I picked Big Kid up from the bus stop and asked how it went with the necklace.
"She thought it was beautiful. Now she says we can be best friends forever, even when we're not togetter."
"Awwww, that's nice."
"It's a good fing, too. Alicia's tryin' to steal her away from me and I am pretty sure da necklace helped."
"What do you mean?"
"She has dis friend, A-li-cia, who tries to keep her away from me. She's a mean girl."
"Uh-oh! Have you tried to be friends with Alicia?"
"Yep, but she's so mean. She just wants to keep Emily all to herself, but I'm hoping dat won't be a problem anymore."
"Yeah...let's hope not. I'd go out of my way to include Alicia if I were you, maybe she'll come around."
"Prob'ly not. She's not really like dat--nice, or nuttin'."
So, Miss Amazing comes with an annoying best friend. Doesn't that figure?
At least she liked the necklace.
I think this may call for a jumping up and down, "YAY!!!!!" I'm so happy for BK.
Yay, she liked it :)
How exciting that she liked the ugly necklace. This story has been soo cute.
I've been waiting for this post!! How cute, annoying best friend and all (;
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