Saturday, November 29, 2008

MILF Wannabe Dress

So, my special occasion Target dress was a dress I had admired weeks ago but couldn't justify buying. Imagine my delight when I saw it later on the clearance rack, for only $13!! The only one left was a medium, and I remembered that the large was pretty big on me, so I figured it had all worked out perfectly and bought it without trying it on.

Hmmm, not my best move. Do I fit into the dress? Yes. I do. But it seems a little short and slightly snug. I had to drag the Spanx out and now it fits better, but it's still pretty short. I'm a fan of short too, because my legs made it through the massacre of childbirth relatively unscathed, but it makes me feel like a MILF-wannabe.

And I totally am a MILF-wannabe but I try not to be quite so blatant about it. Pairing the dress with a black blazer tones it down a bit, but still, a lot of leg.

That's what you get for $13.

1 comment:

~Gretchen~ said...

this post is worthless without pics