I took this picture yesterday. This thing is STILL FLOATING!
I finally photographed it because I thought it was in the final death throes, because it had a serious tilt to it, but today it's looking just like it does in that photo.
How is this even possible? I bought it in a checkout line at a grocery store too, so it had probably been sitting there for at least a day or two.
Clearly, I have some sort of Spongebob induced miracle on my hands.
I say suck the helium out...since you don't have any coffee.
It was blown up by pastachic's upper middle class breath. :P
I bought 8 balloons at Dollar Tree 3 weeks ago & they are still floating high. Three of them haven't even lost any helium. I was commenting last night on how long they've lasted considering the last bunch I got from DT was out of air the following day.
I blame it on global warming.
Those things have an incredible lifespan. My husband bought our daughter one for Valentine's day, and around early May we got rid of it - it still wasn't totally dead. We got another one after we pitched the first one, and it's still floating around my living room this very moment, still touching the ceiling. It was from the dollar store, too.
I may be wrong, but I THINK if you put it out in the sun, it will get all full again? Or is that just a myth? LOL
The girls get balloons every time we shop at The Teets. I swear, they barely make it home before they are pathetically sinking lower and lower. Of course they aren't the fancy mylar...but it's still pretty impressive on how long yours has lasted.
We had one from Valentine's day that I finally stuck a knife in sometime in late March. I thought it was a little weird myself.
-The Other Ashley
No real comment on the balloon..just glad you made it through the weekend!
Sounds like a ebay listing in the making.
I had a balloon a huge one for valentine's day in 2007 that my boyfriend got me. It stayed in the air until I punched a hole in in december 2007 when I started packing to get married to him. It could last forever!
Just one more thing to add to the list of annoying things about SpongeBob---he never dies!
We have had magic ballons before too! LOL I think some mylar ballons just hold in the helium better or something. Put I have had several ballons that I had to "put to sleep" because they just wouldnt die!
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