Friday, August 24, 2007

Photowow Wars: Several Updates

Well I hate to mar the little kid's birthday post with total stupidity, but this is too funny not to share.

So, I belong to several online communities, mostly parenting stuff. When I joined one of the groups, I noticed that they have a Photowow "schedule" and they put the babies up one at a time and gather their resources and vote, vote, vote. Very cool (if morally questionable) idea but the list was already out until March 2008....when my kid would be too old for the contest. So I posted and told them I wouldn't be signing up on the list and warned them that I would be entering him whenever I wanted and that it was nothing personal and I wouldn't rally there for votes because I can see that they have a system in place.

And so I did. Now they are ticked that their entrant has competition. So they have gathered together and are low voting the little kid by giving him 3s and 4s (90% of the 1s and 2s aren't counted). They are also saying things like "They see me for who I truly am" and "I asked for this" and have posted vomiting smilies on the little kid's happy birthday post.

Can we say CRAZY? Totally, truly and completely?? It's a contest, people.

Edited to add: This is an actual post from one of them:

You really want to know what's freaking annoying?YOU.....You KNEW there was a list for a reason. Yet, like the selfish attention loving weiner gobbler you are, you insist on entering your child anyway because you had "no intentions of following the list". I mean really, what makes you any different then the other ladies who have been waiting patiently in line for months for their turn? They have waited and rallyed for the child of the week but NOOOOOO not Ashley. She has to cause trouble once again with her stupid self centered ways. She thinks she is special and above the rules and lists. It isn't fair to anyone involved and the fact that you can't see that makes you a self centered piece of spooge.You may think you haven't done anything wrong and in retrospect, in the grand scheme of things, you really haven't. But when it comes to board loyalty and internet courtesy, you just blew many people away with your rudeness and brazenness to go forward regardless of the fact that there has been a list since March.Would you enter him against one of your fellow Chaws? Highly doubtful. And that just proves that BTBBC really means nothing to you. It is probably like the many things you poke fun of on your blog. It is probably just somewhere you can copy and paste from to get a laugh with all of your Chaw buddies at their expense. Sad, really. Why even bother posting there if you had no intention of being a true member like everyone else?I guess you don't realize that this means war. It's on like Donkey Kong, baby. May the best baby win. And I can guarantee you it won't be your's.

Can you hear the psycho music in the background?

ETA: The pack of wild dogs has now issued a Myspace bulletin to low vote the little kid. Seriously. That's what I get for messing with the fucking Photowow Mafia....

E(yet again)TA: I will gladly accept the title of Selfish Attention Loving Weiner Gobbler. The more I think about it, the more I really like it and think it fits. I may even have business cards made.

And even more because, really, it is great entertainment: So the jerk that put out the Myspace bulletin to low vote the little kid is apparently a devout Christian with a profile full of hardcore Christian stuff. Wouldn't Jesus be proud? Hypocritical Christians are always my very favorite. That's a great spot to be in, holier than thou but going against the very concept. I'm more of an Easter and Christmas Christian and my moral compass is super wobbly, but I'd be just flat out embarrassed to put out a myspace bulletin asking someone to low vote a baby.

You know her kid was probably sitting at her feet in a urine soaked diaper drinking Coke from a baby bottle while she took the time to put that together.

Speaking of husbands, Mr. Ashley totally agrees that I'm a Selfish, Attention Loving Weiner Gobbler. We all knew that I was selfish and an attention lover, but I don't think I've divulged my weiner gobbling skills here. Let's just say she hit the nail on the head. My girl Carol, the girl that came up with the brilliant Hate Mail line has offered to make me Weiner Gobblin' business cards!!! Hell yeah!! I love Carol and I love her work. I can't wait to show you all the goods.

Hopefully this will be your last update on the drama portion of the photowow competition. Although it's like a train wreck and it is kind of fun to argue with people who are wrong, I once read that fighting on the internet is like giving a monkey a knife....nothing good will come of it. So I'm just going to steer clear of those bitches.


Jennifer said...

I just posted to my group, asking for votes for LK.

Anything to piss off Babycenter bitches!!

Lynda Kay said...

She called you a selfish attention loving weiner gobbler!! HAHA this shit is FUN-NY! That's the kind of thing someone says when they are SO pissed they can't see straight and they just completely stop making sense...and all you did was enter your cute baby in a photo contest. Come on now..look at him! These bitches are threatened by the competition. As they should be..

Stacy said...

I've been following your blog for a few weeks ( a friend passed it on) and just wanted to say you crack me up. BBC people are out of control crazy. I once belonged to BBC when my older child was born but I stopped going long ago when I realized how many crazy people there were. I belong to a private baby board now and a lot of us like to read your blog because it's so funny! I've voted for the little kid. He's too cute not too.

ErIn said...

I just gave LK a big ol' 10! There are some real quack jobs over there on BBC! Good luck!

ErIn said...

I just gave LK a big ol' 10! There are some real quack jobs over there on BBC! Good luck!

Jennifer said...

We have so BTDT with BBC. It eventually implodes so write off those jealous skanks now. Really, "vomiting" on that thread? Class act that chick is not. *curtsy* Bitch, kiss my ass while you are down there with your *curtsy*.

Back when I was involved on BC the PhotoWow thing was starting to get annoying. I can understand making some process but why have you wait until March 2008? Sounds like some overzealous board Nazi is having a power trip.

I would never low-vote a kid because all of them are cute. I just want to write them a note to open when they are 16 that says, "Your mother is a retard, go slap her for me". What 16-year old could argue with that?

Cocktail time, thanks for the dramz!

Unknown said...

I love this. Okay, so maybe I said to stop the insanity, but I was just kidding. I love the insanity.

LOL at it being on like Donkey Kong. I need to write that one down for future use. :)

Jennifer said...

Yeah, if you ever get into a fight with a 10-year old that would be useful!

Renee said...

I'm speechless. This is over the top.

Should there be an apostrophe in that last word - your's? ("I can guarantee it won't be your's.") I don't think that's right.

Lisa Ridgely said...

Insanity! Don't they understand that if you wait, LK will be too old? What do they expect you to do? I can see (well, not really) them getting upset if you totally tried to screw up their system for no reason, but you're obviously not. Anyway, I voted for LK. At my last check, pink shoes was falling far behind...

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

#1. You will win. I have many, many friends and I have posted on my site (please see and confirm)

#2. What a tard. Seriously, not getting enough action from her hubby, clearly.

#3. Need I say it again? Girl crush.

Jennifer said...

And these people are allegedly mothers? Organizing to low-vote a cute 1-yo kid? I guess those jackals have never heard of karma!

Monogram Momma said...

OH, it is SO ON. I got your back. I'm on my way to vote right now!

Dana said...

Wow. I saw your BBC post this morning (and voted :)) and haven't been back since. I hope the LK supporters gave this chica some hell. That's insane.

Dana said...

Ok, so this may be a question for "Ask Ashley Anything Day", but is The Renee the same Renee that was posting on the BBC thread?? Surely not . . .

ErIn said...

Ashley, I'm on part of Jenn and Stacy's group. I read your blog daily. And I use to be on BBC (ok, I do lurk on the bargain board) but anyways, that place is full of fucking whack jobs! MOst should even call themselves mothers. Anyways, I'll glady create a bulletin on Myspace and post on my blog for u too, Lk is going to win!

Deb said...

As you once said, Ashley, the Chaws are the source of all evil in the world.

I'm just shaking my head over the whole thing.

Jennifer said...

I think anyone with "Weiner Gobbler" in their title is cool beans. Mr. Ashley has to think that your title is super cool.

Diggin' it like Dig Dug.

Anonymous said...

I think this is fucking ridiculous, personally...
Can you believe these women are responsible for raising a child, a productive member of society? Lord help us all..
There really are some classy ladies out there on BBC..

Misty said...

Oh my gosh!! They are just plain crazy!! lol

Anonymous said...

LOL... I told Hubs about the weiner gobbler comment and he said 'wow, that's terrible.. you don't even know if she likes gobbling weiners'..

I actually do like that title, BTW..

jennifer said...

Holy crap...those threads were hilarious! I can't believe women and their posse get that maniacal over a photo contest. Didn't I tell you not to venture away from the main bbc? Go LK Go!

Lee said...

I'm absolutely in LOVE with the weiner-gobbler title. I would GLADLY do up a set of cards for you. I'm totally serious---just say the word, sister.

Carol Lee

Cake said...


Ashley, you can post this comment or not, your choice (but let me say I'm not a weird stalker).

I've been on BBC for about 2 years (I KNOW, I RAISED a CHILD without the help of a BB!! tragic.) and several months ago, I met BFF on the WM board (we moved to proboards) who has an DD born this month and clued me in to the drama filled fun.

I passed many a last hour at work reading and LOLing at those bitches and I noticed your talent for descriptive writing. Then I clicked your siggy link, yada yada yada (p.s. glad that went well) and I'm hooked.

I CANNOT believe how MEAN they were to you on the locked thread (I'm going back to read the others). I was not aware joining a bunch of hens cackling on proboards all day meant you had to sign a Photowow clause in blood. W.T.F.

I missed all this, as I actually left work early, but I voted on 2 PCs there and am from home to.

You're way too good for them anyway. Sorry that was rambly, but my jaw literally dropped while reading that.

Take care! Kristen

Lynda Kay said...

Hey Weiner Gobbler-
Last time I checked our handsome little man was #1 And with or without all this drama that's where he should be because he is the cutest & he deserves to win

Yellow Fence said...

I'm cracking up reading all of this over on BBC. You are a riot. I gave him a 10. I hope you win :)

Rachel said...

What a moron. She needs a dictionary, a grammar book, a good editor, and a life.

Anonymous said...

I have voted from every computer I know. Buttheads...that is the nicest word I can think of to describe these pathetic ladies!!

Unknown said...

"Photowow Mafia" that is freakin' classic. This whole thing is just bizarre.

Sasha said...

So I spent way too much time following this on BBC last night- absofreakinglutely the craziest thing I have ever seen but quite a nice way to pass 2 hours I must say, so thanks for that, because Katie and Peter was not holding my attention. If I had any blog readers, I'd so post a link to vote for LK, but since I don't, I just voted myself from both home and work. I have no doubt he will be victorious!

Anonymous said...

These people are just bizarre!! What a rip off. I've been reading this to my hubs and he even got riled up about the myspace bulletin. He says he'll take care of things when he gets in to work.

Keep up the great work! My friends and I all love you!

Anonymous said...

Well IF you don't win, you know it isn't because your photo isn't the best. It clearly is. I don't know why someone would enter an overexposed picture with their kid's hand over covering their face...

Anonymous said...

it may be time to rethink your attachment to weiner gobbler because you overlooked one vital charming phrase. 'a self centered piece of spooge' i believe she called you?

so i am breaking my determination to avoid your blog until dixie starts pre-s by 54 hours. damn you, ashley!

KW said...

Maybe you can post a video of your weiner gobbling skills? I for one would LOVE to see it!

Jeannie said...

Another BBC mom who voted for your cutie....I can't believe they have a 'schedule' ....

Good luck with the drama

Jeannie March 03

Anonymous said...

Jan 06 mom here who is a faithful Chaw reader last year. Photowow is plain silly and so rigged, not worth the drama! I voted for your guy, it truly is a great pic!! Rock on Sista!

Watty said...

Oh wow! I can't believe they have a list....seems so unfair!

Love your blog, I'm going to 'borrow' it for my favorites (hope you don't mind) and in return ask all my coworkers that I have to vote for your cutie too!

Lee said...

Okay, so I'm totally NOT trying push my cards---but it's people like this putz who make me create cards like this. I say we all sign it and send it to her:

THE D said...

Hi Ashley, I'm a BBC mom (but not one of THOSE moms) and I've seen you around the Bargain Board. Finally read your blog after all this drama and OMG you crack me up!

I voted for your little man! He's cute all on his own and the picture is great! Good luck.

Elisa said...

I gave LK a 10, too. :) Good like fighting the fucktards! lol

Hilarious btw!!! Loved the business card idea.

Unknown said...

I too would be proud to be called a wiener gobbler. My husband would deeply appreciate any recognition of my skills that didn't actually involve me showing them off. WAY TO GO! And that kiddo of yours is 100% 10, 10, 10! I voted.

Nice blog, I'd probably rather have come to it in a more positive way, but hey! Whatever works.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!! My daughter won Photowow back in the day before the crazy Mafia started! I hope you win!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Weiner Gobbler" LOVE it, new favorite phrase. First off being an actual-honest-to-goodness "weiner gobbler" is something you should be proud of, Mr.Catfish is happy I'm one, and I bet Mr.Ashley is happy you are one too! Keep on, keepin' on--everyone at my office voted for LK!!

Anonymous said...

I am a non-crazy BBC mom and I just voted for your cutie! I hope you win and show them all!!!