I had to watermark the photos because when you have kids as cute as mine, you have to be extra cautious about people stealing their photos and passing them off as their own online. Not everyone makes Exceptionally cute children. I do two things well: #1. I make Exceptionally cute children #2. I complain about my Exceptionally cute children. I will NOT have other people taking credit for my good DNA, I simply will not. Try harder to make your own cute kids.
You know what is impossible to live without? Paper towels. I've been out for 3 days now and it's totally ridiculous. What's that you say? Run my lazy ass to the store? No. The store is far away and that is Mr. Ashley's responsibility. I plan on doing a whole shopping adventure dedicated to things that would make our lives easier (some freaking paper towels being #1 on my list, have you tried finger painting with no paper towels? Don't.) but I have to pretend to clean the house up first while Mr. Ashley is at the dentist so it looks like I did something today. It's so hard to keep up the charade, really it is.
I want to thank my fellow August 06 mama Dana for leaving me a comment! There are lots and lots of you out there reading, but not many comments. I've had some friends say they aren't clever enough to leave comments.....I'm not really looking for you to be clever. Don't try to steal my show. I only started a blog to talk uninterrupted, I'm just not appreciated enough on the message boards. If we're talking about anything other than ME, ME, ME we've gotten off topic. So, I'll be the funny one, you just tell me I'm funny or it sucks to be my kids or hello or anything really. I have been told that I'd get more comments if I enabled anonymous commenting, but frankly I don't trust you all. There's some mean beyotches out there and I don't have time to track you all down and kick your asses.
The big kid wants lunch. Wants, wants, wants, wants. People in hell want ice water. I'll be Bach (you be Beethoven).
YAY!! A shout-out! I feel so special! Oh, and just so I'm extra clear on the photo thing...if I SBJ'd them, you'd be upset, right?
Waaaiiiittt a minute..
What's up with that shout out to Dana? I have plenty of left comments.. all which have gone un-noticed. I, too enjoy reading your blogs and would never try to be funnier, wittier, or more interesting than your highness.
And I will just leave the good DNA/cute baby making out...
Traci, you're publicly my Babycenter Beyotch. You pretty much HAVE to read my blog. That would be like my husband not reading it....oh wait, he doesn't.
I have declared my love online for you before and will do so again here. I heart your comments.
and yes, Dana. No borrowing the pics, even as a compliment. ;-)
Darn - I needed another cute baby to pass off as my own...
Aww, Traci, don't be a hater! ;)
Love your blog it's so funny. Ok back to reading.
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