Wednesday, November 5, 2008

All Men Created Equal

...unless they like other men.

Gays, I'm sorry you can't rejoice as fully as the 53% of us who want to dance in the streets. I'm sorry that "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" doesn't apply to you wanting a family of your own.

Personally, I don't think you're being Gay just to annoy the rest of us or because you're some kind of perv. I don't think you woke up this morning and decided to just drop the whole Gay thing since you didn't get your way. I don't think Jesus would hate you or wish you unhappiness.

And if you ever want to borrow little kid and pretend he's yours at a football game or take Big Kid to the theater or something, just get a hold of me and we'll work it out. I know it's not the same as having your own little butts to wipe full time and I'm truly sorry for that.

We haven't come *quite* as far as I had thought, but we're working on it. I know I'm a boring, straight, married, white mom--but I'm in your corner on this and I've been thinking about your community today.

People suck.


Maddness of Me said...

I wish I understood why people were against it.

Also, Al Franken would have been good for Minnesota don't cha know.

Ceci Virtue said...

I was so disappointed in my home state. I never thought I'd hear this of California. Sad, sad thing that's marring such another wonderful triumph.

Anonymous said...

This is sad :(

Mama Bee said...

Isn't just fucking ridiculous?! I can't believe what a disappointment California is today...

Anonymous said...

Well put, from another white, straight woman. Best, Becs

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that the sanctity of marriage has been preserved. Marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman not between 2 guys or 2 girls.

People are not born gay it is a choice they make. Just like any other choices people make. People choose to be gay, people choose to do drugs or drink or sleep around. You are correct that Jesus doesn't hate anyone but it is very clearly stated in the Bible that it is a sin.

“…Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortion ers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

I voted for the ban on gay marriage (I'm in AZ) not because I hate people but I voted based on my beliefs and I don't feel that gay people should be married or have families. I believe, very strongly, that a marriage is only meant to be betwen 1 man and 1 woman.

Unknown said...

My word exactly. So sad.

Unknown said...

“…Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortion ers will inherit the kingdom of God”

Well hell, this rules out just about everyone. Even good old McCain won't get to go to heaven based on this. Good thing there's nothing in the constitution about having to be faithful to your wife to hold office or own property.

Gays choose a life of discrimination and hatred just like you chose a lifetime of stupidity and small mindedness. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were born this way.

Maggie said...

Amen, sister.

Anonymous said...

Wanting to legally ban someone from having a family b/c it disagrees with your religion is hateful and unamerican.

Britt said...

Thanks for this. I've been sad for lots of my friends, despite the happiness of the Washington State election results.

Anonymous said...

“…Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

Doesn't really rule out everyone. There are lots of people that live good lives. Its just sad that you think adultry, homosexuality, stealing, getting plastered is ok.

I am not banning it based on my religion, I ban it based on the Bible. For me the Bible is very clear cut and I am living my life based on the priciples of the Bible. I have to face God on my judgement day and I know that I voted based on what His Word states.

There are many choices in America that are illegal, this is just another one on the list. I don't discriminate when it comes to issues that a person has no control over but I do discriminate when it comes to choices people make.

It's funny how everyone here and on BC are all upset about the bans and yet you are all are in the minority so you can be as upset and disgusted about it but there isn't anything you can do about it. Guess you have to take your rainbows and gay pride parads elsewhere.

We in Minnesota said...

New to your blog...Great comments about Obama. I also believe that people should be able to love who they long as they are not having sex on my front lawn, who cares what they do in bed. I used to believe what anonymous believes about gay people "deciding" to be gay. Wrong!!!! I have numerous gay friends, and none of them "chose" to be gay.
Hope and Change!!!!


Unknown said...

But the constitution isn't based on your Bible. That's where this becomes a problem.

And I know many, many people, "good" christians included, that would be excluded based on that list. I'm not saying that makes it okay, I'm just pointing out that it makes them BIG FAT HYPOCRITES if they are against gay rights based on this one quote from an archaic book. So Bristol Palin is going straight to hell too, huh?

What if, just WHAT IF, you're wrong about it being a choice? If people were born this way and that could be proven, would they deserve equality?

Unknown said...

I agree with you wholeheartedly, Ashley. Well written!

Anonymous said...

God would not make someone gay since he has clearly stated it is a sin to be gay. That would be like creating humans to breath oxygen and then making that a sin. There is no gay gene or anything crazy like that that causes a person to be gay. It is a choice they make along with the way their were raised.

As for Bristol Palin it's not my call if she is going to hell. No human can make that statement. None of us know Bristol's relationship with God and God is the 1 who decides who gets into Heaven and who doesn't. Just because I believe being gay is a choice and a sin doesn't mean I feel they are going to hell. I know gay people and I have a bil and my sil's aunt who are gay I don't agree with their choices and I don't feel they should be married or have kids but I don't hate them or tell them they are going to hell.

Unknown said...

Doesn't the quote you are basing other people's rights on say that you won't go to heaven if you do those things? God said that right? He wouldn't say that and make people gay, so he wouldn't say that and let people into heaven if they've done those things.

Good thing Bristol the fornicator and McCain the adulterer got to know each other, they'll know someone down there! Actually, they'll know A LOT of people down there. Man, they'll be stuck with Clinton forever too--God is so funny like that!

Amanda said...

ahhhhhhhh I remember the day clearly when I decided to be straight.... Oh wait, no I don't - I was ALWAYS THIS WAY!

Sooooo, anon - you remember your "I chose to be straight moment, do ya?"

Emmy said...

People do suck. They suck a lot. I dislike many of them.

the.bleach said...

I just don't understand this. There are so few moments in life that are big enough to involve your God, your Church, your State, and your Spouse -- marriage, death, birth...that's about it. Of course people, gay people and straight people, could just have sex, be crazy, exist outside of boundaries. But every gay couple that wants to get married wants to commit their relationship to a state-defined act that reflects responsibility and respect. Why do people think that desire is borne out of something careless, or alternative, or hell-bound?

amanda said...

All this hate is sickening. I just can't even believe this is even a debate. All men are created equal not just those who you pick and choose as good enough. I hope in the near future we look back at this as part of the struggle of yet another civil rights movement, like that of women and african americans.

Jennifer said...

I can't believe this was the result. I am in complete and totaly shock.

And I would like to resist to commenting on the "other", but that would just not be me. Judgement of one individual by another is a sin the same as any other, just like murder, theft or homosexuality (as you believe). I hope one day we can get to the point where one groups morals are not forced on others. Wouldn't it be sad if it weren't your views that were the magority.

Anonymous said...

Yes...people suck. Sorry for you all affected by really stinks.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Well said, Jules!

(you aren't on your honeymoon reading blogs and replying to narrow minded wackos, right? Right?)

Just Lisa said...

Yes, I am disappointed in my fellow Californians. I thought we were cooler than this.

Unknown said...

Anonymous--If you are so strong in your bible beliefs, why are you hiding your identity? Have the courage to put a name to your posts. Oh, and the reason you get to have religious freedom is due to a little paper called the CONSTITUTION. Last I heard all men were created equal.

Oh and knowing your bible doesn't mean you know anything about biology so don't make claims that you KNOW God wouldn't create a gay man. You may believe it but you don't know it. Over 1500 animals have shown bisexual and homosexual tendencies, 500 of which are well documented and include over 100 primates. Doesn't the bible say God created animals? Do some research.

I have gay friends who are loving, kind people who would fight in a war for you to keep your religious freedom. They raise their kids to respect people and respect others beliefs, beliefs like yours. They cried yesterday, heartbroken that they have to tell their three children why they can't be married now.

Don't be so fast to judge, it's not your job.

Unknown said...

(I think I had the wrong "Jules", disregard)

Maddness of Me said...

If you don't "agree" with your family's lifestyle dear anon, then be big enough to just admit you are a bigot. Don't hide behind the Bible in an attempt to justify your bigotry. At the end of the day, you are the one the Bible will expose.

Anonymous said...

I just want to throw this out there...
A straight couple, that argues and fights and abuses their children. They cheat on each other, use drugs and expose their children to all sorts of horrors.

There is a gay couple down the street, they are loving, hard working and honest people. They love children and all they want in the world is to create a union and be able to raise children with morals and values that are lacking in today's society.

Now the couple that abuses children have the right to have children because they are straight and the gay couple can't because of who they fall asleep next to?

Just checking.

Anonymous said...

When will people like Anon learn that the Bible is a book of stories and not fact?

Why is it up to others to decide the fate of the GLBT community? I don't see them banding together to decide the fate of everyone else.

Kate said...

I hate HATE the whole argument that people "chose" to be gay. Did any of the straight population chose to be straight or did you just know that you like the opposite sex? Why is that straight people are born that way and gays chose it? Do these people truly believe that anyone would chose to live a gay lifestyle? A lifestyle that is still discriminated against and judged? A lifestyle that has caused people to be murdered? Who would chose that life?

You know, the bible also says things like - judge not lest ye be judged. Perhaps that is the real biblical lesson we should be taking away here. I'm pretty sure that the bible also lists adultery as a sin yet, we don't persecute adulterers in this country. We're also not persecuting the fornicators. Just the homosexuals. Whatever anyone's religious beliefs are, it is NOT our place as flawed humans to judge anyone - that is God's job.

I totally support the rights of gays to marry, have children, grow old together, share a life, their dreams, etc. Using religion as a reason to perpetrate hate is disgusting and totally against the God I was taught to believe in.

Rock on Gays!

Maddness of Me said...

If anyone wonders why gay couples even want to get married in the first place, it is because it really sucks to be with your partner all your life, they pass away, and one of their relatives swoops in and takes everything you have because you legally don't have any right to it.

It sucks big time.

Maddness of Me said...

How did the Christian Coalition get in the Closet??? And true to form, they take one quote from the Bible and isolate it to suit their agenda, which is to belittle children of God. Instead of the true teaching of Jesus, which is to love everyone...

26:for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. 27: For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29: And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise". (Letter to Galatians, ch. 3)

Desiree said...

It saddens and sickens me to see basic civil rights denied to anyone. Anon.-you and people like you make me physically ill. Although I am an atheist, there is many a time that I wish with all my heart that I am wrong and you will actually get what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if the annony hole chose to be straight. i didn't. i was just made this way. same with gays. what a twat!

Missives From Suburbia said...

I never thought I'd be happy to say I live in Minnesota and no longer in California! I'm so disappointed in my fellow Californians. Why? Why did you do that to people who just want to love each other and call it the same thing you call it?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous calims to base all of this on the Bible, but I wonder what translation/interpretation he/she is reading? A lot depends on that. And I sure hope he/she isn't wearing mixed-fiber clothing, etc. as the bible os *very* clear on those points as well.

Feel free to live your life based on your interpretation of the bible. But you are NOT free to force everyone *else* to live by your narrow interpretation of it. Which is what you are doing.

Now, last point. Please, explain how this damages marriage? I have yet to hear a single person explain how allowing homosexuals being allowed to marry will in any way damage marriage. Seriously. How?