Saturday, October 18, 2008

You Asked For It

Fashion by little kid.

Yes, he wore this out yesterday.


Melodie said...

AWESOME! You rock, lk!

Melodie said...

Wait! It looks like he's got the boots on the wrong feet.

Unknown said...

LOL, he did! I switched them in the car.

Anonymous said...

Very cute. The beads really make the outfit!

Caren said...

Work it little kid! I love it!

Red said...

So Cute!!

*Sigh* I miss FGG being that little. Now he's a moody teenager. : (

Preppy Pettit said...

Sooo funny.

Anonymous said...

THIS is why you missed him...just look at him!!

AJ said...

Too flippin cute:)

Melissa said...

That is too precious!!! I know you just want to eat him up!!

Jeri is said...

If I looked like LK wearing that, I'd wear it, too!

Maggie said...

What a cutie! The bead totally make the outfit.

Julie said...

Oh, he is so workin' those boots! Way to go little kid!

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Their sense of fashion kills me. That's why I've started posting the Peanut's "Outfit Of The Week" on my blog so everyone else can enjoy them!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny.
Note to self *never buy my kid cowboy boots* then again, he's only 9 months

Rachel said...

Now THAT is cute! Seriously I love the attire kids come up with it's so, so wrong but so, so cute!

Julie H said...

OMG look at his sweet and happy little face! Too cute!!

Anonymous said...

I <3 Little Kid.

MzLiz said...

What did you bring for BK? Isn't he totally jealous of L.K.'s cowboy boots? Because I am.

Renee said...

I love the boots!! What a cutie - he just oozes personality, even in pictures.

-The Renee

Multislacking Mama said...

He is a-dor-able! I love it when kids dress themselves. It's great!


AFRo said...

Does he have them on the wrong feet? Crack me up! It's just as cute as I imagined he would be... maybe even a tad more. I LOVE the boots! Seriously. That is all boy right there. Good job girl.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading for over a year, and I'm finally delurking from being shy AND lazy because this is just too cute. lk is an absolute dollbaby, and BK is a total stud too. You deserve to be as proud as you are.
FYI, I'm a college freshman, don't remember how I found you but you are pretty much me in 10ish years--we even have the same birthday!

Nomers said...

It's so cute when they dress themselves. It's even better when a camera is around and Momma gets some teenage blackmail photos!

Anonymous said...

He's freakin' CUTE! I'll bet he got lots of smiles out and about with that get-up on...

I just bought my 4 year old daughter some pink cowboy boots and a pink cowboy hat. She rocks that look!

Maddness of Me said...

He looks so happy. He's only 2 and he already knows how happy a great pair of shoes can make you.


Joy said...

He totally rocked the boots!

I am a Tornado ~ proven fact! said...

AWESOME ... What a sense of style.

Missives From Suburbia said...

He'd be perfect in Miami.

sassy stephanie said...

Ha ha. My daugher (now almost 8) had red cowboy boots when she was 2. Wore them Every day. On Easter, I fought with her and she was so mad at me for making her wear white girlie shoes. After church, she came home and put her red boots on with her Easter dress. Foiled again.