So I was sitting here thinking to myself, "Self, what do we want to do this weekend?" When it suddenly came to me!!
Let's go pick up 2 more three year olds for the day and let's do it at 7:30am so their caretakers can go fishing!! What's that you say? When is the last time anyone watched my kids (who aren't even twins) so that I could do something alone? Well, I don't know. That is an excellent question. But Ashley, you don't even really seem to like kids, you might point out. Yes, yes, I know. You will have 3 three year olds and a baby in the house. Yes, yes, I know. The day will be long and loud and they're going to want all kinds of shit. Yes, yes, I know. But Ashley, the Big Kid hates to share and is a tattle tale and a whiner. Yes,yes, I remember that now. But Ashley, you like to sleep until 10am. Yes, yes, I do. Holy shit, this was a terrible idea.
So today I have to clean the house, so their caretakers don't think that I sit around on the computer all day. You know the little bastards will just trash it again tomorrow. I also may need to run to the liquor store.
Monogram Momma had a fun recipe for making ice cream. I think structured activities are going to be key for this train wreck. Either that or I'll sit on the computer and let them duke it out. Survival of the Fittest, right? Might as well prepare them for real life.
Sounds like fun! I agree that structured activities are the way to go. How about a craft, a fun snack that takes a while to make, splash time in the kiddie pool, and Quiet Time from 1-3 (this is KEY - make sure the Big and Little Kids get the memo too!).
"Sounds like fun"?? Really?? Hmmm. You must be one of those freaks with 4 kids and a nanny.
I don't know which one.. but you have GOT to submit one of these to BBC..
You just have to.
I have a feeling I'm not what they're looking for, although I do think they are reading my blog and now want bloggers, meaning ME.
But I refuse to tone it down and I know from my prior experiences with them that they do not appreciate my potty mouth, my confrontational nature or my band camp stories.
I'm a take me or leave me kind of girl.
Good point..
Just keep on keepin' on right here, pretty lady!
So I'm sitting here for weeks now trying to figure out how we came to find eachother, you and I. And I think these comments told me. Did we find eachother on the Bargain Hunters board??? Clearly if you stirred up some trouble over there I missed it, but would love to know what fun I missed out on! Please enlighten me!
Ding, ding, ding!! First of all, I am blushing to know you've been thinking about me! Secondly, I found you on the Bargain Board. Saw your adorable siggie, clicked and the rest is history.
I do not cause trouble there, I cause trouble on my birth board or did, mostly when I was pregnant and hormonal. I've toned it down significantly since then because now that we're not all pregnant we get along better and because I was on a first name basis with several BC moderators and felt bad for making their jobs so difficult.
Anyone who ever got any shit from me deserved it though
I removed my last comment because of a formatting thing, just in case anyone is dying of curiosity and fears missed drama.
Okay well now you need to tell me your screen name at BBC so I can be on the lookout for you! There is another reader of mine who has been reading me for a long time and she spotted me on there one *FUN* and *EXCITING* friday night and she emailed me laughing her ass off that I was on that board!
I'd tell you...but then I'd have to kill you.
Let's just say you'll know me if you see me and if I see you I'll be the one jumping up and down and saying "Monogram Momma!! It's me Ashley!! It's me! It's ME ME ME" You can't miss me.
I had to come back and hunt for this response b/c I wanted to find you at the BBC. I comment ALL THE FREAKING TIME on that message board and you have yet to jump up and down to tell me!
Forget the nap, I'm going over there now so I can just comment on a bunch of random stuff.
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