jennifer said...

This was the best post ever, tears, some action, and a really good laugh. Awesome.

Julie H said...

Happy Summer Vacation lol. I'm counting down the days until they go back to school already!

M said...

Oh he SOOOO needs to come hang out at my house, LOL.

ZZ is in the same naked grossness stage. His little chubby hands never leave his crotch. Just about any object he finds makes it's way down there too.

leni said...

that is so sweet!

Melodie said...

I recently had to pull Katie's panties up for her after she had gone potty because she just couldn't do it herself with one hand and she refused to let go of the frozen waffle that she was eating in her other hand. Which is more gross? Eating off his junk or eating while on the toilet?

Bren said...

My hubby isn't sure what's funnier - the fact that the waffle is covering his "junk" or the fact that you called it "his junk".

Sullivans said...

ROFL!!!!!!!! That last paragraph might be the funniest thing I have ever read.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh.....Reading along, I too was teary being a mommy and a former kindergarten teacher and then I got to little kid. I got so tickled, I started choking! That child is a hoot!

You need to write a book!


I can't quit laughing about lk and the waffle. You crack my shit up!