What is that growth on McCain's face? Do we know? Are we at all concerned that the whole left side of his face bulges unnaturally?
I wouldn't be quite as worried if I didn't think his VP pick was Satan in a dress, but I need to know what's going on there.
I saw a show on McCain and Obama this weekend that talked about their health. John McCain had skin cancer on that side and the doctor took an aggressive approach and cut all down his cheek to remove any future problems....thus the bump.
I had the very same question as you! Wiki Answers said he had a cheek biopsy in July and the swollen cheek is a result.
Seriously, I'm terrified the guy will be elected and have a heart attack within the week. Palin would have the opportunity to screw up our nation in ways that wouldn't even be fixable. Not to mention that if Palin were to become president the entire world would be laughing at us. I might have to move to Australia or something.
OMG! I was thinking the same thing! In fact I was just telling one of my coworkers that I think he has a tumor on his face. I've watched all of the debates and that is the first time I've seen it so I'm thinking it is new.
I think it's a form of Lymphedema - Lymphedema refers to swelling that occurs when a blockage in your lymphatic system prevents the lymph fluid to drain.
My Father has been dealing and suffering from this for awhile as it's a lovely side effect of radiation. I'm assuming this is what McCain is dealing with as well since I know he had skin cancer.
They did some serious tissue removal in that area for his skin cancer. They basically had to rebuild that side of his face and apparently he is lucky to have it look even that good.
Note to self - get some sunblock 9,000.
Anyway, I know you find Olbermann obnoxious, but just before the debate he played this clip from an old 1960's Batman episode of a debate between Batman and The Penguin. I pulled some muscles in my stomach laughing so hard.
All day I've been telling people they are too eloquent and putting air quotes around words like "try" or "listen" and stupid shit like that. I'm putting money on that part being SNL fodder.
"Satan in a dress"! Baaaa! Hilariously accurate. And yikes.
I think his health is a big concern! The cancer could come back, and what effect did the torture have on him, physically and mentally? Is it something that PTSD could come back after all these years?
He makes me nervous. And Palin scares me.....I don't want her running the country!
You know, he was very handsome when he was younger.
Shame on you, you young whipper snapper for picking on your elder. :)
(Barack's got Dumbo ears- what's up with that?)
Seriously. The longer I watched the debate - and looked at Obama - all I could focus on was his huge ears. Since we're talking about outward appearance...
Yeah, McCain was hot...SIXTY YEARS AGO. Dumbo ears never killed a guy leaving Satan in charge, so I'm cool with that.
My husband is COMPLETELY obsessed with the side of McCain's face. He's talked about it so long that now my 10 year old is talking about it every time a political commercial comes on... so pretty much constantly.
He had skin cancer...and apparently that's the aftermath!
Satan in a dress...WITH LIPSTICK. Don't forget the liptsick!!
I don't get all of the concern over McCain's age and his health. Yes, he's older and he's had skin cancer. Big deal! That doesn't mean he's going to keel over at any moment.
Does anyone remember a certain president named Kennedy? Obviously, you don't have to be old or diseased to die while in office. Heck, all Obama has to do is go for a ride with Ted Kennedy and it could very easily be lights out for him.
I'm just trying to make the point that none of us has a crystal ball, so we can't possibly know what the future holds for either of these guys.
His age and health are a huge concern if you absolutely DO.NOT.WANT his VP pick running our country. It's something to consider, it's a 4 year job, if he has a greater chance of dying (maybe he won't, but he could) during office, I need to feel REAL safe with his VP pick--and I don't. NOT.AT.ALL.
His age and health were actually low on my list of concerns (they were there, but there are others) until he picked that walking joke as our national back up plan. Now if he did win, I'd have to pray nightly for his health...because I think the pitbull with lipstick would wreak total havoc in a real bad way on this country.
But he's such a genius. I had no idea that plumbers make a quarter million dollars a year. What the hell!
Oh, and Dear Joe Plumber,
Thanks for coming to Obama's rally and giving the Republicans another way to show us what a farse they are and how they have no clue what the middle class is. First of all, you aren't even a licensed plumber. Second of all, the company you work for made $100k before taxes last year. Third, you made $40k last year which means you would benefit from Obama's plan.
Hope you like all those news satellites in your yard.
Whether or not the president has a chance of dying and leaving USA in a state of civil unrest without a leader is a big concern for anyone with a brain.
Holy. shit. Somebody actually has the nerve to compare a national tragedy like President Kennedy being assassinated to John McCain. John McCain and his ignorant reckless bullshit.
There is so much wrong with that I feel like I might be high jacking your comments section Ashley.
At least this November 4th I have the opportunity to vote based on facts, and age is a fact along with a serious nightmare that would step in when old age happens.
Maybe I *should* vote for McCain so that all the freaks that McCain has worked into a frenzy don't do to Obama what happened to Kennedy.
Sadly enough, I think this is fairly accurate!
Watch for the dinosaur in the background!
I hadn't thought of calling her Satan in a dress!! That ought to piss off all the ultra conservatives at work. hee hee!
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