Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Can you even believe AIG took it's employees on a spa retreat to the tune of $440,000 (I don't have the exact number, sorry I'm not the New York Times for you all) after getting the $85 billion government loan??

$23,000 in spa treatments alone.

What a giant "Fuck you, America!" that is!

edited to add the actual invoice

That takes balls. Super, ginormous ones made of gold.


Marie said...

I read that today and I think it SUCKS. I used to work for that company and they are slimy shit heads.

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

At the St. Regis?! Super, ginormous with diamonds encrusted all over them!

Melanie Sheridan said...

So that's where my 401K went!

Kim said...

Yep, and it takes even BIGGER rocks to have the nerve to ask for more... Effing Bastards.

Mel said...

I heard that their excuse was that the people sent were NOT the people in the finance department...sure, why make the whole company SUFFER when we can just make the struggling TAXPAYERS foot the bill. I agree with Obama on this one, FIRE THEM!! And pay Congress back. Oh, and don't give them golden parachutes, either. Just fire the morons.

Unknown said...

I agree with firing them. Okay, you got a gigantic free pass with your fiscal irresponsibility the first time--but you took the free pass and went on half a million dollar vacation. Fuckers. Free passes revoked, hope the vacay really rocked. See you in the welfare line with the rest of us.

Kate said...

And people wonder why I'm a democrat......

Melodie said...

That's absolutely ridiculous. How can they possibly justify this? Granted half a million is nothing compared to the 85 billion, but it still reeks of stupidity.
I hope their employees enjoyed their little spa weekend. I, for one, wouldn't have been able to. I'd be worried that the company I worked for was going to just piss away the loan they got on stupid shit like this and I'd eventually end up out of a job because of it.

Anonymous said...

i still think they shouldn't have bailed AIG out. some other company would have came along and snatched them up at a killer price. Bush sucks balls!

Anonymous said...

Fuck them!

Anonymous said...

I say get the gov't should get the money back and hang 'em high!

Maddness of Me said...

I think they are hideous and I'm glad they are obviously being audited and it was caught.

But... I'd like to just throw a devil's advocate out there to see what people think.

The 85 billion they got is actually a loan, that they have to pay back - with interest. So, do they have the right to do whatever they want with their loan? If I took out a home equity loan and went to Europe with it, and somebody told me I should have used it for upgrades to my house so it is worth more, would that be right?

I'm just wondering if anyone is actually going to be able to do anything about it... or if they can file it under "schmoozing for business" and tell us to ef off.

Just to be clear, I do think they need to be audited to make sure they are being responsible with their loan because it came from taxpayer money.

I have friends that have borrowed money, and bought things that appeared to be luxuries before paying me back... and it rubbed me the wrong way but I couldn't say anything. Is this the same?

Former Fat Chick said...

My Friends, my friends, my friends, must I even have to to expaln why I am voting for THAT ONE? Are we a country of masochists? That we are beaten down for 8 years straigt and are still asking "May I have another?"

Unknown said...

If it was just a regular, run of the mill loan, I'd agree with you. I think the "EMERGENCY, THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END IMMEDIATELY" forecast makes it seem like such extravagance is unaffordable and irresponsible.

I totally see what you're saying though. However, their "credit worthiness" isn't sufficient for such luxuries at this point.

Maddness of Me said...

... the loan is a 2 year high interest loan if that makes anyone feel better.

Maddness of Me said...

Just to be clear, I think they should be heavily regulated to make sure they can pay us back that money.

This little junket was wrong, way wrong. Let's take a vote and see how many of us 'lenders' want to hand them pink slips. All of these jerks need to get a clue.

Maddness of Me said...

I know, the fact that it is a loan kinda makes it feel like "gee thanks for giving me some vaseline when I took it up the ass".

If all these jerks that got money start going bankrupt, we are all so screwed... so so screwed.

We need to do more than just cross our fingers that they won't, they need to be babysat.

Heather said...

I think I may crawl under my bed and cry as I think about the stupid idiots running our country.

Mitch said...

This irritates the crap out of me. My parents are trying to sell their house because they had to relocate. They are already being forced to lose about $100K on it, if not more. They had a buyer who just backed out because AIG wouldn't insure the loan. The assholes refused! So now my parents are royally screwed.

Fuck AIG.

Maddness of Me said...

is it me or is it really turning into a dog eat dog world?

Susan said...

That burned me when I heard about it. I could not agree more with your sentiment:

What a giant "Fuck you, America!" that is!

Mama H said...

I heard this on the news the other morning and literally felt sick to my stomach. How in the world do they sleep at night? How do their wives/husbands look them in the eye? How do they teach their children to be honest and generous people?

It's really, really DEPRESSING what is happening to our world.


Maddness of Me said...

I'm not counting on them ever being able to pay back that 85 million in two years. If this is how they ran things, it's a pretty safe bet they won't get it now either.

Which is why they should have gave the money to all of us instead. I would rather go on a spa retreat myself than send those assholes.