Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Big Kid!

Dear Big Kid,
4 years ago today, I had the privilege of becoming your mother. My life changed forever that first moment I held you in my arms. You introduced me to this journey called Motherhood. You made the world more important. You changed me as a woman and a person.

You taught me the importance of responsibility, selflessness, courage and patience. With you I gave up my old definition of freedom, my body, my very being, and my heart.

And you gave me the sort of love that can’t be put on paper, a joy that fills my heart and soul, the pride that comes with being your mother, and the fear and anxiety of having one of my purposes in life, a huge piece of my heart, exploring the world and beginning his journey as an independent person (with the reckless, carefree mind of a 4 year old).

You have re-defined “The Small Stuff” that I’m not supposed to Sweat. You have given life a new depth and a new purpose. Thank you for setting me on this path. Thank you for being such a good guide on this journey. I look at your beautiful little face and consider your sweet, intelligent nature and think, “How did I do this?” and am content to know that I have done something right to have such an extraordinary little person as my own.

I like you, I love you, and I’ll always protect you.

Yours Forever,

Tabblo: The Big Kid Turns 4!

It's always a special day with you, Big Kid.


Renee said...

Happy Birthday, Big Kid! We love you!

The Renee and Her Brood

marie said...

Happy Birthday, Big Kid! My little boy turns 4 today too! I knew we matched.

Jennifer said...

That was very sweet!

Happy birthday, Big Kid!

marie said...

p.s. I'm thinking an Olympic-themed party next year will be fun. (I'm having to think ahead since his big bash - 60 invitations - had to be cancelled on Sunday because he had bronchitis.)

Kate said...

Happy Birthday Big Kid! You are just too cute and too angelic looking - I'm sure your mom's exaggerating about you trying her patience! I just wrote a similar post on my blog about my own Big Kid and the passing of time. Your post almost brought a tear to my eye (or it would have if I had a heart!) It totally comes through how much you love him

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

Happy day to the mini, hope you buy YOURSELF a treat for giving him life and all...maybe another dress that shows off the girls? just thinking outloud...


Sarahviz said...

Wow! You can be sweet and sappy when you want to! Love it. He's gorgeous.

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday, Big Kid! I very much enjoy the stories your mom writes about you. You're smart, hilarious, and I'm sure you'll break more than a few hearts in the years to come! Have a GREAT day!

Ms. Skywalker said...

Hallmark ain't got a thing on you Ashley.

Happy birthday Big Kid.

Sasha said...

Your post was perfect and brought tears to my eyes. My own big kid turns 4 on Monday and I can't believe how fast the past 4 years have flown by.

Deb said...

Big Kid, you are my favorite person in all of your brilliant mom's posts. Happy birthday. Stay funny.

Ashley, congratulations on surviving and keep him alive for another year.

Buford Betty said...

Happy Birthday, Big Kid! Sweet sweet letter. :-) And what a cutie!

Corrie said...

Sweet! Happy Birthday, Big Kid!!!
I'm with Clemson Girl, you should treat yourself!

Unknown said...

I'm teary's great to see in words how much we learn from our children not just about the world but about ourselves. Big Kid is lucky he got you for a Mom!

Love and Hugs,
Mommy to Elias

jennifer said...

Happy Birthday BK!! What a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

Wow... so you do like those kids, huh!?

Seriously, that was too freakin' sweet. It made me want to hug you both..

Happy Birthday, Big Kid... you're one lucky little guy. You're Mom is pretty cool.

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

So true... so sweet!