Friday, October 12, 2007

Plam Street

Poor Catfish misspelled Palm Street on her rehearsal dinner invites. Everyone knows that kind of feeling, the initial panic, the frantic wondering if you can somehow change things, the sad resignation that they're just going to have to go out that way. Please assure her that 1.) 95% of people won't even notice. 2.) The other 5% will think it's funny because she is notorious for her spelling. 3.) As long as there is liquor at the rehearsal dinner, everyone will soon forget. 4.) One day she'll be able to laugh about it. The invitations are so nifty, I think people will be more caught up in looking at the beautiful plam leaves on them.

Or, as Matron of Honor (damn I'm old), perhaps I will sneak down there the night before the dinner and change the street sign to read Plam. Yes, that is what I will do, I will don my ninja gear and reflective letters and I will fix this for her once and for all.


Anonymous said...

Please tell Catfish that Muffy just got married last Saturday and had the wrong DATE on the invite for her rehearsal dinner.....and us drunks still showed up on time!! No worries!

Anonymous said...

I once got an invitation with spelling and grammactical errors on it..
But we still attended the wedding and had a fine time..

Of course, I am still talking about it..

Anyway, all will be okay. Especially with you by her side!Go Ninja, Go Ninja, GO!

Carie said...

'cause your a great friend and an even better Matron of Honor, thats why! I need a friend like you!

Jaws said...

care if I add you to my blog roll? Im from bbc, LOL lurking on the stalker thread.

Anonymous said...

Deer Asshley,
Jest a qick commint form the shy one. I prommisse to bee bitter comminter form this dais forehead. Sea ewe on Plam and Mane steet. thee ind.

Kate said...

Hey Ashley, if you want to change the spelling on the street sign, I can help you out with that....I work for a printing company. Not sure when the rehersal dinner is but if you really want to change it, drop me an email at and I'll hook you up. I'm all for a good practical joke!

Jennifer said...

It would be great to change the street sign!

If that doesn't work out, you could always take the fall for her misspelling. Wear an "I'm the misspeller" shirt or something. You would do that if you were a real friend. Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Ashley --

You know we love you!!! You don't have to throw in a cruise, but that's cool too. Can we bring tiaras?

Oh and LMFAO! Not just LOL, but LMFAO!

Anonymous said...

OMG if you change the sign you MUST take pics in the ninja gear and pics of the sign then post it all on here so we all can get a big ROFLMAO!!

BTW if it has liquor I would so not care that it is misspelled especially since the last few I attented had NO liquor can you imagine? ok so I was pregnant at one of them, but still the others come on!


Rachel said...

Truthfully, no one will notice. I seriously doubt many people will notice. That being said, I can understand her being upset.

The only reasonable thing to do is change the sign and blog about it. It will most assuredly get you nominated Matron of Honor of the Millenium.

Deb said...

I have one of those cool headlamp thingamabobs you can borrow if you go ninja. Hubby bought it for me after Kiddo was born so I could check diapers in the dark. It even has an SOS flasher, so if you run into any problems, you can signal for help. (P.S. Don't stand over your husband when he's sleeping and point the SOS signal at him. They don't think it's that funny.)

Anonymous said...

Oh you should SO change the street name! That would be the best wedding gift ever. Just try to not get arrested - wait, you could probably get some good blog posts from there. ;)

It'll be fine Catfish! Even if they notice, it won't matter!

Anonymous said...

Your the bset.

Cinnamon said...

I would be glad to even provide you with a new street sign since that is what we make here at my work, lol.

Anonymous said...

Ashley - Catfish's mistake isn't so bad. My boss sent out invitations to his wedding in November. They put a lot of thought into the wording, etc. The day after the invites went out his friend calls and raves about what a good job they did and how cool it came out. he said he had one question though - when IS the wedding. They forgot to put the DATE on the invite. Major oooops!!! I got an email from the bride that afternoon and they sent out a follow up via snail mail the next day.