You know, I was just sitting here thinking it would be the perfect day if I had two stinky little people sharing one couch cushion with me, breathing in my face, demanding drinks, chugging them and burping near my ear, asking me to wipe their butts and fighting with each other....
Oh wait no, I was thinking the opposite of that.
I will pay someone $5,000 to construct an invisible electric fence around myself, my couch cushion, and my side table.
P.S. It must also be soundproof. So I guess we need more of a barrier than a fence.
HAHAHA!!! Love it!
When you find someone to do it for you, send them my way, I'll pay double.
I will take one of those barriers as well. Please and thank you!!
My suggestion is to give the kids their own playroom
Just toss some toys in there and lock them up!
Simple :D
Just wanted you to know that you do a good thing...I was at the grocery store and there with the butter was a big can of Batter Blaster...without this blog, I probably wouldn't have looked twice at it, but I did...and I bought it...and can't wait to try it out tomorrow! Good Work!
The only thing I get that's close to that is called "naptime" and it's waaaaay too short.
I would KILL for a sound proof room with the computer and TV and my cell phone (seeing the kids don't know how to call me yet).
I want in on that when you get it.
I needed the soundproofing in the car today. My little one started singing Jingle Bells over and over, but only a few lines and he got them wrong. I wanted to hold my head out the window to drown him out.
This is a brilliant plan. My small one does not care for the programming on Playhouse Disney at this moment. I wish she had a button I could press that would make her satisfied with whatever is on the electronic babysitter.
It is too early to make demands. The conceierge desk is not open this early!
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