I was going to do a whole long rant about how Michelle Duggar is clearly mentally ill for being pregnant with her 19th child (she's like a crazier version of a crazy cat lady) when it suddenly hit me--this woman is a freaking genius.
She has her own little workforce. She's got those kids trained--they take care of each other, cook, clean, work. Yeah, it took some initial investment, she has a lot of management duties, and her uterus must look like a wet paper bag at this point, but she probably doesn't have to do much other than play with the new baby and boss everyone else around. Sure it sucks to be pregnant but you do get a lot of attention, it's exciting, and it's a great excuse to nap and indulge mood swings.
She will have to come up with another J name and that's no easy task. I bet they began regretting that dumb move about halfway through. Their daughter Jinger probably wishes they had just broken tradition and spelled her name correctly.
Again, my theory of more kids = less work (see Octomom and K8 rants) proves true here. With her "buddy system" the more kids she has, the more people are around to help her take care of them. She lives in a nice-ass house, too.
Anyway, congrats to Mrs. Duggar, I guess. Maybe we're all just jealous we didn't think of it first.
I'm definitely not jealous. I think she's weird and her husband is a creepy cult leader. Actually, maybe I am jealous that I haven't/wouldn't name my family a religion to get tax-exempt status.... Nope. They're sick. And you could tell Meredith was over it.
Amen to that poster. I still think she's loony.
The wet paper bag had me rollin on the floor! It must be like running a small company there - maternity benefits must totally kick ass!
I hear you on the more kids=less work particularly with that family. They all totally freak me out though, it's scary to think of being pregnant that many times and as usual your image had me LMAO, that's got to be one of the funniest photos/comments ever.
Maybe she should buy the girls in the family a kids pole dancing kit that is now available and put them to work.
I'm with Alexis. My office assistant and I were just saying he looks like a cult leader, but instead of forming one, he created one.
I don't see how her uterus can handle it. I would have thought for sure that it would have ruptured by now from all that stretching.
You would think that by now she would have figured out the connection between 'playing flashlight' and having kids.
Wait, wait, wait! She's preggers?? AGAIN???? Why does she think it's okay to have another child when her oldest just had his first? What a strange way of life...To each their own...I guess....8-/
That's great! I was thinking the same thing the other day when I saw the preview for the new season (in between sneaking in some of Jon and Kate's train wreck of a life), and as my kids screamed and fought, I realized that poor, tired, stretched-out Michelle has it right.
And if America ever goes to war or needs a new football team, she is set with her own force. Good plan, lady.
I think they are a GREAT family and people calling them a cult or crazy are just ignorant! They are doing what God made humans to do! Oh well they know that they will be criticized, they don't care! Jesus was criticized in his day too. Birth control ruins your bodies natural functions. My 3rd child was a birth control baby and I thank god he made it! I look up to that family really! It takes a strong person to accomplish all they have. Maybe you people who criticize should go to church every now and then. Life wont be so hard on u if you do things Gods way!
Oh geez, so if you don't support one person giving birth to 19 children in almost as many years, you're unchristian? That mindset doesn't exactly have me rushing off to church.
Let's all have 19 kids! That's what the world needs!
No way are those kids getting the individual parental attention they deserve. I've seen the specials, they are an extraordinary family, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a healthy or normal situation.
So God made humans to breed like rabbits?
So - God's way is being on TV and exploiting your kids? God's way is pretending to be poor, honest workers when in reality you own tons of real estate and cell phone towers? And buy from thrift stores, where people who are REALLY in need go and could use the things the Duggars get? And God's way is nearly enslaving your girls and teaching them that taking care of the men is their lot in life? Not the God I know and love. Nope, the Duggars are nuts and a cult - and hello, the 80's permed hair look???
Ugh! The Duggars passed "crazy" several children ago. My hubby is from a family of SEVEN (small compared to the Duggars!)and knows how impossible it is for two adults to give the proper attention, time and resources to that number of kids, let alone more. And it just gets worse.....when the kids have kids. Our kids (the grandkids) are among waytoomanygrandkids so it's the old "we don't have the money to remember birthday's, Christmas, etc." Sad. At least the Duggar's (thanks to their real estate and media sucess) can provide financially..I'll say that much. But when I see families with so many kids that even basics are scarce, I'm sorry, but we're of the mindset "If you don't have the money to care for them properly, don't have that many!" Unfortunately, some folks seem to think that the blessings of having children are more imporant than actually taking care of those you have. It should be QUALITY of life over QUANTITY of children.
I am of a mixed mind on this. While I don't believe that women should have litters nor should her older children be taking care of the younger ones, they're good kids. They're well behaved, have good manners and they don't depend on the government or handouts to get by (unlike other large families...I'm looking at you Octomom and Kate Gosselin). I figure, let her keep pumpin' 'em out till her uterus comes out too. Someday she'll learn...or Jim Bob will.
Or one of the older girls will finally snap one night and pull a John Wayne Bobbitt on "Daddy" and solve the problem once and for all since they're the ones doing all the work.
I knew you'd have something to say on this subject, but I hadn't thought of this particular angle. Actually, I'm surprised Mrs. D even still has her uterus at all. And how do they have time to get pregnant?
Children are a blessing from God...but so is the rain. And when it pours, we wear our rubbers.
You know I LOVE ME SOME DUGGARS. I think that was one of my first BBC fights back in the August '06 days - defending the Duggars for their 16th or 17th baby. KEEP 'EM COMING, MICHELLE!
-The Renee
But The Renee, what about the earth's resources? What about the depleting fish supply? You know whose to blame? Michelle Duggar.
That's who.
19 is too many. She's a child hoarder.
As a friend of mine pointed out, if this family continues at this rate, instead of people one day saying I am half Irish and half Italian, it will be I am half Irish and half Duggar!
I don't buy the "they are doing what God intended us to do" theory. God gave me a brain and even without a pill or condom, I can (at least attempt) to time a roll in the hay with my biorhythm and avoid 19 pregnancies!
Crazy shit. Plain. And. Simple. Poor kids.
OMG I'm totally cracking up on the rain & rubbers comment!!
I can hardly have sex with 3 kids. Someone is always up or can "hear" what's going on. Although they have a huge house so I guess maybe they have a sound proof room. I think if I had that many kids I'd be all get the f_ck away!! And I bet she doesn't even drink..
"My 3rd child was a birth control baby and I thank god he made it!"
Um... if you were using birth control correctly you shouldnt have had a 3rd child, and even if you did, its not like the pill will hurt it.....
Gees people like you give religion a bad name.
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