Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jack Hole

Can I just confess here that I have ZERO DESIRE to go pick out a pumpkin, prepare an area for destruction, cut open said pumpkin, and scoop out ooky gooky pumpkin guts?? None at all.


Anonymous said...

Pumpkin carving SUCKS! I was just thinking last night what a rotten Mom I was because we didn't do pumpkins this year. Then...I got over it! The neighbors have tons. I'll just borrow one of theirs.

Anonymous said...

Carving pumpkins isn't an option for us. I bought 3 pumpkins of various sizes for my front porch, put them out Saturday for our party Saturday night and by Sunday they already had chunks missing. Last time I carved a pumpkin it looked SO cool and by the next day the face had been devoured. I am not going through all that work for some dang squirrels to gnaw the face off!! So, I vote you're not a bad mom!! :o)

Renee said...

I have carved one pumpkin in my adult life - we did them in my dorm one year in college. We don't carve pumpkins with the kids. It is not a family tradition I have decided to embrace. Every story I hear about carving pumpkins with young children involves the kids being interested for exactly 2 minutes, 2 seconds (Love Connection, anyone?) and then leaving the rest of the work (2 hours, 20 minutes +++) to poor Mom or Dad. No thanks. And I'm a fabulous parent, so you totally don't suck if you skip this one.

-The Renee (I just typed Thee Renee by accident and deleted the second E but then I realized that's kinda cool - can I be Thee Renee now?)

Sasha said...

Agreed. The Politician carved a pumpkin yesterday at school. He said the insides looked and smelled "yucky" but after the roasted the seeds, they were "yummy" after all.

Anonymous said...

I took one look at the pumpkin, and decided to paint them. The kids had a blast. I vote for painting them. (If you even feel the need to do anything. I would have skipped it, but ODS had a fit when everyone else had a pumpkin and he didn't.)

Dana said...

I've decided that until the kid asks about it, there will be no pumpkin carving in my domain.

Ms. Skywalker said...

You are absolved from your sins.

Go in peace.

Jennifer said...

I carved our pumpkin on Sunday and my kids were interested for about 90 seconds, then they were off to play while I slaved over the gourd. It turned out nicely and I actually like doing it. I had to buy 2 more today for them to paint because according to them painted ones are more fun. I really just did it to get the seeds for Fidel to roast.

Deb said...

That's an outside chore. Hubby does that. You need to reassign Mr. Ashley to the pumpkin-carving.

The Cowan's said...

Ditto. I make hubby do it.

k e r r y said...

That's why I let my husband do it!

Cinnamon said...

We haven't done anything so far and probably won't either.

Anonymous said...

We didn't even BUY pumpkins this year :-X thank god for school ;) they carved some there.