I know! Fucking awesome, right?
It did get lost in the mail, true Ashley and Renee style, but whatever. I was so excited for her to get it that I finally slipped up and accidentally referred to it as a bracelet. Luckily I had a photo of it to show her. Then I may have referred to it as "my bracelet" a few times. Because I love it.
So we're pretty sure we now need a store, a product line and eventually a self help book.
(oh the irony)
Which would lead to book signings and product endorsements and eventually Playboy pictorials probably.
We'll get to work on that right away, as soon as we get to our respective office supply stores and buy the new notebooks and pens and dividers and such that would be needed to begin such an endeavor. First we'll have to chat and come up with a list of what supplies will be needed to make the lists and plans and such.
In the meantime, just because such a project could take a while, I'm going to think of a way to get you all the bracelets too. And me one too. Because we NEED them. Oh how we need them.
Back to the gift, the card said, "To the wisest 36 year old trike rider I have ever met. I am honored to be the Laverne to your Shirley. LYLAS & BFF, Ashley" and it was wrapped all cute.
Complete perfection there, even if it was late.
It did get lost in the mail, true Ashley and Renee style, but whatever. I was so excited for her to get it that I finally slipped up and accidentally referred to it as a bracelet. Luckily I had a photo of it to show her. Then I may have referred to it as "my bracelet" a few times. Because I love it.
So we're pretty sure we now need a store, a product line and eventually a self help book.
(oh the irony)
Which would lead to book signings and product endorsements and eventually Playboy pictorials probably.
We'll get to work on that right away, as soon as we get to our respective office supply stores and buy the new notebooks and pens and dividers and such that would be needed to begin such an endeavor. First we'll have to chat and come up with a list of what supplies will be needed to make the lists and plans and such.
In the meantime, just because such a project could take a while, I'm going to think of a way to get you all the bracelets too. And me one too. Because we NEED them. Oh how we need them.
Back to the gift, the card said, "To the wisest 36 year old trike rider I have ever met. I am honored to be the Laverne to your Shirley. LYLAS & BFF, Ashley" and it was wrapped all cute.
Complete perfection there, even if it was late.
What a great idea! I love giving a gift that is thoughtful and cool and anyone else couldn't just go out and buy also.
Good job.
Truly OOAK... for now
I love it!
I'm glad you are going to start giving us stuff. We're very faithful to you and love you and some of us want to marry you, but not me because that would be really weird and stalkerish.
Anywho...can we have an Ashley's Favorite Things Blog Give Away, where you can tell us about all the things you'd like to give us and we can all stare at our computer screens and scream with excitement??
That would be fun.
Looooove it! I love how its thin and I am IN love with the font!
OMG, Ashley! That's awesome! I know The Renee will love it. You can come be my Laverne anytime. Fo sho.
And, I would so show you my ti-tays, but I don't have any worth showing. :-(
I love the Ashley's Favorite Things Give Away idea!! And the present kicks ass! That is so perfect!! I love what you wrote on the card too!! So perfect!! I still can not get the image of you riding around on the front of her trike out of my head. LOL
I love, love, love the gift! Could you please tell me, where you ordered the gift and her mantra. I could really use it! I also love your blog, you are too funny! Keep it coming!! xooox, R.A.G.
Absolutely awesome!! I knew a book deal was in the making, but self help?? I LOVE IT!!!
Oh, so cute and thoughtful! You're a great friend.
I know we don't know each other at all but I'm pretty sure I need that EXACT bracelet, so, you should consider becoming my BFF. And then you could give it to me instead.
Oh wait...the Renee already has it, right? So maybe I need to become HER BFF. Does she have a blog you could hook me up with?
Could you please tell us what the mantra is? I can't read the entire thing. Thanks! Beautiful gift!
The mantra is "Progress, not perfection. Action, not avoidance. Faith, not fear."
Isn't that great?
Tomorrow I'm going to look into seeing if we can get them for you all too. Hopefully so.
That's awesome! You should totally sell those! I'll buy one...or a thousand.
How perfect Ms. Ashley and I am sure The Renee loves it and will cherish it forever.
Very Sweet and Thoughtful!
I love it and I love the font!!! I need one!
I really want one. That is truly awesome.
I thought I posted on this thread already but I don't see my post....hmmmm. Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my bracelet and believe that everyone should have one. Thank you so much! It's seriously one of the most thoughtful and meaningful presents anyone has ever gotten me. Seriously. :)
-The Renee
That rocks but The Renee should have the bestest birthday present (I don't care what she says, I'm still picturing her as tall, willowy, beautiful, glamorous Angelina Jolie like) We all need a The Renee in our lives (and an Ashely)
Please, please, please tell us where we can get the bracelets! I really want one too!
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