Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I'm sick and Big Kid barfed on me and I backed the Durango into something this morning.

I want to make it funnier than that, but just can't.

Maybe later.


Stephanie said...

Oh my what a day!

This calls for a vodka lithium cocktail when you are feeling better.

Stacy said...

Hope your day goes better soon!

Anonymous said...

oh my.

that is all.

Ami said...

Go back to bed. Take care of yourself!

Melodie said...

So, who did you clean up first? Him or you?

Callie said...

Sounds like you need puppies

Anonymous said...

Hope you're both feeling better SOON!!!!

Ashley said...

Good reason to go back to bed.

BTW haven't commented in a long time so Hello Ashley!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're both feeling better soon.

As for the long as that "something" wasn't a person or animal try not to sweat it. It sucks, no one's dead, the end. ;) (That's my mantra for shopping with my three boys and it seemed to fit here...)

Anonymous said...

Things could always be worse...

Renee said...

Yucky day. I'm sorry. :( I hope you feel better! I'm stalking you on IM but you never reply which leads me to only one conclusion - you hate me. :) Because it's all about ME ME ME, right? Lol. Seriously though, I do want to get caught up with you and miss chatting with you. I shall keep stalking.

-The Renee

Unknown said...

Renee, I miss you so much! The IT person had my laptop and uninstalled Messenger. I have to take it back to her Tuesday, so I'm going to reinstall if after that. So we shall reunite then. ;-)

I got the reader's digest subscription--you are the best!!

Anonymous said...

Ingredients to a pretty shitty day....


Margaret said...

I hope you're feeling better--being sick sucks, and being barfed on sucks even more.

I have a huge favor to ask you (even though you don't know me, I have visited your blog multiple times a day for the past year and a half and you are my absolute FAVORITE blogger!) :) I noticed that Not So Desperate Housewife has come back to blogging land, and is now private. Her blog was one of my favorites and I'd love to get an invite if possible...any way you could ask her for me? Pretty please? :) I'll even babysit little kid the next time I'm in FL! My email is mgwthompson (at) yahoo (dot) com. Thank you so much!

Jennifer said...

Damn. That sounds like how I start my day.