Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Big Kid Rides the Bus

Big Kid will be riding the bus home from school today.

I just had it with the car rider line, I couldn't do that any more. The bus drops him off near our home at about the same time I get him home after waiting in the parking lot for an hour. He'll be on the bus for 20 minutes, I have told his teacher not to lose him and to please tell the bus driver not to lose him.

I have drilled him on his bus number and the stop. I even turned around this morning halfway to school to physically show it to him, although he knows where the corner near our house is. I woke up at 3:30 a.m. with my brain screaming, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!? This is a child who can't put his own underwear on the right way." God love him, I think he's a genius, but when it comes to street smarts he has N-O-N-E.

The teacher puts him on the bus, the bus driver gets him off of the bus, and I will meet him at the stop, but it still seems like there's a lot of potential for something to go wrong.


Anonymous said...

It may take some time, but I think he will be okay. There is definately a lot of socializing on the bus too.

Nikky said...

I rode the bus my entire school "career" and liked it a lot. Minus the year my stop was half a mile away, but that was 6th grade laziness.

When I was little, my grandma charged the year-older kids down the street with walking me to the stop. I did miss the bus once, freaked out and walked home, but just make sure he knows he can call you if he's late for the bus.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck!! Mine meets my sister from his shuttle bus at the upper elementary and forgot to get off on the first day. I was freaking my shit. He rode around for an hour dropping off country kids before he was delivered to me at 4:45.

Unknown said...

At some point it will become routine and He will be just fine. You, however, may be a different story.

TJ said...

I just put my 1st grader on the afternoon bus for the first time on Monday, for the same reasons. I have a PreK kid who I have to pick up midday. Three hours in a car just for drop-off/pick-up is crazy for me!

Despite all my worries, she made it home fine and loves her new bus friends.

Doodles said...

I absolutely love your child... I so completely love his thought process. My daughters do the same thing. With almost the same speech, we started speech thearapy in Kindergarden she loved it and is doing much better but she has some ways to go but she just started 1st grade yesterday. You rock!! FYI just incase you didn't know

Teresa said...

*waiting anxiously to see what Big Kid thinks of the bus...*

Jennifer said...

I think he will be awesome. I bet he surprises you.

Julie H said...

He'll do fine! Just think of all the stories he's going to have to tell you!

The Driftwood Collector said...

My baby girl, the big kindergartener, is riding the bus this year and loves it. She wakes up excited about the bus, and along with recess and lunch is one of the highlights of her day. She got the routine down fairly quickly. I'm sure Big Kid will be an expert in no time. And as my father is quick to point out, we do pay taxes for those buses, so it's good to take advantage of them.