I wonder what would happen if I called Child Protective Services on myself? I think little kid is in danger.
He poured clear nail polish in the bath tub yesterday, applied lipstick to his cheeks, and pooped on the floor in his room and this morning (before 8:00 a.m.) he poured a box of cereal onto the kitchen floor and tore up a game of Bunco.
Time outs don't mean shit to him. He got a spanking (yeah, call the cops--please) after the clear nail polish incident and he thought that was funny too. I watch him like a hawk, but the second I have to go to the bathroom or turn my back, he is immediately into stuff.
I understand why mothers eat their young. I'm surprised more two year olds don't get eaten.
That's one heck of a way to start the day. Watch, your little monkey will turn around and do something sweet and you'll remember why you love him so much.
LMAO! My 3.5yo DD is the same way. I turn my back for a second and she's into something. Most recently she poured a box of cereal out and crunched it up into her carpet. Oh and she stuffed a bunch of tiny balls of toilet paper up her nose [dh had to pluck those out with fishing pliers since they were driving in the middle of nowhere]. Damn kids.
The Girl is the same way. She actually likes the corner and puts herself there. She HATES having time out in her bedroom so I put her in her bed, shut the door, and set the timer for 2 minutes.
You're on your own with little kid...But I'll take Murphy.
Dr. Phil would say you need to "find his currency" but I'm not really sure what that means.
Good luck.
been there done that, I used to to use the bathroom with the youngest in it, because he couldnt not be left unsupervised for a single minute,as I said before the ADHD is off the charts with my youngest. He never took a nap after 10 months, EVER.
I'm right there with ya .....
I have a 2 year old too and some days we both are lucky to make it through ...
Get a big-ass roll of duct tape and whenever you have to leave the room, tape his hands behind his back and his legs together.
Or buy a sleeping bag that's just his size, put him in it, zip it up, and lay him in the hallway where you can see him from the bathroom.
Good luck with all that :)
no ideas for you, just sympathy. I've been lucky with my first 3 in that they haven't done anything too terrible, but might be pressing my luck by having a 4th. I guess we'll see!
My youngest was like that. The only that worked was a paint stir stick. I didn't hit him hard with it but it made a popping noise that scared him. It was either that or duct tape him and throw him in a closet ; ). Seriously that kid would make me cry on some days until I found the stir stick. I never hit him hard enough to hurt but it sure did scare the shit out of him. I eventually would put to where he could see it and told him it was in easy reach. With active noncompliant kids you have to find other ways. I swore I would never spank my kids, the little one broke me. He's gotten better over time.
This reminds me of why I'm not a parent...I have no patience and would snap on a dime.
Wow, sounds like you have been babysitting my son! I am writing my own blog post on Landon, he's about to be 3, and his incident with my clear nail polish! Spankings and time outs are laughable to him and do nothing! UGH, boys!
My second son is exactly like LK! He doesn't care about time outs, spankings, or any other kind of punishment. I feel your pain!
Hey.. do you guys have a Nintendo Wii? You should try it out... LK might really dig it. And I know you and BK would have a blast!
Ashley, have faith. It will get better. MY daughter will be 5 this October and we have had many bouts with behavior just like Little Kid's.
Time outs did not seem to have an effect. Sometimes I would spank her, but I'm not even so sure that worked.
We have been soooo persistent with her when we wanted to give up. Somehow, recently, she has improved a lot. I think she might finally "get it".
Just stick to letting him know that you will not tolerate it. Believe me, there have been days when I thought there may be something wrong with her emotionally.
Of course, she is still a little daredevil and doesn't take crap from anyone, which we love about her.
Good luck. I've been there and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
My fouth kids was like that. Spankings are the ONLY thing that work. I don't do it often but it does stop the really BAD behavior.
Ohhhhhhhhhh my gosh. Thank GOD you have a blog to put this stuff on because that has to be the only saving grace to a day like this.
Do you have any duck tape? or handcuffs?
I'm sure you would get a potty trip in without being scared that he may burn the house down next!:)
I have a 19-month-old, and he also gets into everything. He's eaten almost an entire tube of Desitin this week, along with a tube of vaseline (kid is well-lubricated fo' sho')! He also takes it upon himself to empty every bag and basket in the house, and open up the cupboard with boxes of tea and stack them neatly on the floor for the dogs to devour.
You made me snort tea out my nose again. Ouch!
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