Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh Please

I just read that some parents are mad that Obama is giving a speech about the importance of education and doing well in school. (Read here)

If you're concerned about your child seeing such a thing--you're an asshole. Period.

Where on Earth is the harm in someone encouraging kids to see the value of their education? If you'll let your political leanings get in the way of your kids hearing a motivational, non-political message from our President in Chief, then I fear for the type of people you're raising.

I personally believe George W. is a war criminal and quite possibly the worst president in the history of our country, but wouldn't have dared protest something like this while he was in office. Hell, I took my kids to stand and wave at him as he drove through our city (and I behaved the entire time).

If something like this is even a blip on your parenting problems radar, I think you're doing something wrong. Also, please quit comparing Obama to Hitler. Doing so only proves that you are significantly undereducated and lack any true understanding of even basic history.

If you don't want to like him, that's fine. Just don't look like such an idiot while exercising that right.


Anonymous said...

I agree!! I didn't have the choice to opt my kids out of Nancy Reagan's Dare program and that's far more intrusive than a speech!!

because I said so said...

amen and hallelujah!

Lindsey said...

Teaching our children to have disrespect for the President is a dangerous thing. No matter what your political views might be... as a parent you should be responsible enough to raise your children to love and respect their country, and the person voted into the primary leadership position in our country. I couldn't agree with you all more.

Lin said...

I completely agree with you!

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

You know it was cancelled, right?

Bren said...

I want to know why it was unpatriotic to say anything bad about old George W. but it's ok to compare Obama to one of the most evil men in history?? My goodness - it's the President!!! He's talking about EDUCATION! Why would you boycott that? Are you against educating your child? Give me a break!

Unknown said...

The speech wasn't canceled, it looks like the suggested lesson plan ideas were. Apparently, it is now unacceptable and unpatriotic to ask your children what they can do to make their country a better place.

That will make for a stronger and smarter future.

KatiePerk said...

WORD! I am so glad to hear a parent say this. I am not a parent but I share your views on this.

Allyson and Dave said...

I am not an Obama fan at all but I would never let that show to my children. Even though I cannot stand the man or the way he does things he is our president and I respect him and think it is important for children to do the same. Teaching your children to disrespect the president will not result in anything good.

p jane said...

Thank you for posting this. MIL was on a rant this morning about it "...indoctrinating Hitler youth..."--I shrugged her off by saying it sounded like a state of the union address for kids and HER SON and I would talk about it with the kids. (If she brings it up again, tho', it'll be a smackdown, not a shruggingoff.)

I didn't vote for Pres Obama but think he's making great strides in a tough job. My sons know we didn't vote for our current president but he IS the president and we support him in his job leading our country.

Unknown said...

Not liking the people in charge is often a fact of life. You've got to do the best you can to get along with that fact and hold out hope that they'll do the best they can too.

It seems unthinkably unpatriotic to act like our elected leader is unfit to encourage students to try to do their best. Weird and very small minded in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Don't agree with his politics but wouldn't have a problem with my children watching this. However, playing devils advocate here...I could maybe see how a parent would feel that they should have a right to choose whether or not their children are shown a message like this. All of the language written about it clearly states "mainly" inspirational so there is no certainty what will be said by the president. I'm sure the majority of you would have had some interjections if Bush was speaking to all of your children and you weren't 100% certain what the message was going to be. Just a thought.

Unknown said...

I can say without a doubt I wouldn't have had a second thought if Bush was addressing school students while President. What dramatic thing could he/would he possibly say or do when addressing the nation's schools? At most, I'd roll my eyes, never would I imagine some sinister brain-washing scheme.

Also, I don't have a choice in a lot of things that happen at public school. There are a lot of motivational/PSA type programs and no one asks you if you're all right with your child hearing that they should stay in school.

On a semi-related note, many of those freaking out about the president speaking in schools would love to have prayer in schools and completely fail to see why some parents think that is inappropriate. The often hypocritical, lines-crossed messages that comes from some conservatives are a total mystery to me.

Valerie said...

Word sister! There is nothing more annoying than parents who have nohing better to do than protest ridiculous shit like this. They act like he is going to be up there talking about abortion or something.

Jennifer said...

"If you're concerned about your child seeing such a thing--you're an asshole. Period."

Thank you. Amen.

Melanie said...

It is idiots like this who give conservatives and republicans a bad name, and force upon good people the titles of 'racist,' 'biggot,' 'idiot,' 'uneducated,' 'close-minded,' etc. I firmly believe that as the highest elected official, our president should always be treated with respect and the highest of decency regardless of my personal feelings about his positions. Teaching our children that it is okay to disrespect the highest official in our country teaches them that virtually no one deserves respect. I realize respect is earned and not "awarded;" however, as an elected official, that respect has been earned. In summation, these people are poo-poo heads and do not represent their party very well.

Elizabeth & Chad said...

I love your last paragraph the most...

I think it should run as a banner under all the recent Town Hall meeting coverage.

Rachel said...

Bravo and Amen! Morons...need something to bitch about.

Maggie said...

Amen, sister.

Anonymous said...

I don't have kids, I don't even really want kids, but it's people like you that make me reconsider. I'm glad your boys have someone like you to raise them, this country needs more of that.
THANK YOU for not being afraid to speak up and saying what needs to be said.

Anonymous said...

I am a conservative person for the most part, but also pretty open-minded (as impossible as that may sound) However, I teach kindergarten and I hate it when parents press their political views (of any kind) on their kids. Young kids absolutely DO NOT need to be concerned with that stuff!

I have had kids (FIVE YEAR OLDS!) get in arguments at snack time over their parents' views that have been fed into them. Election time last year was the WORST. One of the parents told their kid that if Obama was elected, babies would die. (Because abortion is clearly an issue that kindergartners should be concerned with, right?) So, you know, when that kid came to school and spread that nugget to friends, all hell broke loose.

Bottom line, not matter what you think, he is our president. You are welcome to disagree with him, but don't bring your kids into that and make them fearful. They'll have the rest of their lives to deal with politics.

Mommy Wishdom said...

Perfectly worded! Thank you!

Unknown said...

I remember someone on bbc during the election mentioning that they had explained to their 4 year old that Obama was a very bad man and McCain was a good man and that's why she was voting for him.

I asked what she planned to do if Obama won and her impressionable 4-year-old now believed that a very bad man was responsible for the welfare of our country for the next 4 years? And if she thought that might be scary for a little kid and/or damaging to their view of politics and democracy in general?

She did agree that she probably should have explained it differently and hadn't thought ahead, and as parents we've all done that at some point, but you've got to think about what messages you're sending to these little people who need to have some basic belief in the way things are done.

Unknown said...

Hey Ashley---

I agree with your post, especially about the fact that most likley these are the same people wanting to shove prayer in school down everyone's throats.
Let the man speak about the importance of getting an education, what the hell could be wrong with that?!

Cara said...

OMG, you just said everything I want to say but don't have the balls to say.

Aimee said...

OMG!!! THANK YOU for writing this!!! And I love every comment. It's nice to see that there ARE people out there who don't necessarily like Pres Obama, but yet they support him as our President.

Frankly, I'd be disappointed if our president DIDN'T address the school aged children. Why is it so outrageous for him to give a motivational speech?

Geez, people are so annoying! LOL.

Caren said...

I think I love you a little bit more each day.

Jess said...

I dislike Obama. But, I don't have a problem with this. Mainly because I can watch it, too. If anything is said that is alarming, I will talk to my kids about it. (I would do that no matter who the president is, and I'm not expecting anything alarming.) I am more concerned (although, still not very concerned) about what my child would hear from a teacher or peer than this. I can't hear everything he hears during the day. I think it is funny that people are up in arms about what the president *might* say, that they will KNOW he said vs what someone else *might* say, and they will never have any clue what was said. Yes, I know, we are talking about the Pres here, but, to a kindergartner, a teacher or peer is much more influential in their life.

If you aren't comfortable with your child hearing things you disagree with, maybe you should rethink your child being in school.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying what I have been thinking and stewing about since this news broke. He is the President - and heaven forbid that he would want to help the kids start out the school year on the right foot. And you are right about the Bush thing as well - you would have been called all kind of names, not the least of which is un-American, if you had dared criticize that decision. What are these parents afraid of? That he has some sort of subversive message - or that he is going to bring them over to the "dark side" - much like the same reason they don't want the dreaded homosexuals teaching their kids!

Anonymous said...

Ashley -
Totally love your blog and it is required reading every morning! I agree with your statements 100%!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, good for you! Preach it sister! I am so sick and tired of this fear mongering. Do these people not realize they've "drunk the Kool Aid of stupidity?"

Anonymous said...

I totally agree Ashley. Thank you for your insights. It is unfortunate that people are letting their own personal political views blind them into acting like they are on a witch hunt over a motivational civics speech. I do not agree with Obama's style of politics but, I do have respect for him and his position. He is still our president and we have to teach kids to respect everyone's views.

meredith said...

Our schools here are not showing the speech. They have chosen instead to post it on their website where the parents can watch it with their child if they wish to do so. I think the whole stink about this is ridiculous. Do you know the things that your children learn from their peers in our public schools? And yet we have a problem with letting the man that as a country we have trusted to run things talk to our children? WTF?

Anonymous said...

Well color me an asshole then.

All I want is to see the text before the speech. Unlike the kids in Utah who were shown what could have been an inspirational video on helping mankind, but controversial subjects creeped in and finally with Hollywood stars "pledging to be of service to Obama". I'm sorry, be he is of service to the PEOPLE. I pledge service to no one but God.

IF I knew ALL he was going to say was "stay in school, get an education, etc" I'd have no problem. However, why can't it be shown in the evening with parental guidance (and/or support)? I would clearly support good messages. Ironically he is speaking on the importance of education during a time when our kids should be learning.

Unknown said...

It's ridiculous, anonymous. Do you ask for written text of everything your child's teacher goes over each day? When motivational assemblies are being held, do you demand a play by play of everything being said? When it's time for DARE, will they be allowing you to choose what lessons they teach your child?

Even if you don't agree with his policies, you must admit he is well-spoken and reasonably intelligent--is he going to throw out decades of hard work for a 10 minute chance to brainwash our kids right under our noses? What's the worst that could happen--your child may come to admire someone you don't? Oh the horror of possibly raising a free-thinker!

And yeah, he's doing it during school because his message is about the importance of doing well in school--it's relevant. The parents who were willing to keep their kids out of school so as not to hear a message about the importance of staying in school--HELLO IGNORANCE! Kids do plenty of non-educational bullshit in public school. Being addressed by our elected leader in a positive manner is far less of a waste of time than much of what happens during the day.

And the "you only serve God" thing--how Christian! Jesus was all about that "Screw everyone else, help thyself and only thyself" message. Since when is it socially acceptable to act like supporting one's country (regardless of who was elected to be in charge) is a crime? What if our troops decide they only serve God?

It's so unamerican it makes me sick. We're learning that democracy doesn't work--being the loudest and craziest group does. If you want to control everything your child hears during the day--homeschool them. Public schooling is probably too scarily close to socialism for you anyway.

meredith said...

oh good grief anonymous do you not read your bible? im pretty sure serving others is serving God. at least that's what my bible teaches!! and the way i see it by pledging to serve a man who serves "the people" you also are serving the people!!

ugghh!! some people are exhausting!! not you ashley!! your my favorite!! :)

p jane said...

Do you ask for written text of everything your child's teacher goes over each day?

Exactly! We have to give our kids the tools to be independant thinkers and open those communication lines early so they CAN ask our opinions without fearing the answers. Of course, we also have to be capable of rational discussion ;)
When the boys came home last year saying their music teacher (public school) was so proud of "this historic event" of the first black man running for president and spoke to her class how important it was, we didn't freak out. We didn't rant about how irrelevant it was to music or how wrong the teacher was. We did have a private giggle about how sad Rev Jackson would be if he knew had been so quickly forgotten and filled in some facts. We also said it would be highly inappropriate to say, "You're WRONG!" if it came up again. They could say nothing, or politely ask her thoughts on Rev Jackon's campaign.

Good grief, I'm far from a perfect parent but I'll be damned if I'm going to raise bigoted, entitled a-holes.

Anonymous said...

ITA Ashley! What a crock of shit! If my kids school shows this, he will watch it. I think it’s great that out President is taking the time to encourage our young people and get them fired up about education.

Anonymous said...

What's ridiculous? The White House agreed the wording in the lesson plan was definitely controversial, so they changed it. Many schools in my area and across the country are not showing the speech.

I don't agree with his policies. I do agree he is a good speaker. However his ratings are slipping fast and there are reasons for that. My child may definitely (and most likely will) admire someone I do not. That will be their choice. I teach them to respect the President of the United States as well as any other authority.

I will not be keeping them home from school. I believe attendance is extremely important and their multiple "perfect attendance awards" reflect that.

And the "you only serve God" thing--how Christian! Jesus was all about that "Screw everyone else, help thyself and only thyself" message.
I'm afraid you lost me here? its hard to read tone online. how Christian? is that sarcastic? (i'm being serious and not sarcastic). Jesus wasn't about "screw everyone else". giving, helping, sharing....not screwing.

Since when is it socially acceptable to act like supporting one's country (regardless of who was elected to be in charge) is a crime? What if our troops decide they only serve God? Where did I say that?!?! Or even imply it?!?! I meant I serve no one man, only God. I can still support my country, my President, our troops and my fellow man. Our troops pledege to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, so help me God" - they do not serve ONE man. (from my husband - 6 years US Navy).

What is so unamerican it makes you sick? I don't want to control everything my child hears during the day. Homeschool? No way - there's 4 of them. I'm pushing for weekend school.


Kenny and Chrissy said...

I had a conversation about this with a lady yesterday who was ranting and raving about the children listening to the President's speech. I basically told her all the reasons I felt that it was totally appropriate. Her response?

"Well, I just don't agree. And it has nothing to do with the fact that he is a black man."

Interesting. His race hadn't come up at all until that moment.

Anonymous said...

Off Topic: Did we miss the Buzzard Queen this year or have I just been a bad blog follower and I missed her?

Unknown said...

The white house "agreed" to change the lesson plan because they are constantly making concessions to pacify the loud, crazy crowd. The whole thing (which was put together by the Dept. of Education) boiled down to encouraging critical thinking in a "what part can you play in protecting your generation's future" sort of context? It's one in a million examples of them giving a little and never getting any credit for doing so.

I honestly feel if Obama turned around tomorrow and did everything that side wanted him to do--they'd still hate him. It's bizarre to me. I held out hope for Bushie boy for 8 long, miserable, murderous years and not even 8 months into it churches are literally praying for Obama's death.

And to me, saying you refuse to allow your children to hear a positive message from our president because you only serve God sounds very unchristian to me. President Obama isn't asking you to serve Barack H. Obama. It's not like he's going to gain our support and force us all to build him personal palaces out of beetle wings or go to war with Hawaii so he can put his latest mansion there.

Agreeing that we're all (as citizens) in this mess together and our babies are going to grow up to inherit it and need to know that they can make a difference in the world shouldn't impact our spirituality. Supporting him (or at least not trying to destroy every effort he even attempts to make) does not equal worshipping him. You have enough faith in what you believe in to know that.

You may not agree with his policies but he just might have a good message regardless. What he's accomplished (whether you're happy about it or not) in becoming president is a motivational tale in itself. Do good, stay in school, work hard and anyone really can be what they want to be when they grow up.

If your kids hearing his small speech (which you could discuss with them later, I'm going to guess your kids are fairly intelligent and won't be warped easily) causes EVEN ONE kid to end up being a doctor instead of a drug dealer--isn't that worth it?

Risk vs. reward is what it all should come down to. What's the risk? What's the very worst, irreversible thing that could happen here?

What's the reward? Kids believing they can make a difference, young people thinking critically about their future, even the benefit of communication between parents that don't agree with the message (???) and their kids that heard it. I seriously don't see the harm. At all.

We have SUCH BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN THIS. We will solve none of them if we're busy fighting over such petty bullshit.

I do appreciate you offering your side of it though, anonymous, even if I don't understand it. I'm fired up about this issue in general and not at you (just want to make that clear).

Unknown said...

Holy crap that was a novel. LOL. Told you I've been fired up about it. ;-)

Unknown said...

LOL, I haven't seen the Buzzard Queen since last time but I do need to make a visit. A nice day of warm beer, bad food, good music and awesome people watching is just what I need. I'll have to put that on the to-do list--I'd love to see little kid's reaction. She's probably his type of woman.

Unknown said...

On CNN, the gov. from Minnesota says that it promotes Obama's socialist ideology. Isn't it sad that Republicans take every opportunity to split hairs. I see it as a speech like many others have said, a prez who is reaching out to kids (not an OLD MAN) but someone who maybe they may be able to relate to a little bit better. He's a new face, someone who seems to want change not just keep talking the same old shit. I'm not sure what sort of plans people think Obama will have, maybe like the Coke subliminal messages: Eat Democrat, Drink Democrat....Democrats are the way to go, be socialist, be a bleeding heart.
Like you said, Ashley, if it makes one kid think twice and become a doctor or better yet, just makes kids think about the academic decisions they make, I think it'll be worth it.
Than again, maybe they'll prop their eyes open and force them to watch the speech over and over again.

H said...

Ashley, I agree. Support the kids and education, even if you support nothing else. You're damn right about that.


jennyandcompany said...

Coming from a pretty conservative Republican who did not want Obama to win - our education system sucks. I'm all for anybody taking steps to improve it.

And while I did not support him as a candidate, I will not cross the line of bashing our president. I will take any appropriate opportunities to voice my opinion on his policies when they are up for discussion, but there are a lot of things that either just aren't a big deal or you can't do anything about anyway. President giving a speech aimed at kids - not a big deal. If it inspires mine to do a little better in school, fabulous.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Remember when the Dixie Chicks said they were ashamed President Bush was from Texas? And half the country, including W himself went on a rampage about them being unAmerican? Pot meet kettle! Except Obama isn't saying he is ashamed of ignorant fools being American. He's saying its cool to stay in school. Very controversial!

AnastasiaBeaverhousen said...

I was so excited about the speech because around here, it is the kids first day of school - how cool is that??? The PRESIDENT talking to them on the first day - what a great way to make them feel so special and important that even the PRESIDENT would take time to talk to them!!!

But our principal doesn't have the balls to deal with any kind of perceived controversy, so my 2nd grader will not have the special moment of having the PRESIDENT speak to her on her first day. Good job by the crazies and wingnuts making sure that kids don't hear any kind of stay in school, do your part for your country message - because we all know how DANGEROUS that kind of talk can be!

Assclowns. I am so pissed - fired off a couple of emails to the school (as we know I am apt to do :) but haven't received any decent responses. We WILL be watching the message that night as a family but I wish people weren't so narrow minded and she could watch the speech in class and realize that school must be pretty damn important if the President is talking to them!

Unknown said...

Anastasia, our superintendent of schools decided the speech wasn't educational enough...mind you, they have 2 recesses and 1 snack a day, a daily morning news program, and they do say the Pledge of Allegiance which is similarly uneducational if we're going to think along those lines.

Therefore, the superintendent and his minions will all get emails on Monday summarizing my opinion on the situation with a reminder that the loud and crazy may be annoying to deal with, but the quiet ones will certainly remember this at local election time and we've shown our strength in numbers before.

I'm very angry that the conservatives continue to get their way by bullying everyone around them. They need to STFU, give people their turn, and straighten things back out the next election time if they so desire. It makes me very sad that our kids are no longer allowed to think about how they could help improve their country.

We'll be DVRing it to watch later that night AND I'm going to have Big Kid do the suggested homework, which we will mail to the White House.

Anonymous said...

As a Republican I have no problem with the speech and I feel it is a pretty cool for kids to have the president speaking directly to them. As your other commentors stated I feel the big hoopla began with the cirriculum he wanted to distribute to the students regarding his speech. Again I read it all and did not find it to be a big deal. I feel most of the outrage is because this has come out on the heels of the healthcare issue which has many americans (including myself) fired up. I was a little concerned but I got online a did a little reading and decided it was not a big deal. Just FYI though there was the same outrage when Bush Senior did the same thing as Obama is doing today. The leader of the Department of Education who at that time was a Democrat felt it was absurd for the President to do such a thing. So see neither party is ever satisfied.

Jason in Texas

Heidi said...

Dayum Straight, Ashley!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley, I really like you, I think you are hilarious and you truly make me laugh... but on this subject I think you got it wrong... if Obama's speech was harmless then WHY was questions like "When are you going to fix healthcare?" or something like that asked?? Seriously the speech had POLITICAL undertones. My problem with him giving the speech is simply this... why not do it in the evening or on the weekend so that the family could sit down together and watch and we as PARENTS decide whether our children see it. My right as a mother is to decide what my children watch/see/hear. I UNDERSTAND that is not always possible BUT in this circumstance, as a FATHER Obama should have considered the rights of the PARENTS of the children he was speaking to. I am sorry you dont agree with me and I am far from being an idiot!!! Oh and me exercising my right as a parent does not mean I teach my children to disrespect the President! I can disagree and still be respectful. Thats my take! I am only annoymous because I dont have time to sign up for an account. I check your blog frequently....... I would be open and honored to talk to you about this. Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Not much to discuss because we completely disagree. I've tried really hard to see the other position and can't--more so after the speech.

I watched it and saw no mention of healthcare, I saw a normal looking guy kids could relate to saying that he was raised without a father, wanting things, bummed that life wasn't perfect and that it was hard to stay on track but he did and it was worth it and they can too.

He also said that every single one of them is good at something and their job as students is to determine what they are good at so they can get into the correct careers and help change the future. What an amazing message to send. Maybe most of us wouldn't be in jobs we hate (love mine, but that was sheer luck) had someone important taken the time to point out this seemingly obvious fact to us as students. Absolutely positive, mind-blowingly motivational message from someone who worked to get where he is right now.

Big Kid felt honored that someone so important would take the time to address kids. I think every president should do it every year.

Arlington, TX refused to show the speech but they're BUSSING kids to a stadium on a school day to watch Bush speak...positively, hypocritically, small-minded ridiculousness. It's an embarrassment.

Not every kid (especially in some inner city or lower income circumstances) has a television or frankly, even a parent that cares if they stay in school or not to make them watch it. This message would be far more beneficial for them, than not hearing it was for your kids.

Anonymous said...

Ok,... we do not completely disagree.. I agree that bussing children/allowing children to see ANY SPEAKER without the permission of a parent is wrong.. thats my point.. not who was speaking or about what... but that my right as a parent was violated... this isnt a Republican/Democrate issue for me... this a thats my child and I make decisions for him/her issue.. and no one other than God can take that right from me because I am a good mom(meaning if I was a bad mom, CPS could-lol). Thats my point. I never said my child did or did not see the speech.. what I said was it should be my decision. Where I live they cant talk to my child about sex and personal hygiene with out my signature, I just expect the same respect for my rights on any important issue like this. Does that clarify my position for you?

There was a question and answer portion.. where one child, in my opinion was scripted to ask about healthcare. That was my reference.

I highly appreciated most of the words our President spoke. I am not an Obama fan.. But highly respect the man for what he does for me and the country that I love.

Again Ashley I do like and respect you alot. I just wanted you to hear that we are NOT all idiots for thinking differently than you. That is what America is about... FREEDOM!! Im just trying holding on to mine!

Nikky said...

Totally passive-aggressive and non-related question here:

America is built on "freedom"... how's the whole "gay marriage" thing going in your area, anony?


Unknown said...

Nikky, that's what kills me. The long list of stances that seem hypocritical--You better have that baby and raise it but don't you dare need one dollar of help to do so. Every life is valuable unless we're at war or you've been convicted. Prayer and creationism should be taught in schools, but the president has no business there. We have the right to bear arms and will choose to do so where you exercise your right to protest peacefully. If you're not honored to be born in the same state as our president, you're unpatriotic--a disgrace, everyone boycott! But don't expect our elected representatives to sit quietly while the president speaks...

I know a lot of smart Republicans, I'm just wondering where they hell they are. I would be mortified to have the nut jobs in the media right now representing me. The Republicans need a hero in a major way--anyone that could step up and garner some control and respect while distancing themselves from the insanity.

Even Laura Bush has spoken out saying bipartisanship is out of control and Obama isn't a socialist, and she was crazy enough to marry George!

Unknown said...

So Anonymous, if the school was having an assembly where the principal was going to speak on the importance of staying in school--would you demand a text copy of what he would say and an option to have your child miss it?

Or not, because you trust him?

I'm going to guess (and I'm sure you'll say otherwise) that it wouldn't even be a blip on your radar if it wasn't Obama.

Anonymous said...

Lets start with Nikky... read your Bible dear.. it states clearly "a woman should not lay with a woman and a man should not lay with a man" Not exactly sure why you brought this up anyway, completely off subject but jump in and get your moment in the spotlight any way you can there dear!

Now on to Ashley, you know I cant help but notice that I have repeatedly stated that I like and respect you but you have done nothing but attempt to disrespect and ridicule me and my position. What does that really say about you as a person? Anyway to answer you, I chose the school I send my son to based on interviews that I conducted with the Principal and teachers, I did not do as many do and send my child to the neighborhood school because it was the convenient choice. I drive my child to the school he attends because that is the best choice for him. So yes based on my research and multiple meetings with the Principal I trust him. BUT I DO ASK MY CHILD DAILY how his day went, what he learned and if he told me there was an assembly, I would MOST assuredly ask what was said. I did NOT choose the current President and I do not fully trust him. I do respect him and am open to his words.. I will listen and make MY own decision not have it shoved down my throat!!! It saddens me that you are OKAY with your Parental rights being violated. You seem very angry and not as open of a person as I originally thought. Seems like if we dont agree with you we should not be allowed a voice.. oops last I check this was still America and "Freedom of speech" was still a right!! Good thing for you since you make your living on that right.

I feel like I need to say one more thing! It truly has lil to do with the current President being Obama .. If the current President was anyone in the world, I would expect my Parental rights to be respected and you should too.. You are just on a soapbox and if you waiver just a lil you are scared no one will listen any more.

I gotta a question.. If a stranger walked up and whispered something into your child's ear and walked away. Would you be okay with that? If when later questioned that stranger said "Oh I was just trying to inspire him to be as great as he can be" would that be a sufficient answer? Would you be okay with that?? Of course you wouldn't!

Unknown said...

Did you just seriously compare our president doing a televised 10 speech to public school students to a stranger creeping up behind them and whispering into their ear? Seriously???????

Wow. Just wow.

You're right. You're the open minded one and I'm not. We should all be such great parents.

Unknown said...

Also anonymous, you'd do well to remember that when our president is sworn into office, he puts a hand on the Bible and vows to uphold the constitution. He doesn't put his hand on the constitution and vow to uphold the Bible. We all don't have to abide by your religious choices, believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

I find it amusing when I make a point you completely avoid it in your response. You are so rude and disrespectful. Thats right if our President that you seem to admire so much can acknowledge the bible is an important part of our lives and place his hand on it to be sworn in, one would think you would take the time to acknowledge it as well... you are good at twisting peoples words around.. and terrible at apologizing for your disrespect!!! Talking to you has been a complete waste of my time and has only accomplished completely changing my opinion of you!! Hope you are so pleased with yourself!

Unknown said...

The Bible can have an important part in your life without restricting important parts of the lives of others.

As far as your point goes, I don't get it. Either you're unable to explain it adequately or I'm unable to comprehend it, because it seems like baseless fear-mongering to me. I'm not avoiding addressing your point, I'm just not sure what part you think I've missed.

I'm actually okay with having changed your opinion of me--I have a feeling we don't have a whole lot in common regardless. I'm still totally blown away by your "stranger creeping up to whisper at your child" analogy--seriously, totally blown away there. Any foothold you had on explaining your position was totally lost when you came up with that one. It completely highlights the true opinion and fear you have of him, and I think that's really weird. Really, really weird.

Sorry you wasted so much time on this, good luck on other endeavours.

Anonymous said...

Again you twist my words.... how can you use quotations sooooooo incorrectly... using quotations indicates you are quoting me.. YOU ARE NOT...

The Bible is NOT a buffet table, you can not pick and choose the parts you take or leave, doing so makes a person a hyprocrite.

Did you somehow miss the part where I said it didnt matter the person or subject... how in the world do you get that I fear the President out of that?? How about the part where I said I respect him and am open to his words? He has been in his position LESS than a year, WE as a COUNTRY are just getting to know him.. he is still a stranger as was EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT at this same point... Seriously.. are you getting it yet.. or are you just that hard headed?

Unknown said...

You win, anonymous! You are right, I am wrong. I guess I'm hard headed, or maybe just not as smart as you. Thank the dear Lord you protected your sweet innocent snowflakes from the stranger and abomination who calls himself President. Yay you!

Aimee said...


My favorite part is that anonymous is too afraid to identify themselves. It's easy to spout off when you have the clock of anonymous on.

Anonymous said...

oh yea you are so much better than me because you show your ignorance by making fun of people instead of meeting them with an attempt to understand.... Grow up a lil!!

Unknown said...

LOL. MMMMmmmkay then. This was boring 5 comments ago, so I won't bother to point out the irony of you calling someone ignorant for refusing to hear someone's message...

(a message I've basically discussed with you all freaking day long, you just don't want to hear that I don't like, agree with or understand your viewpoint.)

Nikky said...

I was a choir dork, I love the spot light!

You don't find it a little silly to be spouting 'freedom of speech', yet you're apparently NOT okay with 'freedom of religion'? Cause using the Bible to defend a political decision is ridiculous.

"The Bible is NOT a buffet table, you can not pick and choose the parts you take or leave, doing so makes a person a hyprocrite. [sic]"

Honestly? I am a Christian, and here's the deal: the Bible spends MORE TIME discussing the proper way to negotiate the purchase of a slave than it does condemning homosexuality. Also, have you eaten shellfish lately? Those are bad, too. Friends with anyone that's divorced and remarried? Everyone, literally just about every Christian I have ever met, 'picks and chooses' to some extent. I'm not sure why so many think that G-d would rather they choose hatred and repression over acceptance and caring.

As for the President... I really don't see the fuss. I can't even wrap my mind around what the issue is here, other than bitterness. It's sickening. If it had been anyone else, ANYONE else, this wouldn't have been a problem, anyone who denies that is full of it. I can't even count the guest speakers and televised speeches that I had to watch all through school. Without parental permission. No one said a word. This includes the two previous elections that we covered in probably 4 of my 6 classes over those weeks.

I wonder if your neighbors know how you must look down on them for shepherding their children off to the "convenient" school, instead of loving them enough to truck them to the "good" one.

But, I'm intelligent enough to realize that this is essentially talking to a brick, so I'll just stop spamming the comments, Ashley :)