He doesn't look sick, does he? He's not really acting all that sick either--still into everything, still happy. He's also given up the paci this week, Mr. Ashley just stopped giving it to him and he hasn't even asked.
He's in bed crying right now and I kind of want to sneak in and give him one, but I don't want to undo Mr. Ashley's hard work. I mainly just want to undo the crying.
edited to add: that's pneumonia with wet hair, fresh from the bath.
edited again to add: little kid is in bed with us now. Mr. Ashley caved and went and got him, forgetting that you don't get a sweet, sleepy, snuggly little kid when you bring him into our bed because our room totally sets off his naughty radar since it is normally a forbidden area. So he's crawling around the bed, studying the contents of the bedside tables, coughing in our faces, and watching Prison Break like his future depends on it.
Why can't they add something that would cause drowsiness to kids' antibiotic prescriptions?
Even though he's sick, at least he's still acting like the happy little boy he is!
those are some wicked cute jammies too. I hope LK feels better soon. Pnuemonia sucks at the age of 27, I can't imagine how it feels at 2. Big kudos to LK and being a trooper!
I had pneumonia when I was in kindegarten...long story short, I got bored because my parents were making me stay in bed. End result...I cut off all of my bangs. Took forever for them to grow back. So watch out for little kid's curly locks...he may get bored and whack them off.
take him to bed with you
OMG I love his jammies! So cute. He's just adorable, pneumonia or no. :)
It's not fair. I had pneumonia and I looked like shit. He gets pneumonia. Why can't I look cute when I get sick? It's just not fair.
Katie acted normal when she had pneumonia, too. I really only took her to the doctor because she had been running a fever for a few days.
Those pjs are too adorable, too!
MONEY!!!!!!!! :-P
Love Little Kid's jammies. Hope he gets better soon!
First of all, F the haters.
LK looks perfectly fine. What were his symptoms? I'm always worried that I won't take the kids to the doctor when it's something serious, because I'm too clueless to recognize the signs.
We have done pneumonia twice with Baby Girl. Those breathing treatments are a bitch. I hope you guys aren't having to do them.
Seriously look how cute he is, even when sick.
Yep, Tyler acts perfectly normal when he has pneumonia also - he crashes when his temp spikes, but otherwise he's bouncing off the walls b/c we are trying to keep him in bed. sucks, b/c that's what kept us from realizing how sick he was last time. you'd think we'd know by now!
He's even adorable when he's sick! :-) Where did you get those pajamas? Love them!
Poor guy!!! I also adore his pj's. My kids are both bug fans of Moose and Zee and the owls looks a lot like Zee. Where did you find them?
I want to know why your job, within a Mommy Community, isn't helping you resolve the issue of no health insurance for your family? Your JOB is to assist other parents with raising their children but they are not helping YOU with the health of your own? I know it's a bit harsh but they NEED to get on that. This is NOT cool.
New anonyhole, that question has been answered elsewhere.
Everyone else, the jammies are from Kohl's...I LOVE them! They were on super clearance after Christmas last year for just $3!! They were way too big for him but it was the only size left so I got them and had them stashed away. We rarely manage matching jammies around here, but I adore those, they are so stinking cute.
Poor baby! One of my little's gets pneumonia all the time!! And everytime he is sicker than he looks! You'd never know...ha!
Hope he feels better really soon...
P.S. I always wait it out before taking my kids to the Dr. And last time, I waited, he had pneumonia!
Our boy's had pneumonia last year at Christmas and were acting fine too. The only reason I took them to the dr. in the first place was because they were complaining of their ears hurting. So we ended up with pneumonia, double ear infections and bronchitis. Let me tell ya how great that Christmas turned out to be! Your son is such a cutie in his jammies!!!
I'm glad you said that was wet bath hair cause I totally thought he was sweating it out...kids are never sweet and cuddly when you bring them into your bed..the little angels. They thrash and sweat and snore on you.
You should get some drowsy medication for yourself!
Maybe he'd feel better with his boots on.
It['s SO HARD to tell when they're REALLY sick...everyone always tells you to not only judge the symptoms, but how they're acting...well, one of my kids (she's 5 today!!!) will sounds horrible, have a fever and gross nose but will act like there's nothing wrong AT ALL. And yep, one time she had pneumonia...I know I sat there with my mouth open when the dr told me...lol!
Hope lk feels better soon and is up to his shenanigans in no time...wait...no, I don't wish that on you...but we all know it's gonna happen anyway lol!
How cool, he gets to ride that pony (behind him) in the house when he is sick!
Your the best mommy!
When I had pneumonia, I had no clue I was that sick until the doctors told me. I was off work for 16 WEEKS!!! I started to go a little stir crazy because they put the fear of death in me by telling me that if I went outside I would end up in the hospital.
Me no likee hospitals.
He looks so damn cute! And congrats on getting rid of the paci! We just recently did that too. My DD is a few weeks older than lk (I was an Aug-06 mommy too) and we had a few rough days but it's ancient history now!!
I checked, they don't make those jammies in my size :(
It's called Benadryl...ha-ha I have heard "people" have used it on flights where they are out numbered...3 kids under 4, one poor mother....
Poor lil' guy! Hope he feels better soon.
OMG, how cute is he in his little pjs! Hope little kid gets over the pneumonia soon.
I don't know, pnemonia looks pretty cute these days :)
Aw, so sorry. Oh, and a note about benadryl. I tried it once, I might have as well given them speed. opposite effect.
No new posts today? What? Your kid has PNEUMONIA or something and you've got stuff to do?
Reevaluate your prerogatives, please.
(hope everyone's starting to feel better -- and getting some sleep)
just checking in on my favorite sell-out
Glad to hear he's on antibiotics now & on the road to recovery. Until your insurance kicks in, will something like this work for the kids? http://www.floridakidcare.org/
I hope he is feeling better soon. We are also in an insurance rut, as we cancelled our 3 yr old's insurance this month to add him to DH's insurance with his new job, come to find out my DH cannot add him until after the first of the year. So we arent sure what to do now since we can no longer afford to go back to the old insurance plan either as they raised our co-pay! I have been looking around and DAY-UM insurance is expensive, even for the next couple of months we couldn't afford those prices so I am not sure what we are going to do but we're thinking on it. Anyway, I hope he is on the mend. Hugs!!
If we were chickens you would have posted for us today...I'm just sayin' - Sell out ;)
Awww. One time my son faked being sick and while I went off to work, he was at home helping my hubby pick out a pair of gorgeous diamond earrings he bought from www.idonowidont.com for my birthday last week. How sneaky of the two of them! But it was cute. Of course I sent him right back to the school the next day! I hope your son feels better.
He's cute..even sick! Hope that today was easier!!
garrison keillor, on abilene:
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