Thursday, October 11, 2007

Is This Thing On?

It has recently come to my attention that on average less than 1% of you comment. Why is this? I don't believe you even have to register now that anonymous comments are allowed. Do I not inspire you? Don't give me that "I'm not funny enough" b.s., because I'm not looking for you to be funny, although I do have some seriously funny commenters. A simple "LOL" will do.

My only pay is your friendship and the attention (well and free sex toys and one check, but whatever, it's not paying the bills). I love "my people". In fact, if I win the lotto I'm going to rent a cruise ship and take all of my readers on a big Ashley's Closet cruise, but you won't be invited if you haven't left a comment. I even bought lotto tickets this week. So speak up!


Kate said...

damn, if you are averaging less than 1% I must be at one millionth of 1%...I can't decide if that damn site meter thing is a blessing or a curse, its cool cuz it shows who all is looking but irritates me cuz I don't feel the love!!!! As far as Shaggy's 11 pm curfew, you pipe down or no more Coke points!!! Smooches!

Anonymous said...

Well you know I always comment, even though my hubby thinks I am a totally weirdo for reading and commenting on a blog of a person I have never met!! but I just say it is thru the 6 degrees-Hazlett is my bf, her old neighbor is Mrs.Clemson herself and I did meet her and her mini's a few times so then I find your blog and you just happen to be HILLARIOUS so how could I not read on.

ps I have some coke points I will give up for a cruise ticket! ah who am I kidding I will give them up for a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

I think you're hilarious Ashley. I look forward to reading your blog every day!

Jill (Andrew's Jillybean on BBC)

Kate said...

by the way, Hubby (aka me) wants to know how "your friend" managed to secure that review thing for Too Timid. He said it sounds like something that would interest him (aka me)

Anonymous said...

I know LOL is just a phrase, but you really do make me LOL sometimes! Thanks for seeing the humor of being a mom.

jennifer said...

I often leave comments! And I read your damn blog every day! Keep it up weiner gobbler!

Renee said...

You know I love to love you, baby.

-The Renee

Anonymous said...


Tracey said...

Not just LOL, but LMAO.

Anonymous said...

LOL will you pick me up from Singapore when we go on the cruise?

Cathy said...

As always, good stuff, girl! Keep writing and keep buying those lottery tickets for god's sake! You can't win if you don't play!

Deb said...

Look at them crawl out of the woodwork when a cruise is on the line! Cruise or no cruise, I'm here for ya, hon. You're even on my blogroll.

Although... interesting... I'm not on yours. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Ashley, you are one funny chick!

MeiMei said...

I'm just to worried about getting the words alll mixed up and wrong (I am no native english speaker) and to blame myself in front of the whole Internet.

Judy said...

Guilty as charged. I don't always comment because I usually have "help" in the form of a 2 year old, but I do read.

I did notice a while back, with the dawn of the rss feeds and feed readers that my commenters dropped off - WAY off. And, since I'm guilty of it as well, I get the concept - I can read far more blogs through my bloglines account than I ever could when I was just clicking down a list in my sidebar or favorites.

Northern Michigan Mom said...

I do read your blog everyday, however, I don't always comment. I'll try harder! And if there is alcohol on board that big rockin cruise ship, I'm in!!! I'll be posting several times a day!!!! And how about noooooo kids?

hicktowndiva said...

I read your blog every day and really enjoy it...I"m just not a big commenter!

Ned said...

Nothing but love for you!

Anonymous said...

You had me at...."and take all my readers on a big Ashley's cruise!!!" I LOVE reading this daily and am usually laughing so hard I spew water out my nose.

Anonymous said...

I start everyday at the office with your blog and sometimes, when I really don't feel like working (read: everyday), I check again in the afternoon. I get pissed when there's nothing new to read from you.
Post more often, dammit. Feed my internet addiction, Ashley.

Rachel said...

I read your blog before I check to see if anyone commented on my blog and that's not just because no one ever comments on my blog. Rather, it's because you are very funny and that's how I like to begin my Internet day (before switching to email and news). I think you need your own reality tv show.

BTW, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you to win the lottery...

Ellie said...

I don't think I've ever commented before- but I think you're awesome! My husband even loves you (but not the same way he loves me, don't get excited) and will sometimes ask me what Ashley is up to. That's big for him because he is a geek and usually only reads tech [read: nerd] blogs.

Thanks for making me laugh out loud at work- my co-workers probably think I'm crazy!


Anonymous said...

I'm a fellow Aug 06 BBCer and the first thing I do every morning when I get to work is read your blog. As I often laugh my butt off reading your posts, I admit that I rarely comment. But then again, I'm a lurker on BBC too.


Anonymous said...

Plam street--God I'm an asshole and yes I'm still freaking out about that.

clemsongirlandthecoach said...

Oh, I see how all these lurkers are. They jump in when my girl crush is offering something.

hmmm, looks like there may be some competition for your affection.

Cate said...

Here I am, and you can forget the cruise...just pay for my boob lift. ;)

Anonymous said...

I just have to tell you, Clemson... there's some stiff competition for Ashley's affection.. and come February, you're all assed out..

Details to follow.

I know I don't have to say anything nice about you right now.. (as if your head wasn't big enough) but you really, truly are one of the few people that make me LOL.. I don't use that term loosely.
Keep on keeping on, pretty lady.
We all love you!

You're like a local celebrity.. Only not locally. And you're not really a celebrity..

Elizabeth said...

I think you are a damn hoot and read at least a few times a week if not more.

Not sure if I commented before or not, but I'm here. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ashley,
Sorry I haven't commented. I am shy. I love your blog, ahem LOL, and when I read your archives (big kid speech therapy sessions esp.) I pissed my pants(pause to change undergarments)and then insisted on reading aloud said archives to husband requiring another costume change. Keep rocking the incontinence party.

Anonymous said...

You know I love you Ashley. :)


Jennifer said...

I comment a lot!

You can join us on our annual girl cruise in May if you like. We won't be as generous as you and offer to pay for it but we are fun to hang out with.

Anonymous said...

I read you every day, Ashley, I'm just too lazy to comment. But I heart you.

Dana said...

I'd like to reserve a room on the cruise ship, please . . .

Anonymous said...

Ummmm....I LOVE you too! BUT you got a check?? PLEASE share....

ChriSpenceRachel said...

does this get me on the list for the cruise???

Anonymous said...

Guilty...I lurk more than I post. I apologize!

Sarahviz said...

You comment slut you!

Anonymous said...

You know I love your stories! I can't wait for the Too Timid reviews! That's awesome! Congrats!

Maybe you can review kids shows next ;)

Anonymous said...

I love to read your blog, almost as much as I love weiner gobbling or hearing about that goat puppet. Also -- I am a huDge fan of any twanscwipts of Big Guy conversations.

You got me through a crappy time too, when a miscarriage made me feel pretty jealous and hostile to kids and mommies in general. So you mean more to me than just the LOL's. Keep on keeping on, and I'll keep up my silent girl crush.