Today is my birthday!
All I want for my birthday is a full time, live in nanny, but if you're unable to provide that, I'd be very happy if you'd vote for me in Divine Caroline's Love this Blog contest. I could win $250, which I would consider letting you all help me choose how to spend. Wouldn't it be fun for all of us if I won $250? Yes, I think it would be. You have to register, but they just ask for your email and a password. Super easy. Way less typing than I do for you all.
Then there's that Hottest Mommy Blogger award I've been coveting. I don't really love the whole contests-not-for-cash-prizes thing, mostly because I try not to bug you all for a bunch of stuff, but it's good for the closet for us to do this sort of thing. Maybe one day I'll get rich and famous and can drink boxes of wine and blog for you all day. You would love more drunken blogging, you know you would. You can get to the other bloggers choice awards I'm nominated for from there, and you may as well vote for those. I'm up for most obnoxious blogger too, but I don't think I could win it because there are way more obnoxious bloggers out there. I'll take it if I could get it though, so feel free. Bloggers Choice Awards is slightly more of a pain because you have to register (quickly!) but then click a confirmation link in your email. So, nothing that would kill you or anything. Think of it as penance for all of the comments you didn't leave this year.
Drinking more is actually a big part of my 31st year plan, so you may get more drunken blogging regardless but I'd still love it if you voted!
Happy Birthday! I just wanted to let you know I totally voted for you!
Happy Birthday!! I voted for you on both sites!!
Happy Birthday! I just celebrated my 34th on Thursday.
I will totally vote for you, but only if you promise to do drunk blogging even if you don't win. I love that you made a birthday resolution that is both easy to do and fun.
I just turned 31 one Sept 24. Happy Birthday...sorry you couldn't get everything you wanted. Hope your birthday is great.
Happy Birthday! My daughter's birthday is today too; she's 29 which officially makes me old(ish), I guess.
I've voted on all but the "most obnoxious"--couldn't quite bring myself to do it as I don't think of you as obnoxious---then again, not sure how appropriate it is for me to vote you as 'hot'---nevertheless, I did.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Love and miss you!
-The Renee
Happy Birthday!
voted the other day on both sites!
Happy birthday Ashley! Today is my 19th! We have the best birthday ever.
Voted for you on everything; hope you get something!
done and done! another vote from a bloggin' fan! i sure hope you win. you just KNOW you deserve it.
i turned 31 exactly a week ago. and "drinking more" was a part of my plan as well!
we have a BOND!
Happy Birthday!
And if you want me to vote you "Hottest Mommy Blogger" I think I'll actually have to see a picture of you first. I think everyone will agree.
She's posted pics, I think even some of her boobs. Not a lot and not lately but its happened. I don't think they mean hottest as in beauty, I think they mean most popular but I'll vote either way 'cuz I think your hot, Ash!
Hope your having a fun bday!!! You deserve it! :)
I've seen her FB pics and she is hot. Off to search for these alleged boob pics, don't know how I missed that!
Oh and happy birthday!! I got distracted by boobies...
Happy Birthday, Ashley!!! I hope you've had a wonderful day.
I also agree with Rachel. September 27th is the best birthday anyone could have. I'm 29 today.
Hey now! It was just a cleavage pic and a breastfeeding pic, don't make it sound so exciting! ;-)
Anon@8:59, now you've got me paranoid (although I'll take the hot compliment)! Are we FB friends? :-)
Thanks for the birthday wishes and votes everyone! You guys are the best!
I'm a friend of a friend, and a fan of yours. I didn't sign my name since you don't know me. I'll have your friend message you so you know I'm not a scary stalker.
Happy Birthday! Can't wait for some drunken posts!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you.....Glad you enjoyed the transformation of my dining room. LOL about your husband. Mine used to be the same way but now he just goes with the flow...He doesn't second guess me anymore. You enjoy your Birthday evening.
happy birthday! i made these two votes especially for you! enjoy! :)
Happy Belated B-day!! Voted for ya (without questioning your integrity:) and even took the time to nominate a friend for another catagory! Care to take a guess which category? LOL!
Have a great year!!!
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