Friday, May 30, 2008

Guess who

just went into the bathroom and pooped in the bath tub?


Anonymous said...

OH, holy shit, Ashley! (I cannot refrain from the shit puns...) Baby Bootcamp NOW. ;-)

jenn said...

Wait...I know this one...

Mrs. Schmitty said...

Are you shitting me? Sorry I can't refrain either. You better watch out, I think next time it may be your bed!

Life, Love And Lola said...

Mr. Ashley? :)

M said...

Progress is what I call it. We have moved from carpet to hard floor. I can only hope that the bathtub is the next step. Keep up the good work ;)

J said...

Well at least he was in the bathroom. Maybe that's a step in the right direction!

Anonymous said...

That's just inches from the proper receptacle. I say that's good news.

Anonymous said...

atleast it was in something easily washable. he's headed in the right direction. lmao!

Multislacking Mama said...

Yay for pooping on a washable surface!

Renee said...

Yeah - he went into the bathroom! This is definitely progress. Go, lk!

-The Renee

Anonymous said...

My husband did that once as a kid, his reasoning was he wanted to use the "big one".

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

I can just imagine.....

Kara said...

Yep, saw that one coming.... It's all part of the process. Gotta love boys!

Melodie said...

At least it was in the bathroom. And in a place that is easy to clean it up.

Maddness of Me said...

Oh man that's gross.

Tiffany said...

He's not the only one - Wyatt peed in his blow up yellow ducky bathtub one day when it was sitting in my room! No pee around it just a nice puddle inside! At least he was close? lol

Anonymous said...

Was it you? I bet it was you!

Well, you told me to guess. Hey, better the tub than the rug!