Saturday, October 4, 2008


I've got another chick halfway out. I did minor surgery because she was looking weak and getting quieter and quieter and now she's back in there hopefully gaining some strength and getting ready to kick off the last half of the shell. She's black.

Big Kid has already named her Henna and keeps assuring Chicka that her bestfriend Henna will be with her soon. I don't know if we'll ever get to name a chick, he's got a quick list of names. He's also insisting on a "Chicken Jane". Not Jane. Chicken Jane. More like Tickin Jane, actually.

Chicka is doing great and is as cute as can be. I swear I'll share her birth video and pics soon. Today. She has a mohawk of slimy hair that hasn't fluffed up, so she may get attacked with a washcloth sometime soon. Sorry, that's just how this mama rolls--we look good for photos here.


Jeannie said...

Can't wait for pics. Isn't Chicken Jane from Chicken Little?

cute stuff.....

Shannon said...

Does Big Kid watch Between the Lions? They have a segment called Chicken Jane, featuring-you guessed it- Chicken Jane. Sending good chick vibes to Henna!

Unknown said...

That is where he's seen it! What's that song--he sings it all the time. Something, something, something something, here comes Chicken Jane!

Melodie said...

Here comes Scott; Here comes Dot; Here comes Chicken Jane!

Chicken Jane rocks! Scott and Dot would be SO dead without her.

Shannon said...

Look,look, see, see coming down the lane.... God I need a life outside children's tv shows.

the rural rube said...

YES!! I love Chicken Jane!!

Ashley, I am worried about the process there. The leading cause of death at the stage your eggs/chicks are at is that their temperature isn't maintained at 99 degrees, throughout their ''pecking out" process. Even being exposed for a second, particularly when it's so wet in there, will kill them.

I'm so glad you got one this time around!! I hope there's more to come.

Are you keeping Chicka at 95 degrees or so now?

Unknown said...

I would normally agree with leaving them alone, but since I thought they were coming Monday, their humidity was way too low and the membranes are thick and rubbery and really hard to struggle out of. I've got the temps and humidity right in the incubator now, so if more are coming, it should be easier.

When I "help", it's either in the incubator or under a nearby heat lamp and I take them out in a warm washcloth, so they stay very warm the whole time and I do whatever I'm going to do quickly and then rush them back in.

The two that have died are the two I didn't help at all.

I have chicka in a brooder box with a heat lamp and she's doing great.

Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

Bargaining time, here. Tell BK he can have ANYTHING HE WANTS if he lets us name ONE. I'm sure everyone else will be willing to pitch in to buy the "anything" he chooses. At this point, I feel that I have a vested interest in this! Tell me where to mail the check...

Marketing Gurl said...

Could your chick breeding story get any cuter, I am happy that some are thriving!

Joy said...

OMG seriously I need some photos and videos SOON.

Is it sad you all have me signing the stupid Chicken Jane song?