Big Kid may have just called little kid a "little futter"--which is suspiciously close to "little fucker". When asked for clarification there was lots of backtracking and guilt and we couldn't get him to repeat what he said, what he meant, or where he heard it.
edited to add: Now he's claiming that he said "butter" and we're silly for thinking he said anything other than butter. Things that make you go hmmm.....
Babee H was caught saying she didn't "want deese feeking potatoes" a few weeks ago... Apparently the substitution I have been using isn't really so great after all... yikes!
Too funny. It is only a matter of time for me...
Those little f&*^kers say the darnedest things!!
I know it's only funny because it's your kid and not mine but either way thanks for the laugh. :)
DS said, "Schick!" the other day and I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about shaving...
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