Mainly, we just have two problems. The dog and the shoes. Do you look waaaaaaaaaay hotter in 3 inch heels and a short skirt? Yes, everybody does, that's why they are called "fuck me pumps". Is it appropriate on a job site? No, no it is not. I'm onto you, trying to impress the construction workers, you hussy. Now that we're on the subject, I also suspect that you're doing Richard. You two are a little too comfortable with each other and you nag and whine at him. If so, I say you go girl. You certainly could do worse (but he could do better).
About the dog....also not appropriate on the job site. Or at work really. And the dog is ugly and looks totally stupid in that shirt you've got on him there.
Okay, that's all. You're smart, you have a great career going and I admire you, I am just sick of seeing you in the inappropriate-for-the-situation shoes and I wish you'd lose the dog and play up the whole professionalism thing a little more.
P.S. Did you get a nose job? I swear you look different recently.
total rhinoplasty. totally schtupping richard, and who wouldn't?! he's a clemson grad you know, they schtup the best...
:) tell your girl crush hi.
Hilarious - We always mock Ginger at my house. Ever notice how Richard goes on and on about how great she is, yet in every single episode she majorly screws up? Somehow this is always overlooked...hmmm, I wonder why.
Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks they're totally screwing.
OMG, you make me laugh, laugh, laugh!
We don't get to see Ginger in themiddleofnowhereGermany but I was recently in the States and watched the new show (I don't know the name either). One night I went in for a quick kiss and snuggle move to sneak away the remote and the only thing my husband said when I turned it on TLC was, "is this the show about houses where the ugly girl is fucking her boss?" Wow, he rarely notices anything so Captain Obvious must have yelled it in his ear.
eww, that's a bad picture of ginger too!
Hah!! I knew I couldn't be the only one picking up on the "We're totally doing the horizontal hula" vibe those two give off. The shoes are stupid and so is the dog.
Even my husband thinks those two are "bumping uglies". And that is huge for him to "get it"!
So glad we aren't the only ones!
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