Big Kid watches your show religiously. I am writing you today to inquire about your inspiration for this series. More importantly, who you got it from, how much it cost, and can I get their phone number?
Seriously, I can't be the only mom out there thinking that this show was created to drop acid to. You were on something when coming up with this. Hell, those kids on the show even look drugged. What is up with their dancing? And who picked out those outfits??
I know each show cost you no more than $12 to produce and don't get me wrong, the Ashleys appreciate your assistance in getting Big Kid to eat all of his food (There's a party in my tummy, so yummy! so yummy!) and in brushing his teeth (Spit out the water, and rinse out your brush!). Not to mention, we about pee ourselves laughing every time he goes into what looks like an epileptic seizure and yells "Wook at me, I'm bweaking it down!". Breaking it down indeed. I am just slightly concerned that perhaps there are hidden drug messages that I am missing (hook me up friends). Or maybe you are Japanese? That's the only other possible explanation.

Yours Truly,
P.S. Tell Biz Markie I said hi. Every time I see him on the show I have to sing "Oh baby...YOU, YOU GOT WHAT I NEEEEEEEED, but you say he's just a friend, yes you say he's just a friend, Oh BaBEEEE YOOOOUUUUU....." Excellent casting, along with your other characters.
Am I the only one who watches Baby Einstein videos and thinks, 'where were these in my pot smoking days?'
Am I the only 35-year-old mom of 4 who is still in her pot smoking days? ;)
Am I the only one who thinks of the Ramones everytime I see Yo Gabba Gabba??? **humming I wanna be sedated** which is fitting after the post I just wrote
Yeah, I'm kinda scared of that show. Although Biz Markie- that song is so high school- good times. I do hate the "Snacky, snack, snack, snack, snack" song, but I totally tolerate it since The Politician and The Wild Child like it.
I love YGG, especially after a few happy pills. I want to take DJ Lance shopping and then for cocktails and dancing, but he has to wear his orange suit and use his YGG voice.
Happy 200, babe.
Yo Gabba Gabba! These pot-smoking dudes are laughing all the way to the bank. DS would be a roadie if they ever went on tour. Sure, he's only 3 1/2 and can't do shit, but it would be the dream of his lifetime. Break it down!
Thanks. It's freakin 8am and I have that damn song stuck in my head. There's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy! Oh and my 3 and 2 yr. old boys love that damn show.
google the Aquabats...they are the cool creaters of the show.
OMG. Yo Gabba Gabba is my favorite show. I would watch it w/out Madden, I swear. Then again, the Aquabats (creators of the show (oops, just saw your message cate)) are from LA & I'd see them regularly in SD back in my pre-marriage, pre-baby days (hell, it was also their pre-marriage, pre-baby days).
My vote is that this show is the best on television & I wish I was talented enough to knit my sweet toddler a Foofa sweater.
If anyone can knit me a Foofa sweater in a size 3T I will pay handsomely. :)
Am I the only one that thinks the orange thing looks like a dildo?
I think our family is past most of the preschool shows now - my five year old (the Youngest) came in shaking her head after watching an episode and said "I don`t know what those people were thinking."
I might have to start smoking pot again and think up a show. WTF IS THIS? I've never seen it!
And I thought the one Wiggles video with the pyschadelic acid trip puppet show was bad.
LOL at him bweaking it down!
My kids love the YGG's. Although I am getting awfully tired of hearing "There's a party in my tummy" every time mini #2 eats a morsel of food. That song is starting to huant me at night. I swear.
oh yes my daughter loves yo gabba. she sings along and one time she was saying they are having sex ???i was highly concerned, b/c she is 3, but she was actually singing they are having snacks. she loves puma ?pina ? whatever those wacky names are.
I realize that this is an old conversation, but did anyone find a foofa sweater? I reallly need to have one for my two year old.On the playground yesterday he said my name is ----- I like to dance! totally caught me off guard and had to enjoy that alone because the other moms have never seen Yo gabba gabba which is weird I think!!!! I also am reminded of the Ramones that had to be intentional, right?
I still love Yo Gabba Gabba and we don't even get that channel anymore.
I don't think they make the sweaters commercially. Try Etsy, maybe someone's gotten smart and ripped them off or come up with something similar.
I really need to find a Yo Gabba Gabba sweater for an adult male. (me)
Are they even selling those?
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