Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dear Republicans,

You are not moving to Canada. I keep hearing this, time and time again, and I just need to point out that this is not a well thought out plan.

Canada has universal healthcare, gay rights, and they make Obama look like the King of Conservatives. Trust me, you would hate it there.

I suggest you research other options or just wait it out until we're both standing in the bread lines and I have to ask to borrow your pliers to pull my own teeth out, then you can say "I told you so!"

In the meantime, please stop threatening the Canadians in this way. They are perfectly happy living up there in their so-called Socialist nightmare. I'd wait until there are actual signs of true Socialism here before fleeing to a Socialist country to escape that fear.

Just my opinion, but if you need help packing, let me know.


Anonymous said...


I'm Canadian. Please tell me they don't have passports.


Stephanie said...

It is so funny, because I am Republican...and when I hear other Republicans say that I laugh so hard.

I hate when people of either party make such uneducated sounding statements. My goodness. If we all moved everytime we disagreed with something politically life would be quite the hassle.

There is nothing worse than people saying stuff like that. Especially when 4 years ago they are probably the same Republicans who criticized Democrats for saying it when Kerry lost.

People who make such stupid comments should just keep their mouths shut.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like Barack's policies, but I am not going to pack up and leave. I'm going to put my big girl panties on and give him a freakin' chance...even if I was a little sad and negative yesterday.

*lecture done*

Marie said...

Very funny. But,,Canada sounds kind of nice.

Haute Mama said...

THANK YOU! I'm also over the "sometimes change isn't good," "I'm scared," and "I'm running for the border" responses from those who didn't vote for Obama. I realize we have (protected) freedom of speech, but they need to shut up already - those of us who didn't vote for W. didn't run for the border (maybe we should have?) eight years ago.

I do chuckle at the ignorance of those who think Canada is a better option. I say go northward my friends (plus, there will be more money available for me and my family - bonus) though I don't think the Canadians want you there.

Since the election is over, can't we start to work as Americans to help rebuild our economy and infrastructure, maybe even improve our imagine with the rest of the world; rather than sit on opposite sides of the aisle as Democrats and Republicans? Come on - even the Maverick has lent his support to Obama!

Stephanie said...

Crap I hit okay too soon.

I just wrote something similar. You should read it. I promise we're not all idiots.

Unknown said...

Mrs. Newlywed, I applaud you and your big girl panties and those who are like you. It's okay to be sad and a little negative at first, it's not okay to throw patriotism out the window for the sake of being "right".

I know A LOT of good, nice, intelligent, rational republicans, so I have no problem with "you people"...just the bizarre claim that you'll move to a socialist country to escape your fear of socialism.

tgillock said...

I think the same thing when I hear people yapping about how their gonna pack it up and move North. Well, see ya later is what I think! Your gonna love it. Either stop your gripping and go or shut it and give the man a chance. And on a serious note, it's really not a bad way of doing things up there! I lived in Germany for 4 years and they have a socialized way of living, it didn't kill me. I even had to go to the Hospital there, eeeekkkk I know. But it was fine and their doctors are just as good as ours. I had NO issues with it.

Stephanie said...

Ashley, your post makes me laugh in a good way.

I totally agree. I think it is sad that people are suddenly disappointed to be Americans. Why? Because we didn't get what we want?

Maybe that says something bigger about our culture as a whole. I don't know.

But trust me, I am just as fed up...

Anonymous said...

People can be slightly moronic when faced with change. I don't know if you have Facebook or how your friends are, but mine are younger and posted messages such as "I can't believe how un-Christian America has become" and "Now Obama can pay my mortgage."

First of all, re-valuing mortgages was McCain's platform, not Obama's, and those two comments have been edited to remove the appalling misspelling and bad punctuation.


KT said...

I just posted my own long rant about this on Mrs. Newlywed's blog. So I won't duplicate. But, let me tell you, the Canadiens will laugh in the faces of people who relocate there to escape Obama. They love him. They think anyone anti-Obama is a moron. Trust me, I spend time with them several times a year. So, haters, get out a map and pick somewhere else. Canada is not for you, eh?

Maddness of Me said...

On the flip side, I know some liberals who moved to other countries and they are coming back. That makes me smile.

I can't imagine being gone for that long. I would be so homesick. I love my country too much to even speak about moving (and I could move 15 minutes away to Windsor Canada no problem).

The Republicans that talk about moving to Canada are the same ones who called Obama "anti-American" and a "terrorist". Nice logic.

Haute Mama said...

America didn't get what they wanted when Gore won the popular vote but the Electoral College sent W. to the White House. I'm just sayin'.

Unknown said...

The electoral college is an outdated and ridiculous system, in my opinion. If democracy is about what the people want, then those votes should be given equal weight, regardless of the state you happen to live in.

Urban Cyclist said...

People are seriously threatening that now? I understood why they did so after Bush, but now? Maybe it is just fallen into the American vernacular to move to Canada if you don't like the results of an election, regardless of your political platform.

Don't they know that upon arrival in Canada they will have all of their wages seized to fund our social welfare system, be assigned into a gay marriage, given medical marijuana, taught about evolution and be forced to live next to a safe injection site? Not to mention that we don't have a "right to bear arms."

I have actually been really curious about Republican reactions to the election because the only Americans I know are for Obama.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. What astounds me is how many Americans making these "threats" have never even traveled outside of our country. I consider myself to be fairly well-traveled and, because of the things I have witnessed during my travels, I can honestly say that we have it pretty damn good here.

Kate said...

I was thinking the exact same thing when I read the "I'm moving to Canada" comments :)

Haute Mama said...

Ashley, I COMPLETELY agree with your opinion on the EC. I took great issue with that system when Gore lost, but really won. I felt somewhat betrayed by the "your vote matters" babble back then.

Hopefully Ms. Newlywed can see that America got what it wanted (electing Obama), she just happens to be in the minority this time, (opps) I mean again ;0)

Urban Cyclist said...

I also forgot to mention that all of the Canadian indoctrination would occur in both French and English (and possible Inuktitut or an other Aboriginal language).

And don't they know that while you now have an African-American president, we have a female francophone Governor General from Haiti?

Matt's Miscellany said...

My wife just sent me a link to your blog. Thank you for that post. You posted what I've been thinking about saying the last few hours. Just to let you know, you've now won me over and I will be subscribing to you blog for future musings.

Thanks, Matt Q

Melissa said...

Great post! :) 8 years ago....and 4 years ago, I wanted to move to Canada to get the hell away from W! :) I AM SO HAPPY for America today!!!! (Although I am really disappointed in my state of Minnesota.....seriously. We vote for Obama.....and then send Norm Coleman (R) back to Washington?!?!? I love Al Franken. Why would people vote for a democrat for president, then turn around and vote for a republican in the senate?!?!? The democrats need the senate in order to accomplish anything!)

Anonymous said...

Thank you mrs. newlywed for putting my thoughts into words :) I was a bit disappointed by the results, but not at all surprised so well prepared to NOT be a great big whining cry-baby about it. (*hee!*) With the husband's job relying on military contracts the prospect of those budget cuts concern me, but that's it. Right now that only has the potential to affect us so we'll just wait and see.

That said, I DO hold a valid passport, as does the hubby. Were we to flee the country we'd go further (and WARMER) than Canada, y'all (no offense intended, Canucks!) but the reality of President Obama isn't flee-worthy in the least. That, and what the hell kind of message would it send to my kids to say, "Yeah, I know we told you we're all created equal and to treat everyone of your teachers and classmates with respect but we're NOT living where a black man runs the country!"?

(Truly though, Romney still scares the ever-lovin' bejeezus out of me.)

And Ashley, thanks for all the laughs :)

Anonymous said...

I'm on the younger side and some of the Facebook statuses are rediculous. Examples

So and so is working to have her money stolen.

B Hussein O is bad news for America. I think I shall buy guns and build an underground house/library/bunker where I can live for 4 years.

A couple people have even compared Obama to Hitler. Have fun, Canada!

Heather Warren said...

Thank you for the post, I found it through Mrs. Newlywed. I am in complete agreement with you.

I thought we were suppose to be "Country First", so why do you want to jump ship now.

Its called democracy people. Believe it or not, that's what makes this country great. Even when you're side doesn't win.

Trust me, us "crazy" liberals have felt the pain.

Maddness of Me said...

I don't think there is anything we can do about those freaks. They will always be around.

I just hope they use some of my tax money to protect Obama, closely. If anything happens to him, this country will be done. Over. Toast.

He needs to stop thinking he can trick or treat with his daughters out in the open, running down the street, running from paparazzi. He's not Brad Pitt. It's sad, but true. I worry about something really bad happening. I feel like everyone has gone back to being a bit naive about this dark side of humanity.

Also, if Elizabeth Hasselbeck can get behind him (my eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw that) then these turds can too.

Maybe it's just a healing period.

Mitch said...

Why do people threaten to move to Canada? Its cold there. Long winters. I always threaten to move to some Caribbean island. At least its warm and I can go to the beach in January!

Steff said...

LMAO! Hilarious!

Melodie said...

I'm with you, Mitch! If I ever decided to move out of this country, it sure as hell wouldn't be to some cold place like Canada. I'd probably find some nice tropical island to move to.

ERR said...

Like Mrs. Newlywed, I voted for McCain and was disappointed in the election results. However, I was expecting an Obama victory and I plan to give him the benefit of the doubt and I sincerely hope he will be a good president. But I do feel the need to comment that the rude remarks are coming from both sides. I have seen a number of posts on facebook saying republicans are racist. I find this so offensive that there are people out there that think being a republican or not voting for Obama makes you a racist. I think Obama supports should be proud of their victory but there is no need to make hurtful comments like this nor is it necessary to categorize all republicans a certain way. I try to avoid stereotyping democrats because I think there is more to the political spectrum than the far right and the far left and there really is a lot of people who are in the middle and have beliefs that align with both parties' ideologies but maybe just more so one's than the other's.

Dana said...

I agree that the "I'm moving to Canada" thing is outrageous ... but seriously, does no one remember Democrats saying the same thing in 04 - maybe not about Cananda, but the "I'm moving" part? What about Tina Fey saying she was moving to another planet if McCain won? I think it's a little funny that Republicans are getting called out for this when Democrats said the same things in 04. What about "country first" then? I'm just sayin ... It's a fresh defeat. Give the people time to come to terms with it. If I had a dime for every bitch and moan I heard in 04, I wouldn't be worried about my mortgage payment! ;)

Unknown said...

The irony (and the point) is that Republicans are threatening to flee to a country that already embodies everything they're so terrified will happen under Obama.

It makes perfect sense for liberals and democrats to want to move to Canada since our views mostly align--the Republicans making this threat are proving that they don't even know what they fear, they're just repeating what others have told them to fear.

Jenn said...

Canada says no thanks, eh? We don't want 'em either. I agree, give the globe another spin and pick another location ;)

Theresa said...

so funny! all of you! I'm not a dem (or a rep for that matter), but I'm excited to see what Obama can get done. Bring it on! No way I'm moving to Canada - the beauty of America is embodied in the election of Obama. Congratulations America, you're walking your talk.

Paige said...

Isnt it interesting how people only think the majority should rule when they are part of it?

strange how that works

Anonymous said...

I'm Canadian and believe me the Republicans would lose their minds if they moved up here. Never mind the fact that we don't want them. We like our gay loving high tax paying free healthcare socialist country the way it is.

Anonymous said...

Great post! I recall standing in line at Target listening to a group of women talking about how they were moving to Canada if Obama won. They climbed into a Range Rover with a bumper sticker that read: "Babies, Guns and Jesus - Vote McCain Palin." I laughed out loud thinking how well that would go over in Canada.

As good as this post was I love even more the McCain supporters that are willing to open their minds to an Obama presidency. I hope he will truly have a bipartisan administration and that he will earn your support.

I love when you talk politics - it bring out all types - good and bad.


Kira said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! Yeah... Thanks but no thanks. Those that get their panties so wadded at your straight-forward elections would keel over and DIE at our electoral process. Seriously, I live here and still don't get it.

ERR said...

The only context in which I have heard people say they want to move to Canada is as a joke claiming it will be less socialist than the US with Obama as president. I am in no way endorsing this viewpoint and I don't actually believe most people believe this either, I think it's just an off color joke. Has anyone seen the Howard Stern clip where he interviews the voters? It is shocking how uninformed people are and sad that they will just vote for someone without knowing any of their views on the issues. (I feel I should add that the full clip includes both Obama and McCain supporters so I'm in no way saying that the only uninformed voters voted for Obama).

Anonymous said...

It is so ridiculous for anyone to say they are leaving; what whiners. Do we leave when our children get obnoxious (crawling under voting booths, etc.)? Hell, no, we take a drink, maybe a vacation and regroup tomorrow. I was so happy that McCain gave such a good speech, and so very disappointed in the republican crowd that booed Obama over and over - even McCain was ticked off at that. I am sorry that McCain ended up being so manipulated by the GOP during this campaign; while I am not a fan of his, I do think he is better than what he portrayed and professed during the campaign.

I am glad Obama won, and I'm glad I don't have to warn my kids not to discuss politics in front of my parents (Can you believe my father told my 12-year old he'd never vote for someone named Hussein? What a pig.) Mostly,though, I'm glad it's over. I think I'll celebrate again tonight!

(And Dana, I am wondering if Tina Fey really meant she'd leave because of McCain's politics or that she would semi-permanently be stuck trying to perform on two shows that suck every ounce of her energy. Betcha!)

Missives From Suburbia said...

I've been asking all along where disgruntled Republican threaten to move when things don't go their way.

Anonymous said...

Great post! I say "Go!"

Miss JC said...

Oh wow...I LOOOVE your blog. You say everything I'm thinking! Glad to have found you! :)

Melanie Sheridan said...

I say let 'em go. It would create jobs. If anyone knows a fleeing Republican with a good marketing job please let me know so I can send in my resume.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, everyone knows that they aren't going anywhere. Their house isn't going to sell in this economy.

Anonymous said...

The other day, one of my friends asked me if I voted for Obama. When I replied "of course," she said, "Well, are you ready to see civil war over this? People are talking."

Civil war?? Are you effing kidding me? Which people are talking about this, exactly? This was the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, especially from a young woman who lives in the fairly liberal state of Connecticut.

My response was "If there are any country hicks out there who really feel like this is a situation that merits civil war, they can go make their own country because they don't belong here." I wanted to add that we could no longer be friends anymore, but I left it at that.

Emmy said...

I was very disappointed in 2000 because of the way everything went down, but I gave Bush the benefit of the doubt. I had about a day of mourning and went on with life. In 2004 I probably did make some harsher comments because we'd already had four years of his BS and we knew what we were getting in to, but I wasn't a huge Kerry fan. I had about two days of mourning and got on with it.

I remember being upset, but I don't remember calling it a tragedy or thinking I should leave the country. This man has been given no chance by some people to make this country better. It's going to be all gloom and doom for them for four years and honestly I wish they would move if that's how its going to be. He could end the war, balance the budget, erase the national debt and show up at their door with a bucket of cash and they'd still hate him. Some people are just whiny babies.

Lyndsay said...

LOL, my sentiments exactly, but you stated it so much better than I ever could!

Unknown said...

Looooooooooove your blog to bits!

Unknown said...

You know, George doesn't have a job anymore .. do you suppose the Canadians could use a slightly (and I DO mean slightly) used politician?

Maddness of Me said...

As much as I love Bill Maher, I usually cringe he says there are a whole lotta dumbshits in this country and the stupid uninformed way they vote has ruined this country for the last 8 years.

Apparently, it's true. This time we lucked out and we outnumbered them by getting out the vote (thank you young people).

I hope the next generation takes over for these assholes and they become extinct.

Susan said...

I detest the moving to Canada "threat" by anyone of any political persuasion. How inane.

Mel said...

My father defected from Poland when he was a teenager. He could not return while it was still Communist for fear of reprisal and prison. This fear haunts him to this day and he has never returned, even to see family. My mother is also Polish, however she was born in Germany. This was as a result of my grandfather being liberated by the Americans from the Nazis, and immediately being offered a job as a civilian at one of the new ARMY bases in Germany. My grandfather (12 years old) had been captured by the SS and taken to Germany and put into a Labor Camp digging trenches for Nazi troops on the French border, and my grandmother actually saw Hitler riding in a car on a street lined with light posts from which Jews had been hung. Trust me, if they could have, they would have fled the country.

Though my politcal views are different than yours, Ashley, and I did vote for the other guy, I know enough about things going terribly wrong in a country to realize that people are over-reacting. When they close the borders (and I'm not talking about coming IN, I'm talking about going OUT), and your politically outspoken neighbors start disappearing, THEN leave.

So, until I see signs of President-Elect Obama wanting to declare himself Supreme Ruler, I'm staying put. And if he is really going to be as crappy as some fear he is going to be, then at least everyone has a chance to vote for something else in four years. I believe he has the potential to be a good President, because he has the entire WORLD watching him and don't even think for one minute that the media won't crucify him at the first misstep. They already slammed his wife for the dress she wore to his speech, and are talking about the largest stock market drop right after an election in history. (according to CNN and MSNBC) So, I hope he does well, because as I'm sure President Bush could tell him, it's a very tough job. And let's hope that Michelle and her girls have thick skin. Because it's never easy at the top.

~Gretchen~ said...

I'm a republican with no desire to move to Canada. It's cold there.

Although I do wish that the Baldwin brothers would follow up on that promise.

Anonymous said...

Oh man. We *so* don't want a bunch of pouting republicans flooding into Canada. I agree, they'd hate it . . . my home province even has government-owned liquor stores!

For the record, though, it's not always cold - summer is HOT :)

You and your readers are SO funny :) I laughed so hard that the baby woke up. Crap.

Maddness of Me said...

mel... wow, that pretty much puts it into perspective now doesn't it.

~Gretchen~ said...

ashley, i love you. you know this. but could we PLEASE go back to BK and LK and your fabulous lifestyle? k?thxbai.

Unknown said...

As Palin would say, "You betcha" (wink, wink)...January 21st--well hell, let's make it February to be safe.

Dana said...

Surprisingly enough, I do get the irony of the Canada thing. My commment was aimed more at the "country first" remark and that the Repubs want to move because they didn't get their way. Both sides get crazy when they loose - that was my only point.

(Elizabeth in NC - Surely Tina Fey wouldn't want to leave because of the McCain/Palin politics!! That's just insane . . .)

Jess said...

Another Republican who laughs at the "move to canada" mentality.

Let's move on now. We have our pres-elect. The people have spoken, and that is the beauty of a democracy.

I didn't vote for him, because I don't agree with Obama's ideas and philosophies. But, I do believe that most of us have the same vision for our country, and just disagree on how to get there. I'm sick of the dems being called "baby killers" and the Reps being accused of "hating gays and poor people". Its silly, people.

I think Obama will be good for our country. I still think McCain would have been better, but I was in the minority.

We are moving on to better times. I really believe that, and there is no reason not to.

Lauryn said...

I just found your blog and I love it. This entry is hilarious and so true.

At least when Democrats say they want to move to Canada they've already been supporting socialist ideas.

People are funny. They say that it can't get any worse in this country... Oh, it can get worse, but it could also get much better. We'll just have to see. Until then, people just need to zip it.

the rural rube said...

I don't want them here... any of them.

Congrats to my friends south of me for getting it right this time!!!!
Now.... California....fuckers.....that's a whole 'nother story.

Mrs. R said...

Love the blog. I cannot tell you how many blogs posted "we are doomed" msgs on 11/5. Some of them even continued spouting all the lies that was presented during the campaign. They screamed "country first" during the campaigns but now say "he isn't my president". I am sick of hearing it. Have some respect for both parties.

Thank you for your refreshing words.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Seriously....funniest post ever!!