Friday, October 17, 2008

Remind Me

Why did I miss him again?

As he sits here sucking on my leg as I try to work, and wandering around the house making a huge mess, it's hard to remember missing him.

He does love the boots.


Staci said...

lol.. glad the boots were a success!

Maddness of Me said...

My husband was sucking on my legs last night but I kinda liked it ;)

You missed him because he is a lovable little lump of squeezable babyness that is too cute not to try to eat. And he's your lump.

If that helps.

Melodie said...

Of course he loves the boots! And he's sucking on your leg to make up for lost time.

Preppy Pettit said...

So sweet, does Big kid want a pair of boots too?

Anonymous said...

LOL! My little one keeps trying to stick his tongue in my mouth! I have no idea where he learned that one. ;-)

Tina said...

You talking about Mr. Ashley?

momtoabean said...

We neeeeeeeeed a pic of those boots!

Unknown said...

Isn't it always that way. I miss my little one when I am gone. And as he razes the place and runs around like a wild banshee I wonder. Did I really miss this?

AFRo said...

I really really really want to see a picture of him in the boots. Please? Pretty pretty please?