Saturday, November 22, 2008

Things I Think Are Funny...

that the rest of my family is probably sick of:

1. Talking incessantly about Mr. Ashley's love of sausage. Any mention of the word "sausage" gets me saying, " love sausages, you love you some sausages. Sausage is good" in my best tard voice.

2. Because I hate walking around our house, if I'm taking the chickens out front, I just carry them through the house. Every.Single.Time, I turn their butts so that they are pointing at someone's face and say, "what? what? chicken butt"--sometimes I do it to everyone in the family.

3. Insisting that the defrost button in my car is actually a rocket ship button, complete with daily "3...2...1 BLAST OFF" announcement with rapid acceleration.

There's more, but these are the ways I most frequently use to annoy my family and amuse myself.


Matt's Miscellany said...

Good times...It reminds me of how my father would always shoot cattle with his fingers and throw imaginary grenades at neighbors when he drove around the neighborhood. Drove me nuts growing up...and embarrassed me as a I can't wait to do it to my kids.

I'm already practicing the method on my wife.

SWAW Samantha said...

At least you don't hear "What? What?" and think "What what in the butt." You Tube search it [after your kids go to bed]. It's tragic, yet hilarious

Unknown said...

we have a turbo button in our car too but it is the flasher lights one. i am so glad someone else counts down too :)

Liz said...

mommy dearest - lol, I thought right away of What What in the Butt! :D

The walking the chickens through the house story has me LMAO!!!

Unknown said...

I bought Little E-Man a farting dog. You squeeze it and it farts. I die laughing with that thing, hubby keeps hiding it and I keep finding it. I need to put it under lock and key or it may go away for good.

My child gets his good manners from his father.

When I am work I yell "These pretzels are making me thirsty" whenever I am getting annoyed. Which is often.

Anonymous said...

You sound like you make things fun...and interesting! I'm WAY more boring than you are...

Anonymous said...

I'm LMO at the chicken for the turbo in the car...we gotta get a little fun in whenever we can...I wonder if my care has a turbo button...