Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hair and Stuff

Big Kid got his long, shaggy hair cut off yesterday. I was super sad, but it still looks good.

However, it's a bit of a dorky haircut. I'm thinking it needs to be a little shorter, like the type where you push it forward and it spikes up just in the very front.

Is that called something?

Sorry I'm so boring lately--such is life.


Unknown said...

a fauxhawk cut does that

Unknown said...

No fauxhawk for Big Kid. I think little kid could pull one off though.

Sasha said...

A duck bill?

Lacy Rose said...

Around our house we refer to that as a duckass.

Anonymous said...

I believe it's called a Caesar cut.

Unknown said...

oh, it is the duck butt. my big kid has a full mohawk and he rocks it well. the family pics are adorable as well. he smiles like your big kid.

Bethany said...

I think we used to call it a pineapple, but that was when everything was basically shaved except for the bangs.

Anonymous said...

I call it the frat boy 'do, b/c all the cutest frat boys wore their hair like that.

Maddness of Me said...

The Edward.

Joy said...

I don't know what it is called, but my little man use to rock that hair do. he had a full on mohawk back during fall baseball we would spike the middle up it was awesome!