I just had to bury Henna.
I had to go be library mom and afterwards I ran to Publix and bought $40 worth of stuff to try to save her--Pedialyte, hard boiled eggs, baby vitamins, ointment, all kinds of stuff.
I got home and gave her some yolk mashed up with baby oatmeal, some water with Pedialyte and a drop of vitamins. I went back to the kitchen to rinse everything off, came back to the bathroom, and she wasn't breathing.
Man, it's sad. I made sure not to get too attached at first because she was so scrawny but she was doing so well yesterday. Most heartbreaking is that Chicka REALLY enjoyed her company and it looks like Chicka is going to be an only child, because the 4 eggs in the incubator aren't doing anything.
I feel like I've failed as a Mother Hen. Again.
Awwww.. Bk is going to be so sad. Hatching chickens with out a chicken Mom is really hard. I'm sorry she didn't make it. You are gonna be a 1 chick mom like me. We can share stories :)
aw I am sorry.
I have been carefully watching these posts. I could never do this. I would cry...a lot.
Yeah...I don't know if I can do it either. It's more sad than happy. I need a good cry. I'm sad, my tummy hurts, I'm having a bad work day, and I feel overwhelmed with life.
I'm so sorry. You worked so hard on keeping her alive, I know this must be heartbreaking. :(
aww, sad :( Maybe you should upgrade to a sturdier animal...maybe a puppy, or a kitty. I personally think Chia Pets are the easiest kind of pets to care for, after those pet rocks.
Awww...sorry to hear that...poor Henna. Perhaps it's best to leave egg hatching to the momma chickens...
Awww, Hugs Ashley! I could not handle that. You did NOT fail. You did the best you could and that's that. Think of the lessons learned, by you and the BK and LK, and cherish the good in the experience. :( Renee (aka SebBenLuc)
Awww I'm so sorry. I've been stalking your blog for updates. Just know that you did the best you could.
I'm sorry :(
I'm so sorry :(
Back when we had more chickens we let them roam free during the day and we locked them in the coop at night. Dh's dog attacked one of the hens one day. She was tore up pretty bad so we took her to the vet. He had never worked on a chicken before so he called one of his bird vet friends and she instructed him on what to do. We came home with a featherless stitched up hen, a $250 vet bill and a prescription that we had to have filled at the real people pharmacy. When we got home I gave her the medicine. I heard a gurgling sound and then she died. We did everything we knew how - so did you. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
I'm sorry, Ashley.
:( sorry...
I'm so sorry, Ashley. But you did not fail. You did the best you could, and you have Chicka to show for it.
I'm so sorry. Having been there, done that, there is absolutely nothing you could have done. Chicks die so easy and it's very sad. I'm sorry you're having such bum luck but just look how spoiled Chicka will be!
Aww poor henna I was really pulling for her. and poor Chicka being an only child and all.
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